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    Good luck tomorrow Terry!

    Did an unsupported 50 mile trail run yesterday, along the South Downs Way. With 2km of vertical. Pretty harsh, but the views were amazing. Could see as far at the isle of wight and the North Downs.


      Cheers dude, watch this space!


        Well, some days it all comes together. And sadly this was not one of those days. Quite the opposite. What makes it almost embarassing is the fact everyone else I knew who did the race had a great day and did well - some new PBs from work colleagues and friends alike.

        I've yet to analyse the race and work out how it went so wrong, but I'll go over splits etc in the coming days when I can face it. I think the problem was too much time off just prior to the taper due to illness. At the start of the race I was completely stuck behind slow folks for 2km, and when things started to free up I might have over-compensated with too many bursts of acceleration. I overtook 170 prople in the first 3 miles, according to the official site's 3 mile splits. Last time I raced a HM I had some in the tank to pick things up at the 10mile mark. Today, I completely faded. Felt reasonable to that point, not great but reasonable, but I was all too aware of how high my HR was even by the half way point (over 95% of max). It felt harder than it should have, and by mile 11 I began crashing. I had taken on a gel and water at one station, which felt enough, but try as I might I was not going to recover it.

        I finished at my easy pace, over 1:00/km slower than my target pace, having almost stopped a few times, and feeling very dizzy and rough at the finish. A volunteer asked if I needed to go to the medic tent, but I didn't. Just felt odd for a minute or so. I couldn't sleep due to pre race nerves last night, but I was already sleep deprived from a couple of nights before that. Could have been a factor.

        I'll stop moping in a few days, but the annoying part is having to explain this half a dozen times at work tomorrow.

        I was 5 minutes away from my previous best.
        Last edited by Terry Tibbs; 08-03-2015, 15:55.


          Bad luck, Terry.

          I've had a few stinkers over the years and know how disappointing it can be when things have conspired against you. Sign up to another race and get back out there.


            Cheers Taka, I have a few more races booked for this year, so I'm not about to chuck the towel in just yet. But yeah, massive disappointment.


              Gutted. Once you've dropped off, time in these long races (half and full marathon) becomes irrelevant. I would suggest that it's either insufficient training for the target pace, or more likely the actual illness itself (a couple of weeks off while healthy would not reduce your performance by much).
              Last edited by charlesr; 08-03-2015, 19:16.


                My legs are trashed. Tried swimming today. Only 600m, but they were not ready. Will take a few more days off and then perhaps try a MTB ride. Might try some 30 mins walks though.

                Brain is already forgetting and thoughts of doing it again but going for a proper time are bubbling to the surface


                  Excited. Finally over an injury so I can get back to lifting although last time I made the mistake of thinking the kilos were pounds ( hurt)


                    Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                    I would suggest that it's either insufficient training for the target pace, or more likely the actual illness itself
                    I think you're right. I didn't feel 100% yesterday or this morning, and it could easily have been the virus lingering in my system. I tried to brush it off as lack of sleep, but there was perhaps more to it. That said, I am going to get back into regular threshold runs, which went by the wayside in December, to make way for increased easy miles. One racing blip isn't much to judge a whole training regime on though.


                      Anyone doing Tough Mudder this year? My girlfriend and I just signed up - really psyched for it!
                      3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


                        I did a review of the adidas adizero takumi sen 3 boost shoes.


                          Ignore - read the review which answered my question!


                            I've ordered a pair of Brooks Pure Cadence 3s. There are so many brands and models, with each revision subtly changing from the last. I find it's always a risk trying a new brand, but I went for these on the basis that the two pairs of Virratas I have are great for quicker sessions/races, but for long slow runs I need a tiny bit of elevation. I have an ankle niggle which went away but then returned. A good indication of a biomechanical drive rather than just a one off minor sprain. The Pure Cadences are only a 4mm drop, but hopefully should be enough.


                              Tough Mudder... Not on my list because I'm a giant wuss


                                Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                                Tough Mudder... Not on my list because I'm a giant wuss
                                Hah same. My brother was trying to convince me today.

