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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
    Smokers on the street drive me mental.
    Theres a guy & his missus who lives about 5 doors away from me, & they seem to think its cool not only to smoke on their front doorstep (which I have to walk past) but to also smoke dope out there too, all whilst they hack & flob into their own front garden.

    They're so rebellious arent they oooooohhh . I'd have loved it if a copper had walked past, taken a sniff & searched them right there n then

    Due to the clear skies I was checking out the stars the other night from the attic. I opened the skylight & got a cracking view of them inc Venus & Jupiter, only for it to be spoiled by someone smoking a fag. I WAS 3 STOREYS UP & COULD STILL SMELL IT!!


      I stopped smoking in June last year but I was always careful about not annoying people. I told my mum I'd been smoking since around 2005 and she had no idea.


        Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
        I stopped smoking in June last year but I was always careful about not annoying people. I told my mum I'd been smoking since around 2005 and she had no idea.
        I stopped 16 days ago and it's the best thing I ever did


          I've had about three since then and didn't really enjoy them. I'm planning on going Spain again this Summer and I smoked a fair bit last time(I actually quit the day I came back here). Remains to be seen how I'll fare but I'll just say no


            I'm on about 4 rollies a day at the moment, can't say I even really enjoy them anymore. Quit for a year but back on them.

            Holidays ate the worst! Was in Greece lat year drinking and smoking cheaply, just went hand in hand! Started more when I came back


              Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
              Smokers on the street drive me mental.
              This. The weather here has warmed up enough that people's hands don't freeze so they'll be at it again soon. ****s.
              I walk out of yoga sweaty but satisfied (o.O) only to have a cloud of toxic chemicals walking in front if me for the whole 300m home.


                I can't be the only person who fantasises about having the ability to pause time, just to turn cigarettes around in people's hands and wait...


                  I always imagine having a tiny fire extinguisher to put them out instead.


                    Originally posted by evilthecatuk View Post
                    I stopped 16 days ago and it's the best thing I ever did
                    Well done that man. More money for fine ales.


                      I smoke about 5 - 10 a day depending on what I'm doing. And I love it. Having said that I do try to be considerate towards other people about when and where I do it. Never around kids etc.

                      When I was travelling in southeast Asia it got a bit much though, I was hovering between 40 and 60 a day.


                        Same here, I really do enjoy smoking and it seems when I buy 20s I tend to get through them very fast, which I really didn't like to do as my lungs started to feel the effects. Now I try and smoke about 4/5 a day, but yeah really gotta stop as I know how bad it is for me! Randicoot when I was in Calcutta last summer I must have easily been smoking about 20 odd a day... it's just that it's so cheap to smoke over in India and practically EVERYONE smokes there!


                          I thought I loved it too and was very apprehensive to stop now I am not gonna be one of these ex smoker blah blah evil no grr people if you want to smoke, smoke I don't care but I must say that you don't love it, you need it, it's a big difference. I am just finishing up day 16 and it does get easier but cold turkey is the way to go. Having said if you are still loving smoking it's not your time to stop yet (it may not ever be) but once the day comes (mine was after 15-16 years on off) nothing will change your mind it's a weird but great feeling and I'm not upset at having (16x?8 = ?128) to spend on games and beer. And cheers prinny



                            I was on the piano practising a piece. After that I started doing my own thing, it sounded quite cool, and thought I had the beginnings of my first actual composition. Turns out it's just another piece I like but a bit different. I'm a bit peeved. I might still work on it but that initial motivation flew right out the window


                              To be honest, I have always been too scared to smoke even one cigarette. The whole thing has always just repulsed me.


                                I really miss getting home from work for around 5pm, logging into whichever MMO I'm on with, cranking some tunes up, and sparking a big phlat spliff. Those were the days.

