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Steve Jobs Leaves Us

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    Didn't mean to take you out of context, but your post read to me like Steve Jobs was a worthy person because he was an inventor, religious leaders are not worthy because you don't need them to tell you to be compassionate and tolerant.

    Some people need religious leaders more than they need an iPad. Swings and roundabouts.


      Originally posted by Charlie View Post
      The amount of news time his death generated is insane. All he did was encourage materialism and helped make people really want **** they really don't need (which is pretty clever I guess but nothing to praise or encourage). Good riddance to bad rubbish I say. I'm all for mourning great artists, scientists, philosophers, religious teachers, and anyone who did something meaningful and worhwhile in this world, but some guy who headed a company who make computers and gadgets? Please. The world is a worse place because of him, even if Apple customers are blind to it.
      Interesting. One of your previous posts about someone who in your eyes mattered more, but your wisdom below should still apply above regardless, no?

      Originally posted by Charlie View Post
      Exactly. It's rather unpleasant to see the level of judgmentalism her death has provoked. I can't remeber who said "Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes" but it's wisdom some would do well to heed. Everyone in life is fighting a hard battle, nobody is perfect, why bother criticising others when that energy is better spent improving ourselves? Might sound like hippy bull**** but surely it's a logical investment? .
      So your hippy bull**** isn't fully functioning today?


        My hippy bull**** not functioning? Hehe. I guess not. But when I turn on the news and expect to see news that actually matters, news that has real consequences for millions of people, I don't expect to see people going on and on (and they are going on and on) about Apple and Steve Jobs. But fair enough, if people really loved/appreciated/respected Steve Jobs and Apple and genuinely feel Apple products have improved their lives then they're insane!, nah just kidding , then so be it. Like I said in my previous post, I'm beginning to realise just what value people place on being entertained (which is what gadgets do), but it isn't a value I share.

        Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
        Charlie, you say some crazy things most of the time, but I agree with some of the things you are saying, although "Good riddance to bad rubbish" was wrong. It's sad to see somebody suffer and pass away at an early age.
        Fair enough. But to be fair I already withdrew my silly "good riddance" comment. I was a prick for saying that and quickly realised and admitted it.


          You couldn't make this up:

          MORE DETAILS CLICK HERE: Westboro Baptist will picket Steve Jobs Funeral


            What did he do to make people wanna picket his funeral?


              He did nothing, they're just nut jobs. I remember the Louis Theroux documentary where he visited them, scary people, makes you feel sorry for the kids brought up in that environment.


                I watched that one too. Those people were weird.


                  Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                  What did he do to make people wanna picket his funeral?
                  He didn't do anything, Charlie. These people are maniacs.

                  Speaking as a Christian, these people grieve me. Their actions are deplorable and in no way do they represent Christ. Jesus said that you'll know them (believers) by their fruits. That they have a congregation of less than 100 and have only gained recognition thanks to the Internet, tells you everything you need to know about them.


                    Not really happy with the level of ignorance coming through in this thread, Hes not just iphones people dont seem to realise this and are unable to look past the curent, he was one of the first people to build and sell home computers and make a success out of it, computers used to be something you sent off for in kit form and built yourself.

                    In 1986 he purchased the computer Graphics division of lucasarts which today is known as pixar, he was also the largest shareholder at disney, he is credited as a executive producer in toy story and shaped a lot of how pixars comunity works.


                      Originally posted by Howiee View Post
                      He didn't do anything, Charlie. These people are maniacs.

                      Speaking as a Christian, these people grieve me. Their actions are deplorable and in no way do they represent Christ. Jesus said that you'll know them (believers) by their fruits. That they have a congregation of less than 100 and have only gained recognition thanks to the Internet, tells you everything you need to know about them.
                      Yeah, maniacs pretty much sums them up. They're a shame on humanity, not just Christians. But as you say, they don't represent Christ's message, they represent their own twisted and intolerant interpretation.


                        Surely any religious people are only following some interpretation of their religion? It's not like Jesus is here to ask? Another example of why the world would be better off without any religion.


                          Maybe it would. Maybe it wouldn't. But religion ain't going anywhere anytime soon.

                          But I shudder at the thought of a world without religion and I ain't even religious. Take away hope from people and it's amazing how horrible they can become.


                            Those without religion have no hope!?


                              Those without religion have football.


                                No, no, not saying that at all. I'm saying religion provides a lot of people with hope, and for some people that hope is all they have, take that away and what have they got? Nothing.

                                But the belief the world would be better without religion is a very naive one in my opinion, religion is responsible for both good and bad. The world isn't black and white.

