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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    I will have had to buy 3 toothbrushes in the last month as I keep getting tonsilitis

    And Colgate Pish... Oral B ftw plus you get a little tube of Posh pro expert paste for like ?2


      Oral B are part of P&G ! Boo hiss!


        Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
        Oral B are part of P&G ! Boo hiss!
        Why what who, are they evil or something?


          P ando G!


            HMV and their new attitude towards trade in now game has had that blip, they were ok before now they just take the piss. I just checked for 31 PS3 games, 1 360 game and 3 Vita games. What would I get at HMV ?208 trade in or ?108 Cash... Er seriously would you like to come back for the hot spoon you have just jammed in my eye. Guess that's me now only going online seeing as how I am 20+ miles from a game, HMV taking the piss and Grainger is just too.. Orange, bollocks


              Yeah HMV have annoyed me too with their trade in prices, used to be awesome. BUT I noticed today that the price match is back, no idea if there is any distance t&c but you should be able to get them to match CeX and the like now if thats any help.

              Does your re: play app also crash when you click on the "offers" tab?


                The scanner doesn't even work on my 4s as my phone is "not new enough" grr! I traded some stuff in at tesco of all places the other day as I wanted Tiger Woods 13 but didn't want to shell out ?40, got ?37 trade for Battlefield 3, LBP2, Tiger 12, Hannah Montana (couldn't bring myself to go for the easy plat) and Killzone 2. Was impressed

                To be honest HMV / CEX makes no real difference to me both about the same price and the drawers at my local HMV even new may as well come from CEX for the condition

                My phone app does not crash though all that extra power of the 4s and it's 1 mile radius for the trade on deal
                Last edited by ETC; 11-04-2012, 00:54.


                  Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                  A Celtic Supporter?
                  Game, set and match to you sir.


                    Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                    P ando G!
                    Mitsubishi moootaaazu


                      So last month I posted about Vodafone charging me ?675 for cancelling my contract within a week and how I got on the blower with CPW.

                      CPW decided to refund me themselves(on the grounds that their sales rep shouldn't have told me to go ahead with the number port after he'd sent the disconnect request to Vodafone) and are sending a cheque for that same amount and I should get it soon, so YAY CPW.

                      But it turns out the ?675 was actually ?700 minus ?25 credit for the unused part of the first month's ?36 rental which they took right at the start, so I'll still be ?25 down.

                      I asked CPW about this and was told Vodafone should have credited me already(they have, of course, but they credited against the ?700 charge which, understandably, is the same thing in Voda's eyes) and that it's a Vodafone issue but I cba persuing it.

                      Let this be a lesson to the rest of you - don't go porting numbers about while arranging a disconnect, because bad things happen but, in true passing-the-buck fashion, if bloody O2 had ported it the next day like they promised instead of the day after that(when the disconnect went through), this would likely have been plain sailing.

                      Truth is we'll never know...


                        How do Man U get beat by Wigan? Normally I would love this sort of thing, but seeing as they ruined my bet I am irked.


                          "Hah! Wigan, we don't even need to try."



                            Answer: dodgy decisions against Man U instead of Wigan! I'll freely admit that it should have been a draw, but after what happened to Wigan against Chelsea, it was very odd karmic balancing...
                            Lie with passion and be forever damned...


                              Ffs! I'm gonna have to find a new team now. Wigan's always been my joke team to get out of football conversations(easier than saying I don't really watch footy but like playing it. Supporting a team like Wigan keeps me out of arguments cos people just assume I'm a serious fan and not a glory hunting Arsenal/Liv/Man U/etc supporter) but recently they're getting too famous so people have things to say about them.




                                Specifically, the way they make you pack your stuff. I get the theory. You put the stuff on the conveyor belt, they scan it through at a ridiculous speed, you put it back in the trolley to pack away on a shelf after you've paid. Speedy, eh? Smaller queues, quicker, blah blah. They have signs up boasting about it.

                                Bollocks. It might get people through quicker, if they bothered to put more than one person on a till. But they don't, so I'm waiting ages anyway. Then you're still spending time packing at that stupid shelf - longer, in fact, thanks to slinging all the stuff back in the trolley. It's a crock. So it's quicker for who, exactly? The staff - that's who.

                                I've never once went to Aldi and came away thinking, 'wow, that was quicker than Asda, where I have to pack my bag at the till of all places!' Conversely, I always leave Aldi thinking, 'wow, they had one person on the tills, so it was really slow, then I had to unpack my shopping twice, which added to the slowness, and the whole thing made me feel like they couldn't wait to kick me out.' And that's the top and bottom of it. You're treated like an inconvenience, through some bizarre mode of buying their stuff. Nobbers.

