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Little things that bring a smile to your face 4

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    Yeah I had Vampire Night and Endgame as well. Endgame was just terrible, Vampire Night was just unfair at times. TC2 I could be taking out the bad guys and shooting down missiles at the same time!

    Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
    Oh are we talking about light gun games on the Wii? Dead Space Extraction is well worth getting, I reckon.
    I agree! And scary as crap too!


      Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
      Man, has only me played Point Blank or something?

      It's Bishi Bashi with a light gun, who care about serious stuff!
      Totally forgot about these ones - brilliant games! Shooting that leaf like a baws.

      The Gunvari collection on PS2 is awesome.


        Time Crisis over Virtua Cop though the latter is great.

        Dead Space Extraction is utterly brilliant as is, Link's Crossbow Training! (Seriously)


          Originally posted by randombs View Post
          Ban request for charlesr please
          I'll put that request in for you, but can't see it sticking. Corrupt system


            Second stage interview for the job I really want set for next Tuesday.


              Good luck mate.


                Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                Good luck mate.
                Knowing my luck and how much I want the job I probably won't get it.

                Fingers crossed though. The two women who interviewed me the first time seemed really impressed so we'll just have to wait and see.



                  You'll be fine!


                    Originally posted by kryss View Post
                    You'll be fine!
                    Cheers matey.

                    I really hope so. It's just such a different job to what I've ever done before with proper benefits like a decent salary, car, private health care etc that it makes me wonder if I'm good enough.

                    There are aspects of my retail experience that are easily transferable though and that's what impressed them, I think, was the way I brought my existing knowledge and molded it to suit situations they gave me to solve or evaluate.


                      If you get nervous in the interview, just imagine you're naked or something. Make a noise like a dying giraffe, I think I heard somewhere that's what to do.


                        Best of luck, teddy.

                        When I go for interviews it helps me to think the nerves are from wanting to prove I'm right for the job rather than being worried I'll fail.

                        Job hunting can be soul-destroying stuff so I look for any opportunity to turn a frown upside down.
                        Last edited by randombs; 02-06-2015, 22:39.


                          I've finally made my maths/misc. learning youtube channel! The first video is processing right now.


                            Trying to order a replacement screen for someone's broken laptop. Whittled it down to two choices:

                            One is a Chinese website that happens to be in Japanese with a bunch of repair guides ripped from other websites.

                            The other looks dodgy at first glance but is actually Japanese and seems legit enough once you dig through. However, their contact email is [email protected] which cracked me up. Much like the screen I'm trying to replace

                            They claim to have 1000 screens in stock, though. Sounds like a porky...
                            Last edited by randombs; 03-06-2015, 02:09.


                              I think they meant "over 9000".


                                Was expecting a firm offer in for work for the rest of the year. Was worried they'd lowball me (I would have taken it anyway). They didn't. Will be a lot of intense work but it will pay for long after the job is done. After such a shaky start to the year, this is turning out to be one of my best work years in, well, years.

