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Liverpool 2010/11 Season Thread

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    We're rubbish!


      Originally posted by Adrock View Post
      As for TBL2260, you seriously think the first wasn't a nailed on pen? I think just about everybody who has commented on it, apart from you, accepts it was a penalty.
      If he hadn't started his collapse before the contact then yes, it's nailed on. However that wasn't the case. Very much just IMO obviously.


        John Barnes has his say...


          Some sense from JB better than fu**** Whelan and Aldridge coming out with their nonsense.


            Indeed, well in Digger.

            I've had a sudden injection of random confidence. Even without Gerrard, Torres, Agger, Johnson and Benayoun fit and available I reckon we're gonna give Spurs a going over tomorrow.


              My confidence in Spurs doing well was eroded slightly when I saw that Howard Webb is going to be the referee. He hasn't been kind to us recently! Although I think he was in charge when we beat Arsenal 5-1 so there's always hope


                Great stuff. A pretty comfortable win for a change. Is our season starting? lol. Let's wait and see.

                Well played to the lads. Riera and Aquilani had a pretty good game. Riera has been missed.

                Gonna buzz off Spurs fans in work who were trying to tell me that we are gonna be trashed 0-4. I can kinda see where they were coming from with our lack of Gerrard, torres and Benni, but I looked at what was going to be the possible team tonight and thought "nah, not so fast".


                  Can you admit Lucas did well again? I thought Mascherano, Aquilani and Lucas ruled the center of the park tonight.

                  Aquilani made sure Palacios never had any time to think when he dropped deep to take the ball from the defence and Lucas/Mascherano closed down anybody looking dangerous. Modric and Jenas were both pretty much non existent in the game.

                  Finally the commentators are also saying Lucas is a bit of an unsung hero. I really like his short passing game, he did some nice close passing and moving to create space in tight congested areas.

                  Degen was also a big plus. For me, he has always had the quality from what I've read about him, but his injury list is horrendous. With a run in the team he could definitely challenge Johnson for a spot. Riera was good tonight too, the main thing he gave was that width we've been missing on the left. Usually a right footed player sits out there and 9 times out of 10 cuts inside causing congestion.

                  All in all a good night, not very pretty but an excellent effort. Another clean sheet and 3 wins and a draw in the last 4 Prem games. I'd have taken that a few weeks back.

                  edit : A mention has to go to Carragher too, I think he was tremendous tonight. He led by example, crunching in challenges and screaming his lungs out. A proper captain's performance. Its something we've been missing since Gerrard's form has dipped, he leads by example rather than barking out orders. Carragher is the kind of captain you need when the **** hits the fan, and its hit it by the shovel load this season.
                  Last edited by Adrock; 20-01-2010, 21:38.


                    Originally posted by hoolak View Post
                    Gonna buzz off Spurs fans in work who were trying to tell me that we are gonna be trashed 0-4. I can kinda see where they were coming from with our lack of Gerrard, torres and Benni, but I looked at what was going to be the possible team tonight and thought "nah, not so fast".
                    Will be interesting to see what the moron media have to say tomorrow - let's face it, everyone outside of the Liverpool fanbase were holding their breaths for a Spurs win. No doubt they'll spin it to make it look like Spurs were somehow unlucky.

                    Nice to have the Spurs thread silenced, too. They were giving it the big one about a Spurs win tonight. Never a top-four side - they are utterly mediocre.


                      Yeah Lucas played well. Did a couple of sketchy passes early on, but then grew right into the game. Did one of his foul specialities where a free kick is given in a threatening area. One every game so far Still think I'd do a better job. Credit to Rafa for the chosen team and formation.
                      Last edited by hudson; 20-01-2010, 21:51.


                        In fairness Mascherano does that quite a bit too. As do a lot of defensive midfielders.

                        I think this is a watershed moment, hoolak admitted Lucas played well. Somebody hold me, I'm scared.


                          Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
                          Nice to have the Spurs thread silenced, too. They were giving it the big one about a Spurs win tonight. Never a top-four side - they are utterly mediocre.
                          Giving it the big one? Hardly. A couple of posts predicting a win, no mentions that it was going to be easy or we'd walk it (you can't take a post predicting we'd win with a Bale hat-trick that seriously).

                          Of course we thought this was our best chance for ages to beat you, your best players were out injured and we've had a good season so far. In the end though, we didn't turn up and Liverpool deservedly took all three points.

                          Unless believing in your team and hoping for a win is giving it large, in which case, guilty as charged


                            Ah, heart-warming stuff. The players and fans are clearly still behind Rafa, the Liverpool Way still exists.

                            Good performances all over the pitch, but I thought Kyrgiakos, Kuyt and Carragher were brilliant.


                              Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
                              Giving it the big one? Hardly. A couple of posts predicting a win, no mentions that it was going to be easy or we'd walk it (you can't take a post predicting we'd win with a Bale hat-trick that seriously).

                              Of course we thought this was our best chance for ages to beat you, your best players were out injured and we've had a good season so far. In the end though, we didn't turn up and Liverpool deservedly took all three points.

                              Unless believing in your team and hoping for a win is giving it large, in which case, guilty as charged
                              Yeah had to call this out, don't think anyone was thinking we'd steam roll you aside from non-spurs fans and the media. I know us too well to predict such things


                                My Spurs friends from work were saying they were gonna tonk us 3 or 4 nil and to be honest, the way we've played this season and without about a third or so of our most talented players, I thought such a score would not be impossible

                                Spurs have a very decent side now and they could very well grab fourth place this season. Shame it's a fact that at least fourth position is ours this season. Rafa said he's on it.

