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Steve Jobs Leaves Us

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    Sad news. Its obvious now that he realised the writing was on the wall so was the reason he stepped down, which must have been bloody hard waiting for.

    Never owned an Apple product, mainly because they were just too expensive, but had a bash on a few over the yrs & thought they were innovative & very well styled.


      Looking forward to Sunday when he will 'rise' again


        I've been a Mac user for many many years, so I feel a bit affected by this. All seemed pretty inevitable given his recent resignation, though.


          Will they update his coffin every three months? Different colours, smaller version or improved controls?

          (Sequence shortened)


            If I had a fortune of billions at the very least I'd freeze myself, surely some kind of robot must of been possible?


              I've never really been a fan of Apple stuff (I've just never quite got on with their products), but I appreciate what Jobs has done for the computing industry and this is sad news. I remember seeing pics of him post-resignation and he looked so ill.

              The man was definitely an innovator: Mac OS (the first incarnation of which "influenced" Windows), NeXT workstations and of course all the popular iStuff.

              Ironically, in the light of what I said above, I'll going to get an iPad2 soon with the intent of using at purely as a musical instrument. It will be the first and probably the only Apple product I'll ever buy. It'll also be interesting to see where the company goes from here.

              Originally posted by crazytaxinext
              A guy on Radio 2 just compared Jobs to Jesus *rolls eyes*
              That's somewhat ironic considering Jobs was a Buddhist...


                The amount of news time his death generated is insane. All he did was encourage materialism and helped make people really want **** they really don't need (which is pretty clever I guess but nothing to praise or encourage). Good riddance to bad rubbish I say. I'm all for mourning great artists, scientists, philosophers, religious teachers, and anyone who did something meaningful and worhwhile in this world, but some guy who headed a company who make computers and gadgets? Please. The world is a worse place because of him, even if Apple customers are blind to it.


                  Whilst it's insane to call him a genius (as some have done) there's no denying he had a huge impact. Whether that impact was wholly good, wholly bad or somewhere in the middle depends on who you ask.
                  I prefer OSX to Windows and Unix, iPhone to every other phone and iPods to every other MP3 player. Those are all pretty shallow items I suppose but Apple made them all. The made all the best technology bits that I use every day. If they hadn't then I'd probably be using gadgets that weren't as good. Each to their own. For example IMO religious teachers are utterly worthless and make the world a worse place.


                    I don't think religious teachers make the world a bad place, it's the pupils you misinterpret those teachings and act on those misinterpretations who do that. Buddha, Jesus, Muhammed, Lao Tzu, they taught kindness and tolerance and compassion and showed that the path to happiness is within each and every one of us, that happiness is obtained by changing the mind, not the world, not by increasing your posessions.

                    But, yeah, to each their own. I don't like gadgets like phones and mp3 players myself but it doesn't annoy me that so many people like those things, I'm just sick of seeing him on the news and the reaction his death has provoked. I turn on the news and there he is. Again. That annoys me.


                      It may well annoy you but that, in itself, is a sign of what he achieved. No, being all over the press is not a reason to celebrate (or else Jordan would be a living god) but it's the why and the how that makes it important. The impact of the products isn't even everything - it's in the risks, how he did things, even when being seemingly an asshole ("Don't hold it that way"). The lessons that come from what he did since just the mid-nineties are ones that will be repeated to people in business for years to come. Whereas most other companies, well, they're just companies. Case studies perhaps, but not business philosophy, which is what you can take from Apple under Jobs.

                      Your objections remind me of this -


                        Haha. Funny link. Maybe my 'good riddance' sentiment was a bit hard, I'm not really glad he's dead. I didn't care/know about him enough to dislike him. So I apologise for my silly comment. Just annoyed of wanting to see real news and seeing Steve Jobs instead.


                          Well, I'm kind, compassionate and tolerant and didn't need any kind of religious leader to tell me that I should be that way. Just treat people how you'd like to be treated. However, I don't have the time or skills to make my own iphone or Mac.


                            Fair point.

                            Personally I'm fascinated by the ideas and thoughts of wiser men than myself, and that includes religious teachers, and those with greater insights and understanding, and believe there is always room for improvement through simple philosophy, be it religious or rational. We can either live like animals reacting to our every emotion, be it lust or greed or loneliness or anger, or we can try to understand those emotions, especially what causes them, and so not be a prisoner to them. Ultimately it's about freedom. And anyone, including religious teachers, who can get us a bit closer to freedom is worth listening to. But that's just me. I'm very slow when it comes to catching on to some things, and am only just starting to realise that a hell of a lot more people care about being entertained and convenience and making money and reputation that they do about truth and understanding.


                              I think saying that all religious leaders just tell people to be tolerant and compassionate is a tad condescending, Full Spec.

                              Charlie, you say some crazy things most of the time, but I agree with some of the things you are saying, although "Good riddance to bad rubbish" was wrong. It's sad to see somebody suffer and pass away at an early age.

                              I like the inventor side of Steve jobs, but dislike the marketing side of Apple. I thought the Simpsons episode parodying Apple had it spot on.

                              I feel the constant updating of their devices and making people feel like they need them is a stroke of marketing genius, but also has contributed to the constant entitlement anxiety that make society think they're missing out and can't just appreciate what they already have.

                              In summary: Steve Jobs made the UK riot.

                              Not really, but I do think it's part of the bigger picture...


                                Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                                I think saying that all religious leaders just tell people to be tolerant and compassionate is a tad condescending, Full Spec.
                                I agree. That's why I would never say such a thing.

