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Manchester United Thread

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    Originally posted by neverevertrevor View Post
    Yeah we have been pretty crap, But I can honestly see us scoring 3 in the second half.

    How Hamann hasnt had a yellow card either for persistant fouling is pretty unbeliveable.

    We probably deserve to be 2-0 though, ferdinand has been extra rubbish. Not really had much attacking threat yet neither, but it will come!
    Crap would be an under-statement! You really think we will score 3 in the second half?! Pardon the pun but never-ever-trevor! City have been extremely disciplined unlike us.

    Originally posted by hoolak View Post
    How many times do yers play shice and win due/draw due to 'the burning flame of courage/luck/jamminess within' Blame the kits.
    Yeah we can't see our own players due to the sun --->


      I do have a feeling in my stomach, I can see 3 goals coming in the second half, there will be a mega improvement, and once we score 1 in the first 5 minutes or so, then I can see city crumbling!


        Yeah I can see 3 more goals coming too but not all of them from us. On a more serious note I don't get why Hargreaves didn't start, would of given us more bite in midfield.


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          Could happen again.


            what in gods name is wrong with ferdinand? he has given the ball away so much.


              Nah no chance 60 mins gone now and really haven't had a sniff. Defensively we are usually so sound but Rio and Vidic today have been abysmal. Hugely missed the attacking talents of Evra and Rooney, but saying that we should have had enough to win today. We got lucky against Spurs last weekend but our luck has ran out today. We have well and truly been outplayed, defensively and attacking wise. Dunne and Richards have played supremely well. All credit to City.
              Last edited by ezee ryder; 10-02-2008, 14:00.


                91st minute and it is 2-1, Carrick gets an undeserved consolation goal.

                Full time, awful awful performance. Never looked like drawing the game let alone winning it. All you can do is laugh.

                Arsenal will comfortably beat Blackburn tomorrow and we will be 5 points behind. If Chelsea win today they will be a point behind us. We can't afford to drop any more points now, if we do I reckon the title will be beyond us.
                Last edited by ezee ryder; 10-02-2008, 14:26.


                  Shocking absoluteley loose in a derby is one thing but to loose without any figth.desire or passion is an absolute joke and the Busby babes be turning in there grave..Ferdinand worse game of his UTD career then again u could say the same bout all of them..Full credit to City got a bit of luck with there first goal but after that is was easy for them and they always looked the more liely to score again..bottom line is we got what we deserved today and that was absolute nothing..very very poor and for me Arse will win tomorrow and its hard to see them slipping up like we have.


                    Originally posted by glazza View Post
                    Arse will win tomorrow and its hard to see them slipping up like we have.
                    Yup they don't look like slipping up at all, they blew away City whereas we struggled to even score.


                      Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                      Yup they don't look like slipping up at all, they blew away City whereas we struggled to even score.
                      Yep ezee struggled all over the pitch today..City first to every second ball denied us any space all over the pitch..Ronaldo quiet as a mouse again,Scholes n Giggs looked old for the first time today i thought i would have started with Park N Hargreaves for Scholesn Nani also plus how much do we need a off the cuff center forward(Anelka springs to mind)to mix it up with big tuff defenders like Dunn n Richards poor Tevez was like the meat in a sandwich today..over all though very very poor show and we cant have any exscuses.

                      Just like to say well done you City fans at the game, total the minute silence..
                      Last edited by glazza; 10-02-2008, 14:45.


                        Yeah it baffled me why we started with Anderson, Scholes, Nani and Giggs in midfield against their midfield 5 which included a defensive midfielder. Would of made more sense starting with Hargreaves, Scholes/Anderson/Carrick, Nani and Giggs, so Hargreaves could provide some protection to our more attacking midfielders. We deffo did miss a proper striker today, someone who likes to run in behind defenders. Saha would have been perfect but alas he is always injured these days.


                          united fans at the game today are morons, they wanted respect for the dead of munich but called juventus/liverpool fans who died at heysel today in their football songs, utter disgrace united fans and well done city fans at least some manchester fans have respect


                            Glad I missed this, had rehearsals but got the text through with the result, and it seems we've hit our bad patch. We're losing games we didn't last season, so we've gotta find that winning spark again and hopefully go on a decent run of games.

                            Yet again though, no Rooney and we go onto lose.


                              No rooney no win, same for england, utd were pritty poor today, i blame all the emotion of the events, instead of inspiring them it mad ethem play crappy,

                              confident we will get the points back, the title will be ours , i predict at leasta draw tomorrow,
                              Last edited by yesteryeargames; 10-02-2008, 22:56.


                                The memorial stuff has nothing to do with the team playing poorly, if they use that as an excuse it is a pretty poor one to be honest. If anything the memories of the Busby Babes should of inspired them to go on and play some great football. Next up is Arsenal in the cup and if we play like we did against City we are in for a mauling. Just glad Evra and Rooney will be available for that game. Funny though, Arsenal and Chelsea were the ones who were supposed to suffer due to players going away to the African Cup of Nations, yet they have been both in great form and we have been far from our usual best.
                                Last edited by ezee ryder; 10-02-2008, 23:03.

