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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by Breadboy View Post
    To be honest, I have always been too scared to smoke even one cigarette. The whole thing has always just repulsed me.
    I've never ever wanted to even put 1 of those things in my mouth ever. Never understood how dragging a load of smoke into your lungs is a GOOD thing. Always seemed a bit dirty to me cos everyone I see who smokes either has mankey fingers, mankey teeth or mankey breath.

    ....and it f*ckin stinks!!


      Anyone seen those electronic cigarettes with glowing end and little water vapour fumes?
      Safe to use inside the pub


        I've tried on of those, LOADED with nicotine and best when imported from China according to one of my friends.
        And yeah, doesn't leave your hair stinking. Still, no ta.


          Originally posted by charlesr View Post
          Anyone seen those electronic cigarettes with glowing end and little water vapour fumes?
          Safe to use inside the pub
          They are utterly minging and felt worse for you than smoking even, bloody awful



            Unbearable stress at work, felt like I was having a panic/heart attack driving home

            Angry, wired and pissed off.


              People on the Guild Wars 2 Facebook page... never has the stink of entitlement been so strong. So much whining because people aren't in the closed beta, with some of them threatening to not buy the game because Arenanet haven't "rewarded" their years of play with a key. Some of the comments on there are absolutely pathetic.


                I do think random lottery beta access for stuff like this is a tad unfair. They should work out a fair algorithm for dishing them out.


                  I believe ArenaNet is doing it based on hardware specs, actually.


                    This new spell of genius from the coalition.

                    The government proposes a minimum price of about 40p per unit of alcohol in England and Wales - but is warned it could face a legal challenge.

                    So Mr. Cameron. Is this going to make people drink less? Or is it simply going to force people to pay more simply for doing nothing more harmful than having a few beers? Alcohol prices are already higher in the UK than in mainland Europe - clearly price isn't the cause of binge drinking (which seems to be the government's catch-all phantom cause for all of society's ills).


                      the amount of adverts on streaming sites now.....thing is with people who have perhaps a small download cap it probably is costing them money


                        My phat PS2 died today. Sad times. Disc drive was dodgy on PS1 games as it was then it stopped playing PS2 discs.
                        Farewell my friend.
                        There was a quiet ceremony in the loft as I boxed it up when I couldn't bare to throw it in the bin.
                        I also knocked over an air freshener when I was up there. Stinky greasy mess.


                          It will happen to all Ps2s one day, first the Blue Discs and PS1 games won't play, then boom.


                            The whole concept of buying concert tickets is now a joke. Eddie Vedder tickets on sale at 9.00am, all gone by 9.02am and eBay and Get Me In are selling them for stupid money. It's just so wrong.


                              Ah ****e, I forgot they went on sale today.


                                The government:

                                People drive too much , causing pollution. Solution, charge them more.
                                People drink too much. Solution, charge them more.
                                NHS costs too much to run because of all the sick people. Solution. Charge people more for being I'll.
                                There are too many people wanting an education. Solution, ahh you get the idea.

                                Evening everyone!

