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The Japan Trip Resource Thread!

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    Got back from Sapporo last week.
    I stayed with a friend who isnt interested in games at all, so i didnt bother dragging her round the games stores looking for rare Saturn games.
    Picked up a few SFC titles in a junk store for pennies Zelda - Front Mission - SOM - AJPW - Geoman all for Y120 each.
    Got a DS, but havn't played it much at all really, probably because Pro Evo 4 on live has so captivated me (What have i become??????)
    Wouldnt recomend Sapporo for a gaming expeition as you might expect, unless acompanied by someone who knows the scene. (see that excellent seing the invisible article on here a year or so ago, MORE PLEASE!)
    Sapporo as a city was great, more relaxed than Tokyo and Osaka, the people looked different too in some way i couldnt put my finger on.
    I re-discovered my love of Yoshinoya Gyudon and that Salmon eggs dish - Great VFM.

    So there you go
    4 day Trip to Tokyo in April with work, life is not at all bad!


      I'll be over there in March or April for 2-3 weeks, so if we're there at the same time, we should hook up Justin.

      I just got back from snowboarding, so I'm trying to pay that off in the meantime.


        Yeah mate, that would be awesome

        I'll let you know the dates



          Hi everyone, I was just wondering if theres any Gap year organisetions which do good programmes to Japan?

          Personal opnions would also be apperciated

          Cheers dudes!


            I just found out which hotels I will be staying at, during my trip to Japan (Tokyo-Kyoto-Tokyo), from March 29 to April 9. Has anyone of you stayed at either of these hotels, and if so, could you give me any details on it? What I'm most curious about is bathroom and shower facilities, and location.

            Tokyo: Shinjuku New City Hotel
            Kyoto: Hotel Station (unclear)



              Might be worth bumping, what with the sudden increase in Japan trips


                It seems that a week doesn't go by without someone informing us of an upcoming trip to Japan but why is it so rare for anyone to report back about how their trip went?

                You know, I just wondered.
                Last edited by Kungfu; 23-01-2005, 12:32.


                  I think everyone who cames back here is just too depressed about being back in this sorry excuse for a country to write about their trip.

                  the UK does seem ****e for a few weeks when you come back from Nihon


                    Been away for 5 months upto now travelling through South East Asia, and to be honest am a little worried about how I will react on my return to the UK.


                      Originally posted by Jushin-Thunder-Liger
                      I think everyone who cames back here is just too depressed about being back in this sorry excuse for a country to write about their trip.

                      the UK does seem ****e for a few weeks when you come back from Nihon
                      I was like a ghost when I came back - this place is so depressing and it all hit me at once when I got back here. I couldnt talk about my trip at all, not even to friends. But when I was there I was proper happy and went on and on about what a time I was having!
                      Last edited by Saurian; 24-01-2005, 13:30.


                        oh great so I`m gonna have a come down when I get back am I?
                        the Aki map on page one doesnt work for me.
                        Can some kind sole post another link please.
                        Last edited by huxley; 24-01-2005, 18:23.


                          Two months and four days until I leave for Japan. Will return the 9th of April, after visiting Tokyo and Kyoto, and then back to Tokyo again. I've mentioned this before, but what I was wondering is if anyone will be in either place during that period of time...?


                            Nobu which Airline are you flying with out of interest?


                              I will be going in mid-May with work, which is nice.
                              I only managed to get the gig because i MASSIVELY overplayed my Japanese language skills. (Also nobody else wanted to go to Japan on their own)
                              I'd better arrange some language lessons before then, really.
                              Flying business class with Virgin!!!!


                                [QUOTE=Jushin-Thunder-Liger](Also nobody else wanted to go to Japan on their own)QUOTE]

                                You must have some bizarre colleagues, I would of jumped at the chance.

