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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by neil2k View Post
    Yeah **** you Ikobo

    Please articulate yourself in a manner we can all understand in future.
    Forum rules prohibit me from giving the direct cuss-downs i'd like to............


      You have to remember he's not from this country and may have different customs we all have to respect.
      His humour gland might not be as finely tuned as some peeps around these parts, I'm not naming any names....yet :woot:


        Where is my woot smilie?

        This irks me.



            LOL, poor guy just needs a few pointers from the resident comedians

            My irk today - ****ty scroll wheel on my phone stopped working. I need to take it in to the Orange shop for them to have a look at later, but about the only thing I can do is click on the photo album where the cursor stopped before the scroll wheel dies, and the first picture that pops up is off my ex in a compromising position!


              Small irk. Getting Virgin Media installed... but not until the 21st. No broadband except for work until then. Typical, day after GoW3. Also won't be able to play Dead Island online either and I was looking forward to that.


                Originally posted by parkinho View Post
                LOL, poor guy just needs a few pointers from the resident comedians

                My irk today - ****ty scroll wheel on my phone stopped working. I need to take it in to the Orange shop for them to have a look at later, but about the only thing I can do is click on the photo album where the cursor stopped before the scroll wheel dies, and the first picture that pops up is off my ex in a compromising position!


                  Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                  I keep reading posts on here again and again by someone who obviously thinks he's some kind of comedy genius. He isn't. It irks me.
                  Seriously? Is your life that wonderful that you have nothing else to complain about? I'm sorry for not being hilarious, I am however not sorry for the things I said in Matt's movie thread. You were talking crap about something you had no knowledge about for no other reason then to insult Matt (who you obviously don't like for whatever reason, a club you seem to have made me a member of), and I called you out on it.

                  And I'm sorry for being harsh right now, but I - unlike you - have more pressing issues than immature assholes being territorial on a message board.

                  So yeah, you just became one of my irks. Well done.


                    zomg nerd rage


                      Image searches have irk me today. There I am innocently searching for a picture of curry (don't ask!) and what do I get? A full on picture of a man spreading his bum cheeks so you can see his tattooed bumhole whilst taking a ****.


                      Safe image search was even on.

                      Last edited by Spatial; 03-09-2011, 15:11. Reason: me no make sense oeekjkjfewnwfekjndse


                        That'd make one hell of a profile pic ha ha


                          Originally posted by elaniel View Post
                          Small irk. Getting Virgin Media installed... but not until the 21st. No broadband except for work until then. Typical, day after GoW3. Also won't be able to play Dead Island online either and I was looking forward to that.
                          Two weeks? Ha!

                          When I moved house they couldn't install a phone line for two months.


                            Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                            Seriously? Is your life that wonderful that you have nothing else to complain about? I'm sorry for not being hilarious, I am however not sorry for the things I said in Matt's movie thread. You were talking crap about something you had no knowledge about for no other reason then to insult Matt (who you obviously don't like for whatever reason, a club you seem to have made me a member of), and I called you out on it.

                            And I'm sorry for being harsh right now, but I - unlike you - have more pressing issues than immature assholes being territorial on a message board.

                            So yeah, you just became one of my irks. Well done.
                            Bwahaha! I am so hurt. I hold your opinion in such high regard i'm not sure if I can recover from that.


                              Not constructive. In general, I imagine using an irk thread or any other to complain about other posters just won't end well. Again, I can highly recommend the ignore feature. If only we had one for real life, all our problems would be solved.

                              Of course, if you've already got me on ignore (and let's face it, who hasn't?), then you won't get this advice.


                                I have no reason to have you on ignore DT, or anyone else for that matter. Being 'called out' by someone who's made some of the most idiotic posts i've seen on this forum though, that's one laugh I certainly have had today. Especially when the comment I made in here last night had absolutely nothing to do with him. Blah, blah, blah.

