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The Japan Trip Resource Thread!

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    I'm randomly taking myself over to Tokyo for a fortnight in just over a weeks time (4th-18th) and returning just in time for A level result fun. I'm staying with everyone's favourite (!) Sakura Hotel where they have called me "Mr. Ed" in my emails for a week. I should come dressed as a horse.

    I'll eat well (?20 nosh budget a day) and will restrict my shopping. I plan on getting pissed as a fart on numerous occasions. If any of you chaps fancy getting drunk one night if you are out there, I'm up for it, but not fussed if I end up on my own for a fortnight to be honest. Chunky american gaijin will be the only other option for company.

    I'll be blogging on meh website!


      No sticky any more?
      Can anyone help me out with a link, i need a flight from bangkok to Tokyo 1 way in October, expedia and ebookers give hilarious prices, anyone know any better for asian travell?



        have you tried flight centre? you might have to call em though as they only quote UK -> somewhere else prices on their website. They are usually quite cheap.


          Originally posted by coyott99
          hum, one more thing: Hankwangford, are you still going to there from 6 to 21 August? Hope can see u Ciao from Belgium
          Sorry, didn't see this thread recently for some reason :S Sure am Come on Friday, you mother****er, be here NOW.


            Boo at lack of sticky chaps!

            Off tommorrow .. I CANNAE WAIT I TELL YE!


              Morning chaps, I'm here safe and sound.

              I heartily recommend Sakura Hotel in the end, bloody nice place for the price and a great location.

              If you haven't been here already, I seriously recommend coming - everything is so cheap! 70p a bottle of coke! GBP1.50 for 20 fags! Pints no more expensive than the south east of England -- hell, you can get an entire meal and a pint of Guinness for a fiver if you know where to look.

              About to do the whole Akihabara thing. JOY


                Jushin, check out Airline network. I always use them from travelling from the UK to Tokyo although i am unsure if they do any other departures other than from the UK. Anyway worth a try mate. 26 days for me to go until i am hooked into the 'sarary' man traid in Tokyo, so if you wanna hook up for a beer when your there give us a shout


                  hi everybody
                  hello from Juyoh Hotel in Tokyo. Much nicer than the New Azuma one...
                  super hot here at the moment... feel crazy!
                  Big thanks to you all for the informations about this beautiful and crazy city.


                    I'm off in 5 days for a few weeks, looking forward to my apartment in Akihabara.

                    How you two finding the Japanese heat?


                      Its chuffing hot. I have hidden in the GeraGera manga cafe in Akiba for the last half hour. Just haggled a lovely discman`s price down 20%. WIN!

                      AND I just got the Space Channel 5 Part 2 DC boxset for 50 quids. Fluffy white headphones = teh cool.


                        It was way too hot over there last month. Looks like I'll be going to California next summer, Tokyo's kind of lost its magic for me somewhat. Been there two years on the trot, and theres only so much you can do. Was thinking of going snowboarding in Japan and going to Tokyo for a week, but its pretty pointless. Still, Ill be teaching over there at some point anyway >_<

                        Ed, did you get the SC5 boxset from the smallish store right close to the Akiba station 'electric town' exit? Or from elsewhere? Btw, if youre after boxsets, the main sofmap store on the highstreet has some rare sets in its glass case on the 3rd floor from time to time. Check it out.


                          Hmm this topic has fallen off the first page, so going to bump it.

                          Off to Japan tomorrow, can't wait. Hopefully might meet one or two of you when I am there.


                            Originally posted by tokyochojin
                            Jushin, check out Airline network. I always use them from travelling from the UK to Tokyo although i am unsure if they do any other departures other than from the UK. Anyway worth a try mate. 26 days for me to go until i am hooked into the 'sarary' man traid in Tokyo, so if you wanna hook up for a beer when your there give us a shout
                            I sure will mate, dunno when it will be depends on how much money i spend in Thailand, Ill probably be there in late Oct.

                            Why isnt this thread a sticky any more? even when its not being posted on, it has pages and pages of everything you need to know about gaming in Japan.

                            People may not be able to find it if it slips down the forum

                            just an ides


                              Because marcus decided a sticky cull was needed. And seeing as at the time no one was posting, and only about 4 of you post, it got de-stickied.

                              PM him or check the Comment and Suggestions page. It's on there somewhere


                                Just booked my tickets to Sydney and then hitting Tokyo for 25 days on the way home 1-25th November.

                                Anyone else going to be around in Tokyo at that time?
                                Last edited by Typhoon Thompson; 13-10-2004, 03:51.

