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    A friend of mine did the Worlds Toughest Mudder 24hr race in the Vegas desert last November and finished an incredible 28th:

    It's quite odd seeing Colchester so high on the list amidst all the international cities. He's in Oz at the minute and has a 40 mile mountain race coming up next. Still, I beat him at the namby pamby road distance races at least.

    I had the Essex 20 (county championships) race today and finished 14th with a time of 2:02:35, which puts me in good stead for beating my marathon PB of 3:06 by quite some margin... if all goes to plan.

    Congrats too on your Silverstone HM time today Taka. I ran the event back in 2010 (some 3 minutes slower than your effort today) and really enjoyed it. That might be because I've been an f1 fan for the last 23 and a half years though.
    Last edited by Mr M0by; 15-03-2015, 20:03.


      Cheers M0by! It was difficult out there and after 4 appearances at Silverstone, I've yet to have a race which I'd say went well. I wanted 1:26:XX but the wind had other plans - I simply couldn't hang on to the pace after mile 8 or 9 along with the additional effort of cutting through the 15mph wind resistance.

      That's one helluva result from the Essex 20 - did you race that or did you treat it as a long, catered training run? Sub-3 must be yours for the taking?


        That's a great time M0by. Nice one.


          I am back into running after 4 months of inactivity due to Winter and work. Put on 3/4 stone too!

          Aiming for a 2 mile run in early June and then a couple of 10k runs later in year. Was tough blowing off the cobwebs in a 2 mile jog this morning lungs blowing and hands cold


            Well done dude


              Good on you for getting back into it. Try and keep it going this time!


                Cheers, Yeah. I always find having a goal (ie. I have signed for those races!) a far bigger motivator than say, paying monthly for a gym.

                I also have another motivator - have my summer beach hols coming and also a beach wedding to attend early next year to go to. Need to slim down a bit and hone those muscles


                  Went for a little jog in the dark this evening. 10 miles. 59 minutes. Job done. Legs were still battered from yesterday's MTB ride, so I was well pleased with that


                    Joined a gym, and now playing badminton with a mate. Nice to actually get off my arse and do something again. Plus loving the post workout endorphin rush.


                      I posted this in the illness thread but nobody bit, I guess they don't understand

                      Having signed up for several marathons this year (rowing) I've been putting in quite a bit of training, and either through overtraining or something else I got a hernia, which means I'm pretty much out for the season. Seeing specialist on the 13th April and then the operation could be up to 18 weeks after that.

                      Worst thing is I have to take it easy and seemingly I can't do anything to keep the fitness up. Real bummer.


                        What about slender tone? Bruce Lee used it when he was injured.


                          Walking like John Wayne after my first Body Pump session a few days ago, been out of action since the 26 tonne wagon ran into the back of mine in September 2014!!

                          Once i'm back in a routine I can get back to my running and try and beat the sub 30 minutes for my 4 mile route..


                            Wondering if anyone on here has suffered from knee problems in the past?

                            Long story short, I've always felt slightly dodgy & weak in that area, and occasionally suffer from twinges on leg day. The other day during squats however, really felt incredibly uncomfortable and stopped as I was in too much pain. I've been moving pretty awkwardly & painfully since.

                            I'll be staying well clear of anything leg related for the next couple of weeks, but after that, does anyone have any good 'knee rehab' exercises or stretches they could recommend? I'm keen to get this fixed and build some strength/ flexibility into the joints, particularly as I have a 10km run and then Tough Mudder coming up in the not too distant future.

                            Any info would be much appreciated!


                              Originally posted by dave heats View Post
                              Wondering if anyone on here has suffered from knee problems in the past?

                              Long story short, I've always felt slightly dodgy & weak in that area, and occasionally suffer from twinges on leg day. The other day during squats however, really felt incredibly uncomfortable and stopped as I was in too much pain. I've been moving pretty awkwardly & painfully since.

                              I'll be staying well clear of anything leg related for the next couple of weeks, but after that, does anyone have any good 'knee rehab' exercises or stretches they could recommend? I'm keen to get this fixed and build some strength/ flexibility into the joints, particularly as I have a 10km run and then Tough Mudder coming up in the not too distant future.

                              Any info would be much appreciated!

                              My missus had what she thought was a longstanding knee issue but she went to a physio and it turned out It was the sacroiliac joint in the hip area affecting her gait, it's really easy to miss maybe see a physio and get him to have a check, couple of stretches a day and my missus feels pretty much no pain in the knee other than that some kinesiology tape on the area before you work it may help reduce the pain


                                Originally posted by ETC View Post
                                My missus had what she thought was a longstanding knee issue but she went to a physio and it turned out It was the sacroiliac joint in the hip area affecting her gait, it's really easy to miss maybe see a physio and get him to have a check, couple of stretches a day and my missus feels pretty much no pain in the knee other than that some kinesiology tape on the area before you work it may help reduce the pain
                                I had a twisted sacroiliac joint as a result of my accident, the osteopath released it in the first session, didn't affect my knee, it was lower back pain I was experiencing..

                                Have to admit now i've been to the osteopath for several treatments and have the all clear, I am making a point of going every few months for a service and mot... It's amazing the improvement in overall being from a bit of manipulation.

