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Mecha Mad and Figure Fixation

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    Composite Ver KA Cybuster - My first Robot from any series that has no diecast whatsoever and i'm in two minds. It has a great range of movement and plenty of accessories ( including the smallest stand ever ) but because of Cybusters design he's super back heavy and pretty much will not stand up straight on his own. If this was in the SRC line and they had packed some diecast into his feet and legs we would have had a fantastic figure. Also they are about the same price as the SRC line and the quality is nowhere as high. It is a great figure and the best representation of Cybuster out there but i can't see myself paying out full price for any more, i'll definitely be picking up Exbein but only when he's at at least half price.

    Saying all that he does look fantastic once you get him in a good pose, getting the good pose is another story.


      Neo, that Godannar sword is quite frankly ridiculous!

      I do like your cybuster tho'.


        Originally posted by Super Grover View Post
        Neo, that Godannar sword is quite frankly ridiculous!

        I do like your cybuster tho'.
        You think the size of the sword is ridiculous? Thats nothing compared to the size of the boobs in the show.


          Sweet mecha.

          They look awesome & I concur with Grover that sword is just plain silly...if the boobs are half as good I NEED to see that anime

          Got to admit Godannar is the better of the 2 IMO but Cy looks plenty the first pose that is perfect.



            Originally posted by Soundwave View Post
            Sweet mecha.

            They look awesome & I concur with Grover that sword is just plain silly...if the boobs are half as good I NEED to see that anime

            Got to admit Godannar is the better of the 2 IMO but Cy looks plenty the first pose that is perfect.

            Yeah but its $300 vs $40 lol

            If Cybuster was made with the quality of Godannar he'd be the best figure ever, i'm a huge fan of Cybusters design in general, nothing else looks like it, like all SRW designs.

            Thanks for the comments guys!

            Oh yeah heres a pic of all my SRW stuff so far


              Pretty much every statue that gets announced now seems to be for January 2012 onwards. The newest Marvel Bishoujo reveal is for X-23

              The trend continues where I love the DC statues and the upcoming Tekken ones but Marvels continue to disappoint me


                X-23 is kinda bishoujo the way most people draw her already anyway... And why does no-one ever seem to remember she has claws on her feet as well... at least they did in the game.


                  Originally posted by NeoDragoN View Post

                  Very nice!


                    The 1st Tekken Bishoujo blows all the Marvel ones out of the water, the sexiness seems to have been toned down in the marvel ones.


                      Right, stupid question alert!

                      Are all Bishoujo (style?) statues female orientated?

                      I do like that Christie statue (retailing circa ?60 I'm finding), but I'm wondering if the line will include male fighers too?


                        Google tells me the word means beautiful young girl so I'd guess not unless they mimic that Demitri bloodsucking move where he turns any character to a female, which would be kind of cool but wrong in a way.


                          Ay, Bishoujo is a style of drawing ladies. What you're after would be Bishounen. And I don't think anyone does a line of statues like that.

                          It's kind of the inverse of action figures really, where hardly any of the *female* characters ever seem to get one.


                            Cheers guys.

                            As much as I would like to collect a particular series (in this case Tekken), I can't see the wife letting me put them on display anywhere - booooo!


                              Originally posted by Super Grover View Post
                              Cheers guys.

                              As much as I would like to collect a particular series (in this case Tekken), I can't see the wife letting me put them on display anywhere - booooo!
                              I'd be in the same boat...noway any statue with a bum that fine would be allowed anywhere near my displays

                              Sometimes being married sucks!! lol



                                R-GRAY1 plastic kit from Kotobukiya...quite tempted, but I'd like to see the sprues first.

