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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Cricket, tennis, football, all happening at the same time as the Mercury Music Prize.



      "Aww crap, I think Bale just hit a 'best newcomer' for six. That's his set then"


        Tennis got cancelled, so it's slightly easier!


          Originally posted by Boris View Post
          The one I've got literally kills my sense of taste for 6 hours or so, that must be a good thing?
          Mix with ginger ale and serve over ice.


            Managing to stay dry while making my deliveries only to get drowned within 2 minutes of cycling home!!


              You need some ANTIPERSPIRANT!




                  ITunes again.

                  Picked up a tv series on a 9.99 offer, 20 odd episodes, episode 13 was bugged and wouldn't download fully, kept restarting part way through so I contacted support, they decide the solution is to refund me the money and cancel all the remaining downloads, so I have a partial season, now though the offer is gone and the price of the season is gone back up, either way picking the remaining episodes will now cost more whether individually or just paying for the full season again, great support giving a refund then forcing me to finish the season when the prices jack back up.


                    That's the complete opposite of what happened to me. I bought an EP off iTunes on my phone and the main track cut for a split second near the start.

                    Reported it and got an email back saying refunds are not allowed under the T&C's when all I put in the message was that the sound skips. Replied back explaining that I didn't want a refund and just wanted to redownload and got a reply saying the EP had been 'reposted' to my account. When I went back to iTunes, the files were queued up ready to download.

                    Not sure whether it's worth a shot asking them but I imagine it's so automated that there'd be no way for them to take your 9.99 again and give you the files.

                    Speaking of Apple, I have an iPod irk. My iPod Classic keeps forgetting where it was in the artist/album/whatever list if I go somewhere else and return.

                    For example, if I'm browsing Athlete tracks or play something by them and then pause it and head to another list like albums or playlists or the options and then go back to the Artists list, instead of highlighting Athlete, it'll highlight something nearby, like Audioslave or Aphex Twin.

                    It's bizarre but also quite charming because there's no pattern at all, it's like it forgot the exact artist but has a vague idea


                      People who treat a handshake as an alternative to an arm wrestling contest. There really is no need to try to actually crush my bones!


                        The road.

                        It is so bump with ridges where my bike tyres are meant to go. It is in such a bad state of repair it makes me wonder where the council spunked the budget. Or the fact our workmen are useless gits.

                        Cycling on it with a child is so difficult.


                          Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                          The road.

                          It is so bump

                          Cycling on it with a child is so difficult.
                          It is so bump!

                          I suggest cycling on a bike instead...


                            Oh, that got a full-on lol, QC.

                            Although it must be said I share the irk, not about cycling on children but the roads around me is so bump that my poor little Vespa can barely take it. I'm surprised it still works. Potholes everywhere. Everyone keeps digging up the road and not putting it back together again so it's so ridiculously bump it's not funny.


                              Originally posted by FSW View Post
                              People who treat a handshake as an alternative to an arm wrestling contest. There really is no need to try to actually crush my bones!
                              See the "Thread of Small Discoveries"...he was just making sure you didn't have a gun


                                The only thing worse than a strong handshake is a weak, barely there handshake.

                                I make a point of always trying to match the strength of a shake but all too often when shaking hands with young women, they literally don't put any force into it, they barely even wrap their hand around. Always makes me feel uncomfortable because I instinctively loosen my grip when I notice only to realise that if I loosened it any more, we wouldn't be shaking hands but be doing some weird palm to palm thingy.

                                Bloody wimmen, making men do all the work when shaking hands!

