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Manchester United Thread

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    Wish I could write this off as "meedya" talk but something in my gut is telling me this is a bad sign. Especially if we do win the Champion's League next week maybe Ronaldo will decide it's time to go?

    Can't Real go back to bothering Fabregas instead

    EDIT - just watched the interview. Bleeders is correct, it's very slective quoting. In fact, Ronaldo seems a little peeved when the interviewer appears to try and shape his comments into meaning he wants to go to Real Madrid soon.
    Last edited by C'; 16-05-2008, 10:41.


      I think he's fishing a little for more money from Man Utd. Can't see it happening this trannyfer period. Towards the end of the interview he talks about playing in Spain being his dream. I'd be a little worried. Fingers crossed.


        He wont be going anywhere, why would he leave now when everything i perfect for him, 2 things Real cant afford him, Fergie would never let him go, and all the time Carlos Queroz is there he will be there, oh thats 3, hes the best player around right now so the tabloid speculation will always be rife, he will go to spain in five years at the end of this contract i reckon.


          He's always said he wants to play there - eventually. Right now, he's at the top team in the country, possibly the top team in Europe. He's playing in front of a huge home crowd every game (Madrid has a bigger capacity, but usually less people) who adore him. And most importantly, he's growing and getting better all the time under the coaching staff - one of whom he seems to be particularly fond of

          He's not stupid. He could have done an Anelka and left 2 seasons ago, given the Rooney sending off slamming he got, he had even more reason to go. He stayed and has improved immeasurably, and no reason to suspect he can't keep it up. He'd also have seen what happens to other talented players who leave the UK to go to Spain, and that it doesn't always work out - Anelka, Henry, etc.

          I think eventually he'll leave, but he'll be around for a couple of years still at least. But maybe he's been bitten by the Giggs bug, seen what it means to fans if a player stays his whole career. He'll know that Neville is adored even if he's not played all season. He'll see how highly everyone sees Scholes. So you never know


            He will leave eventually, I've always thought that, I never imaged he would stay forver like Giggs, Scholes, Neville, etc, but not yet. A good 3 years left in him at Utd yet I think. Any sooner and I'd be gutted, but I guess it totally depends on how much better he gets, how many more trophies we win etc and if Sir Alex and Queroz leave.


              He will be with us for a few years yet, Fergie will make sure of that.


                Ive said it from the off that Ronaldo as always had a hidden agenda since coming to United knowing his admiration for Spanish football growing up as a kid watching Real Madrid and his mum being a Madrid supporter blah blah blah, and it wouldnt at all supridse me or a lot of other people i know if after Weds CL game that he does make for the exit door and goes off to Madrid as its inevitable that its going to happen one day .


                  I still believe he will be here for a good few years yet, maybe that is just me being hopeful though! If he leaves now he won't become the player he could have been under the guidance of Ferguson/Queiroz. I also think the interview on Sky Sports has been greatly exaggerated, I mean the guy still said he wants to stay at United and he is happy with us. Being at United has made him the player he is now, he should realise this.


                    Squeaky bum time.

                    Chelsea are sniffin' around Torres for a laugh too.

                    I reckon we'll see a record breaking 100mil bid for Tranaldo.


                      Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                      He will be with us for a few years yet, Fergie will make sure of that.
                      He's let a lot of talent go over the years when they were still good.


                      It's also important to remember that the media can and does feed transers. Players realise how much they're worth to clubs, clubs get reaction from fans about potential signings.

                      Also, Ronaldo simply needs to publically come out and say he's staying, end of story. As far as I'm away that's yet to happen which can only add weight to the speculation.
                      Last edited by abigsmurf; 16-05-2008, 18:42.


                        Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                        He's let a lot of talent go over the years when they were still good.


                        It's also important to remember that the media can and does feed transers. Players realise how much they're worth to clubs, clubs get reaction from fans about potential signings.

                        Also, Ronaldo simply needs to publically come out and say he's staying, end of story. As far as I'm away that's yet to happen which can only add weight to the speculation.
                        Yes he did let a few good players go but they were all let go for a reason and for the best of the team. Beckham, Van Nistelrooy and Stam would the ones that come to mind immediately. Fergie has no issue with Ronaldo, footballing or non footballing, therefore he would never let him go. Much more has been made out of this than needs to be really, he said he is happy here and doesn't want to leave. It would be different if he said "I want to leave".


                          How long has ronaldo got left on his contract?


                            4 or 5 years.

                            He's not going anywhere, Fergie never "loses" players, he kicks them out when he's had enough, like Ezee says.

                            Smurf is just hoping for a miracle to help Chelsea next season


                              As long as his contract still has a while to run, then He will not be going anywhere's for a while. Although I do think that when he has a couple of years to go on his contract then he will be deffo got rid of, there is no way they would risk getting nowt for him!

                              Deffo Fergie has already gotten rid of problem players in the past wen they were probably at their best, I believe Stam, Beckham and Van Nistelrooy were mentioned, but then there was also Ince.

                              The one thing would say is that for these players he has always had someone about or coming in before he got rid, so if you see a winger on the way to OT, Fear the worst!

                              On another note, if he did go to Real Madrid, Was it not Van Nistelrooy that he had a big ding dong with, how would that one work?


                                Yeah you're right about RVN. From what you read between the lines, RVN was kicked out for being stroppy, with Ronaldo bearing the brunt in some training sessions apparently.

                                Saying Fergie kicked out players when they were at their best isn't taking everything in to account. He kicked RVN, Becks and Stam out for a reason, same with Keane. He's always looking at the bigger picture and what is best for the team. It's always the team.

