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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    He was called Missile in the version I played...


      Doh, my descent into early senility continues unabaited.At least it was the same sort of thing


        I'd of not really minded if it was foxes, as they don't mean to be a pain. The guys that did this stood at my door shouting about god knows what for a good quarter of an hour after


          Oh well, they've got food poisoning/tube worms from eating out of date pork now.


            How comes women are allowed to do stuff on trains?

            This morning I was sitting opposite two women. One of them was rubbing her bare toenails with a tissue - I think they'd just been painted. The other one was doing her make up and powdering herself and it was floating around the place. These are quite minor but I've sat near women who take their shoes off on the train after a long day and stink out the carriage, and once a woman was doing her nails and I had to actually bugger off to the other end of the carriage because the fumes were making me pass out.

            Now, imagine the outrage if a bloke decided to gel his hair on the train or shave or something.

            Do that stuff at home, ffs.


              I never really understood women that do that. Apart from being incredibly rude (fumes from nail polish don't mix well with asthma) how they hell can you paint your nails properly/do your makeup properly whilst the train is moving? Sigh.


                Every time that happens (it happens a lot on the central line in the morning) I inwardly hope for a sudden bump or jolt. It's happened before and I've seen lipstick go all over the shop, had to try so hard not to burst out laughing.


                  If you were really mean, you'd inwardly hope for them to poke their eyes when doing their, umm, eyes.

                  Like me

                  I was going to do my bit for blokekind this morning as I had to polish my shoes but didn't have time. Planned to do it on the train but turned out my iPhone clock was forward about five mins(cos I plugged it into the PC at work yesterday) so I reached the station early. Just did it on the platform. And it was wimpy polish, just the bottle with the sponge, not the proper tin and cloth and stuff


                    The covers of sci-fi novels being soooo embarrassingly bad. Thank the heavens for ebooks!


                      My own digestive system seeming to want me dead.


                        When I go the extra mile with an ebay sale. Great packaging, sent out very fast with express delivery, free stuff chucked in as a thanks for quick payment....................only to not receive any feedback. This irks me greatly.


                          Free stuff? Only once have I received something free with a purchase, and boy was I happy (it was a crap gc game but still.)


                            I spent too long looking too close at the monitor doing that logo. Now I can't get my eyes to focus at a proper distance...

                            Main irk:

                            I'm one of those people who always goes to the reduced items fridge first at supermarkets. Yesterday I went there and there was a staff member putting them down from 1/3rd off to "the store is closing in 30 minutes" clearence prices. I will admit I do wait by the fridges when I spot a staff member doing it (and really hate myself for doing it) but there was a woman there who was simply taking the mick. She was basically getting in the staff members way and she'd pick up an item about to be reduced shove it infront of the staff remember and went "reduce this" then snatching it and putting it in her basket as soon as it was done, making sure she was the only person to get decent cheap stuff.

                            If I was the Tesco worker, I'd take the trolley of reduced stuff back to the wearhouse and reduce the stuff without some rude lady being selfish and making your life a pain.


                              Originally posted by koopatroopa90 View Post
                              Free stuff? Only once have I received something free with a purchase, and boy was I happy (it was a crap gc game but still.)
                              I bought this J-singer's(Salyu, aka Lily Chou Chou, from the film) second album from a HK eBay seller and they gave me her first album as a surprise free gift. Was bloody chuffed, but also slightly a bit miffed because I'd bought her first album from another eBay seller at the same time

                              Gave the extra copy as a bday pressie for my mate who introduced me to her in the first place(and who was previously more than a bit miffed when he sent me an eBay link to a sealed collector's edition of the film and then I clicked buy it now when he actually wanted it and was just showing me!).

                              @abigsmurf: Don't feel like that. See it more like bargain hunting, and experience the thrill of the hunt! Like a less-orange Dave Dickinson


                                irk of mine is how useless my dad is with computers.....not the fact he knows very little its more the fact he doesent even try to learn

                                i downloaded a audio converter for him....he trys it out....and he phones me up asking how do i add files ? ....and there is a massive ADD FILE link at the top

