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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    This how men shake hands:


      Cyclists riding on the road whilst listening to their ipod. Little bit dangerous perhaps?
      Oh and no helmet either but maybe the sweet tunes will cushion his head when a tyre goes over it.


        I always wear a helemt when cycling, but there is growing evidence about exactly how safe they are. Studies show that drivers overtake closer to cyclists wearing helmets as they mistakenly believe they are more competent cyclists and less likely to swerve.


          Originally posted by Guts View Post
          This how men shake hands:

          Ahhhhh beat me to it! I literally had another tab open and had copied the url when i clicked on the next page of this thread to see it already posted lol


            Originally posted by Yoraths mullet View Post
            I always expose my helmet when cycling, but there is growing evidence about exactly how safe that is. Studies show that drivers overtake closer to cyclists exposing their helmets as they mistakenly believe they are more competent cyclists and less likely to swerve.
            I did not know this, will try tomorrow cheers


              Originally posted by Yoraths mullet View Post
              I always wear a helemt when cycling, but there is growing evidence about exactly how safe they are. Studies show that drivers overtake closer to cyclists wearing helmets as they mistakenly believe they are more competent cyclists and less likely to swerve.
              That's along the lines of drunk drivers using the excuse "I know I'm drunk so I drive safer" which can be reproduced in localised tests but simply don't hold up in the real world.

              Ironically, that excuse makes driving whilst high much worse. Drivers who are high are overly cautious, too slow and reluctant to make vital manoeuvres. The worst thing they can do is try to be more cautious.

              Back on topic I've seen lots of message boards where people list excuses why they shouldn't be made to where helmets. Ultimately they come down to basically "I just don't want to". One popular thing is to point to a study that showed an increase in neck injury when wearing helmets, ignoring that it has extreme flaws (forget them exactly but it was a case of not comparing like to like injuries and recording every type of neck injury whilst only severe head injuries).


                I'm watching 'The Biggest Selling Rock Hits of the 21st Century' on 4Music.

                The presenter announces that a band called Crazytown are the following: "They look scary & covered in tattoo's but you'd never think they'd sing a song about a Butterfly".

                No they dont look scary at all. They look like a bunch of metrosexual nancyboys with their pretty bleached & spiked up hair, tanned model like physiques which completely destroys the tattoo hard man look they are trying to put out!

                Oh, & this is not Rock music!!


                  Haha, I remember that song from backintday. Kind of depressing to think how popular that song was.


                    Originally posted by neil2k View Post
                    I did not know this, will try tomorrow cheers
                    Funniest edit of a quote ever. I am crying with laughter.


                      Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
                      Cyclists riding on the road whilst listening to their ipod. Little bit dangerous perhaps?
                      Not really, not different to listening to music in a car really.


                        Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                        Not really, not different to listening to music in a car really.
                        Very different. In a car you are protected by all that car stuff around you if you get in an accident whereas the cyclist has nothing so they need to be a lot more aware of what is going on around them - especially seeing how stupid some car drivers are.


                          The actual act is no different thoough. You still often have only awareness through sight rather than sound. For a cyclist, going on sound alone is madness, you need to look over your should at every oppotunity when passing parked cars etc.

                          The whole idea would be to avoid an accident, not worry about how you would be better off when being in one. Music or no music, you are never well off when in an accident on a bike.


                            Plus in a car with music on, you're still aware of what's going on behind you. Unless you've got mirrors on your bike, you won't be aware of anything aside from what's in front of you.

                            Saying that, when I cycle I have music on and don't have my helmet out. Rebel.


                              Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                              Plus in a car with music on, you're still aware of what's going on behind you. Unless you've got mirrors on your bike, you won't be aware of anything aside from what's in front of you.
                              Are you though? So many people when playing music, particularly when loud have have no idea what is going on behind them as they are too busy enjoying the music. Same with listening to talk radio.


                                Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                                The actual act is no different thoough. You still often have only awareness through sight rather than sound. For a cyclist, going on sound alone is madness, you need to look over your should at every oppotunity when passing parked cars etc.

                                The whole idea would be to avoid an accident, not worry about how you would be better off when being in one. Music or no music, you are never well off when in an accident on a bike.
                                I didn't say they should be going by sound alone
                                They are by far more at risk when on the road so they need ALL their senses for their own protection.

