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The Japan Trip Resource Thread!

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    I think C/I could be referring to your intended check in time.
    Last edited by Richard.John; 18-08-2005, 04:16.


      Hiya, If anyone needs any help regarding their holiday to Tokyo then I would be more than happy to help. I'm English and lived in Tokyo for over 2 years and lovin' every second of it-it's hilarious! We see alot of holiday makers come and go and it's a shame when their holidays don't reach full potential as alot of people come here without a clue (as expected). Alot of the best bits are not in the travel guides; were to drink as much bottled Sapporo for 2 hours for a fiver, where to get the best games from, the best pubs/clubs, the best nightclub in the World's location, where to pull the best quality birds etc etc.

      I'm lucky enough to live in a very well-to-do town in Tokyo, 20 minutes train ride to Shibuya, 45 minutes to Akihabara door to door. We also have a spare room. Some if anyone needs quality accommodation and built in guides to boot then give me a bell on:

      [email protected]



        Just reading a bit more through this thread. Regarding booking of hotels then I would not even worry about it or bother doing anything in England prior to flying (sounds easier said than done). Just buy a cheap direct return ticket to Narita from Heathrow. When landing then sort out accommodation. Tokyo is hardly the holiday destination of the World so no hotel is going to be fully booked and you're be more likely to be able to name your price when at the hotel check-in counter as they will be pleased to see you with cash in hand. The biggest hurdle is getting onto Tokyo soil, just worry about that bit. As for the rest of Japan. I've been to Osaka and Kyoto (ncl building is mint though) and several other places and I can't see what all the fuss is about. Once you have seen one temple then you have seen them all. Besides the best temple in my opinion is in Tokyo (Meiji Jingu). Anyone that would choose the other locations over/or at the expense of Tokyo is a fool or think they are more cultured than they are. People living in Tokyo tend to look down on anyone outside of this city and I can sort of see why. If you want a proper blinding holiday then Tokyo is the place.


          I'm not really into slagging off Japan as in my eyes it's got just about everything right. The only trouble in my eyes is there are too many foreigners and Japanese tend not to like them at all (depending on what colour your skin is-White 'OK') and for good reason if you actually look at where little trouble they have stems from-i.e. foreigners. So you can hardly blame them and I wish England was more the same. If you don't like Japan then just go home. Just thought I would post some choice pictures from many happy memories here:


            I've just come back from Japan, and I must say that your post completely contradicts my experiences.


              How was it Ady?


                Trouble with 'not worrying about accomodation until we land' is that the place we need to stay is around the suzuka circuit, for the Japanese GP, which is going to attract 100,000 people to the region - all the widely known about hotels have been booked solid for months, so we are having to look at nearby towns, and that's where the problems are starting. I haven't even been but I would say that claiming Japan begins and ends with Tokyo is a little short-sighted (particularly with regards to our trip, where Suzuka is the main reason for going!)


                  Originally posted by Bleeders
                  How was it Ady?
                  I posted something in the banter topic about my general experiences yesterday. Check it out.

                  As for JAPJAC's post on racism though... it wasn't like that at all (not for me anyway).


                    I wouldn't take his advice TBH. Book early as Japan is notorious for the "group think", as in everyone goes away at the same time causing traffic chaos,and fully booked hotels,etc.
                    Last edited by Richard.John; 18-08-2005, 08:31.


                      Originally posted by Darwock
                      Trouble with 'not worrying about accomodation until we land' is that the place we need to stay is around the suzuka circuit, for the Japanese GP, which is going to attract 100,000 people to the region - all the widely known about hotels have been booked solid for months, so we are having to look at nearby towns, and that's where the problems are starting. I haven't even been but I would say that claiming Japan begins and ends with Tokyo is a little short-sighted (particularly with regards to our trip, where Suzuka is the main reason for going!)
                      Well with all due respect when you have lived in this country then you can comment mate.

                      It's nice to hear that you planned so well in advance for the main reason in going somewhere 6,500 miles away (assuming you reside in England). Nuff said. Get what you deserve then, clearly.


                        Wow, you're a nice chap. I'm sure everybody will be champing at the bit to stay with you.

                        And talk about hypocritical, telling people not to book anything before travelling then taking the mick out of me for trying to sort something out from three months before the race.. lol.


                          With all due respect, pull your head out your arse for 10 seconds, sure you lived in Japan for 2 years, big ****ing woop. I would never advise anyone to "not worry about accomodation until landing", its just too much of a risk to take be it in Japan or anywhere else.

                          Originally posted by JAPJAC
                          Anyone that would choose the other locations over/or at the expense of Tokyo is a fool or think they are more cultured than they are.
                          Well I am quite the fool it would seem. I myself prefered Osaka over Tokyo, its people, culture, it just has a warmer atmosphere (my opinions ofcourse). But hey, I also think Tokyo is a fantastic city, infact I would much rather live in Tokyo especialy while I'm young, but to say its the only place worth visiting in Japan is a ludacris statement.

                          I find Japan to be a very diverse country, no one place is the same in terms of its customs, people, and atmosphere. I found Osaka (especialy the Kansai area) and Tokyo both have alot to offer, but I guess it depends what you want to get out of.

                          Originally posted by JAPJAC
                          People living in Tokyo tend to look down on anyone outside of this city and I can sort of see why.
                          Hit the nail on the head it would seem.
                          Last edited by Zanza; 18-08-2005, 23:13.


                            So if you're not meant to worry about accomodation until you land - where do you get a taxi to? I'd rather know where to get connections to, and where I need to lug my bags to before I set off.


                              Beg your pardon, living in Japan for over 2 years now. I was hardly boasting. Sense of adventure I would call it. This time of year one is hardly going to freeze to death until making it to a hotel and speaking from experience one is on such a buzz in purely being in this country upon a start of a holiday with mates that it really isn't difficult to get on a train from Narita to Shinjuku say and walk into a hotel and ask for a room. As opposed to winging over faffing about over the useless internet prior to coming and complaining about prices and language barriers. I was just trying to help as it would be a shame if difficulty in getting a hotel prior would delay/stop anyones holiday here.

                              "Well I am quite the fool it would seem. I myself prefered Osaka over Tokyo, its people, culture, it just has a warmer atmosphere (my opinions ofcourse). But hey, I also think Tokyo is a fantastic city, infact I would much rather live in Tokyo especialy while I'm young, but to say its the only place worth visiting in Japan is a ludacris statement."

                              Well not everyone has the money to due a grand tour of Japan. To some even Japan is a once in a lifetime holiday. I merely said that Tokyo takes the priority if one had to choose.

                              "I find Japan to be a very diverse country, no one place is the same in terms of its customs, people, and atmosphere. I found Osaka (especialy the Kansai area) and Tokyo both have alot to offer, but I guess it depends what you want to get out of."

                              Horses for courses.


                                I agree with Zanza, Tokyo is definitely not the only place to visit in Japan. To be honest I found I preferred Osaka to Tokyo. Den Den Town > Akihabara tbh :P

