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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Not having the cash to buy a 3DS or an iPad 2.


      erghh irk of mine my intolerance to any food even remotely spicey....hell even a pepparami pizza has me reaching for the milk/water


        Everything I seem to eat these days seems to repeat on me. leaving me a red raw gullet that burns everytime I drink a cup of moderatley warm tea.

        Also Ken Livingston. He is such a smarmy git. Biggin himself up at every opportunity. Tries to tear the hell out of the Tories involvement in Lybia, despite the fact that Labour did similar with Iraq, & with allowing a 'dying in 3 months' Lybian terrorist to be freed..............for oil.
        Last edited by EDDIE M0NS00N; 26-03-2011, 11:08.


          That the clocks go forward tonight and I have squash tomorrow morning at 8. Quiet night in with the games, methinks...


            Originally posted by EDDIE M0NS00N View Post
            Everything I seem to eat these days seems to repeat on me. leaving me a red raw gullet that burns everytime I drink a cup of moderatley warm tea.

            Also Ken Livingston. He is such a smarmy git. Biggin himself up at every opportunity. Tries to tear the hell out of the Tories involvement in Lybia, despite the fact that Labour did similar with Iraq, & with allowing a 'dying in 3 months' Lybian terrorist to be freed..............for oil.
            He was against Iraq. The Scottish administration let the terrorist free off their own backs, I think thats pretty much accepted unless I've missed something from the reporting of the whole episode.

            The current Labour party support the Libya action. Livingstone has always been an outspoken member of the Labour party, he was in fact thrown out of the party a while back before being reinstated.

            Dont confuse Livingstone with the Labour party and vice versa, they are both very different entities.

            My current irk is still the same as a while back, selling a house is a complete nightmare so everything associated with it is my current irk.
            Last edited by Adrock; 26-03-2011, 12:15.


              Been staring at a blank screen in Word 2007 all morning.

              No inspiration at all.


                Originally posted by Adrock View Post
                He was against Iraq. The Scottish administration let the terrorist free off their own backs, I think thats pretty much accepted unless I've missed something from the reporting of the whole episode.

                The current Labour party support the Libya action. Livingston has always been an outspoken member of the Labour party, he was in fact thrown out of the party a while back before being reinstated.

                Dont confuse Livingston with the Labour party and vice versa, they are both very different entities.
                And of course the Labour Government had no say in the matter . I'm sure something will surface on this further down the line when everyone involved has passed away.
                He was against the war in Iraq, yet decided to rejoin the party while the conflict was ongoing.
                Still doesnt change my view on the guy as being a smarmy git with a big head tho now does it.


                  I never denied he is a smarmy big headed git, I agree wholeheartedly. But you were factually wrong on a few points so I pointed it out.

                  As regards rejoining the party, its all about being in the tent. As a Labour mayor he'd have got more money and support compared with being an independent. So it makes perfect sense if you want to get the most for Londoners or your career, depending on how you believe he governs.


                    eBooks with international sales restrictions. There's an eBook I'd like to buy to read today but there are no UK sellers and when I tried to purchase from a US site I was refused the purchase for this reason. Annoyingly other eBooks in the series are available on for Kindle. Grrr.

                    Walk to the shops for the dead tree version it is then.

                    Also on the programme Dinner Date (I know, I know) why do lots of the people who lose eat their microwave meal out of the black container but often on top of a plate? Pure craziness! Put it on your plate ffs.
                    Last edited by NW2013; 27-03-2011, 14:21.



                        Everyday Life.

                        In the last three and a half months I've had:
                        2 much-loved pets die
                        My aunt die in an undiginifed manner after a long, pretty horrific illness.

                        I appreciate it's small fry to other parts of the world/ people's lives, etc, but it's all I know - my only point of reference - so I make no excuses for being so irked. Seeing your grandparents sobbing at the side of their daughter's grave is something truly awful to witness.

                        2011 = ****E
                        Last edited by prinnysquad; 27-03-2011, 22:42.


                          I've lost my Gran, Mum, one of our cats, but spread out over 14 years. Can't imagine having to go through **** like that in such a short space of time. Condolences mate.


                            Thanking you.

                            It's taking it's toll a bit now. Starting to look perma-whipped and not eating much Can't concentrate on anything bar simple tasks. I must be great company.


                              I'm not sure if there's been a recent change to the way payments have been handled by Barclays or whatever but they now will not show money taken out of your account over the weekend until the next working day. Twice I've hit my overdraft limit because I didn't know how much money I really had during a weekend now.

                              There's no excuse for this from the banks, they know exactly how much money has been paid out of an account instantly (even if it hasn't cleared) and they should show this at all times, computers do not get the weekends off.


                                The Post Office. "Hi I'd like a single first class stamp please" cue me putting exactly 41 pence on the counter. "Would you like to open a savings account today with us?", ummm no just a stamp please. "Do you need any mobile phone top-ups today?" Seriously I'd just like a stamp thanks. "Are you going on holiday anytime soon?" Just give me a ****ing stamp please!

