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    Originally posted by Jushin-Thunder-Liger
    Out in Shibuya on saturday night if anyone fancies a pint

    Muwahahaha....I'll no doubt be around that area, send me a mail mate.


      Originally posted by womblingfree
      Chances of being asked for ID as a foreigner are almost 0.
      Unless you go to a decent club or go clubbing in Shibuya and then it is increased to 90%!


        Originally posted by tokyochojin
        Unless you go to a decent club or go clubbing in Shibuya and then it is increased to 90%!

        I only got asked once at a hip-hop club. I thought they just wanted to keep out the foreigners.

        Show them a library card without your age on it and you'll be fine probably.

        Originally posted by Peanuts
        Generally no. Japan is still a cash based society. Personal cheques are rarely if ever used and CCs are not used for small purchases. As others have said, the banking system here is glacial in its rate of change. 24 hour ATMs are rare, you can't exchange money easily like you can in the EU,etc.

        Pretty **** basically.The UK is years ahead in this regard.
        Many places don't take credit cards at all. Lot's of places in Akihabara don't accept them.

        Several times I've tried to use a credit card in restaraunts and no one's known how to use the machine.

        Once the machine was under the counter still in the wrapping, another time they didn't know where the paper for it was.

        If you try to use a credit cards anywhere but a VERY large electronics store be preared for no acceptance or a twenty minute wait.

        One time in Shikoku the sign clearly said 'Mastercard' and when they couldn't get the card to work they sad they only took 'Japanese' Mastercards !??!
        Last edited by womblingfree; 24-05-2005, 07:43.


          Same goes for travellers cheques, I dont think many shops will accept them, if any, Yodabashi Camera or Softmap dont and their BIG, its better just to take cash in my opinion
          Last edited by Zanza; 24-05-2005, 08:44.


            Yeah it's a cash country tbh, although u could cash your cheques at any major bank.

            @Womblingfree, how often do you head to SHibuya mate. Pubs never ask for I.D but clubs are a different kettle of fish, on Fartpanic, and Pure (oh how it's not) don't ask.
            Mainly because they're ****e holes.


              Someone mentioned non-24 hour cash machines?

              I am sure i have used the CitiBank cash machine in Roppongi at all hours, loads of times.

              I have only ever used my Credit Card in hotels in Tokyo, the whole practice of credit cards seemed frowned upon in my experiance


                Well, CB may have 24H ATMs but most don't AFAIK. UFJ are slowly introducing them, aren't they.

                It is a joke though isn't it, talking about the lack of 24 hour cash access, in one of the worlds most advanced countries.


                  Originally posted by Peanuts
                  Well, CB may have 24H ATMs but most don't AFAIK. UFJ are slowly introducing them, aren't they.

                  It is a joke though isn't it, talking about the lack of 24 hour cash access, in one of the worlds most advanced countries.

                  Japan is like that in many ways though isnt it?

                  I am doing business with Japanese companies as we speak in the e-commerce feild, and boy they are a million miles behind us in terms of IT.

                  SQL Server? Nope
                  Oracle? never heard of it
                  MS Access? Yeah, lets use that for our site!!!!

                  XML, XSLT, even CSV???

                  Bits of paper? Oh yeah, we got that alright!!

                  and so on


                    Japan, how I love to hate it.

                    You are right though. Some things here are just so much better than the UK, but others seem years behind.


                      I would love to go to Japan, I think I'll ask my mate if he wants to go next summer!


                        I think that CC thing is absolutely bizarre.


                          Originally posted by tokyochojin

                          @Womblingfree, how often do you head to SHibuya mate. Pubs never ask for I.D but clubs are a different kettle of fish, on Fartpanic, and Pure (oh how it's not) don't ask.
                          Mainly because they're ****e holes.

                          Aww crap... Guess I'll be sticking to pubs so, since i have no intention of going to Gas Panic and was pretty much planning on avoiding Roppongi altogether. Damn...


                            Anyone flown with KLM? I see Lufthansa are apparently **** (get what you pay for) but does the same apply to them?


                              Originally posted by Paradigm
                              Anyone flown with KLM? I see Lufthansa are apparently **** (get what you pay for) but does the same apply to them?
                              Aww, I'm going with Lufthansa... Reading this thread is making me feel like crying about this trip.


                                Originally posted by Scoey
                                Aww, I'm going with Lufthansa... Reading this thread is making me feel like crying about this trip.
                                On second thoughts, 2 month holiday in Japan, a month of which is in Tokyo, WOOHOO!!!!

