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The Election

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    Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
    For all the critisism that we can throw at the TV debates, it's certain succeeded in getting people more interested, and making people realise that it only stays a 2 party race if people let it. Most importantly, students like me are really into it this time, everyone I know has voted today. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if students make up a substantial amount of the Lib Dem voters. I've traditionally always gone for the cynical vote and voted Labour to keep the Tories out, it does feel quite nice to actually be making the positive vote for once.

    And as you can imagine, Sheffield is a Lib Dem stronghold, being Nick Clegg's constituency.
    I don't know what I actually want to say, but when reading the above post the highlighted text jumped out at me for some reason.
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      The strength of the Lib Dems certainly has made this election much more interesting. To nick a phrase from South Park, it no longer feels like we're forced to choose between a douchebag and a turd sandwich.

      It could also introduce an unknown factor into the results: Young people vote in low numbers and tend to vote Lib Dem (or vote tactically). If there's a genuine belief the Lib Dems could gain power, it could inspire a huge turnout (and completely mess up the polls)


        Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
        Most importantly, students like me are really into it this time...
        Half the students I spoke to (in Kingston) weren't even registered, let alone interested.

        Voting is about to end! Votes cast after 10pm will not be counted but may still be charged


          Exit polls suggest the Lib Dems have done as bad as ever, which seems odd.


            Predicting a hung parliament though, that will still give the Lib Dems plenty of power.

            What I really don't want, is for the Conservatives to get close to a majority but not quite so they could form a joint government with the SNP.


              I can't get my head around tactical voting, not voting for the party you want to win, but voting for someone else to keep another party out, defeats the whole object.

              Does that mean Lib Dems councillors/MPs will be massacred because their supporters will be voting Labour to keep the Torys from winnng? sounds like cutting of your nose to spite your face or something like that.....

              Night All!


                Tactical voting makes perfect sense to me. If you are a labour supporter in a marginal Tory? Lib Dem seat then you would rather see a Lib Dem MP as LiB Dems share more policies with Labour and fewer Tory seats would mean the chance of a Tory government is reduced.


                  i cannot get my head around it at all just seems to me should be the people with the most votes wins

                  saw something yesterday about how even if the liberal democrats get loads of votes...they somehow get less seats then the other two


                    It's something the Lib Dems have promised to change in the event they ever get into power.


                      Lot of people ran out of time to vote apparently!


                        Well, they did only have 15 hours!


                          I go to bed tonight praying that the Lib Dems and Labour can form a coalition. Not that Labour have done a great job over 13 years in government (far from it), but god save us if the Conservatives get into power.

                          I can't stand Cameron and his 'metropolitan man' Tony Blair-esque charisma and charm. Giving more power to the people. Pfff. Lame excuse airy-fairy idea which in my opinion is more of a cop-out of any good ideas of what a serving government should do. Too much of a risk in our economic situation.

                          Pray, pray hard.


                            Damn, I'm scared that every result is bad. I also agree that Cameron is a smug twat but I'd take him as a leader over Brown any day. I couldn't bring myself to vote for him though as I hate their whole party!

                            Exit polls suggest Tories haven't got a majority. First actual result is in and somehow Labour got twice as many votes as anyone else, WTF!?!


                              Safe Labour seat. There was still a swing to the Tories though, just not nearly enough


                                Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                                It's something the Lib Dems have promised to change in the event they ever get into power.
                                Electoral reform is required but until the party system disappears it won't count for too much.

