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Manchester United Thread

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    Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Oh My God! Wooooooooooo! Championeeeeeeeeeee!


      Yeah -it's there, great effort from the lads, probably going to blub like a baby in a few mins when they lift the trophy.


        I'm a bag of nerves and I don't even support you buggers!


          we were the best team overall it was a very c lose and tense final, VAN DE SAR is a LEGEND too like all the players

          i feel sorry for lampard and terry, the only 2 chelski players who dont cheat, play act,

          Manchester United Champions of the best league in the world and of Europe AND BEST TEAM IN WORLD

          Last edited by yesteryeargames; 21-05-2008, 22:19.


            We need some avatars doing - something with both trophies would be nice


              Quite right Ampanman but for now this will do.......




                  How about this?


                    GET IN!!!!! CHAMPIONS OF EUROPE, BABY!!!!!

                    Bloody hell, that was the most nerve racking game of football I've ever experienced in my life!! I was a bag of nerves during the game and when it went to penalties..I nearly had a heart attack!! Must have been enthralling for the neutrals though!!

                    I honestly thought it wasn't gonna be our day when Tevez missed a couple of great chances to make it 2-0 and when Ronaldo of all people missed a penalty in the shoot out. But we rode our luck, dug in and emerged victorious!!!

                    Chelsea gave us one hell of a game, credit to to them in that respect. But Drogba is a prick and good that he got sent off!

                    I'm so proud of the lads, and this is such a fantastic achievement!!!
                    Last edited by Kongster; 22-05-2008, 00:58.


                      Oh my god, what a night! I was such a bag of nerves watching that from the second half onwards, penalties was absolutely hellish to watch! I was just sittin on the floor, head in hands, until Edwin saved the last one.






                          And that is why I ****ing hate football. Ate a whole packet of Hob-Nobs - I comfort eat when stressed

                          Can't ****ing believe it. Great first half, Chelski get a typical lucky goal, but then run all over United in the second. Very lucky to survive. Extra time was about equal. Again Terry proves his worth as a defender, same as at The Bridge a few weeks ago with a last ditch save. Ronaldo misses a penalty! Un****ingbelievable. And then Terry steps up. I see VDS going left, the ball right, that's it, all over. But the ****ing ball **** misses. Then a few more, "Please don't miss!!" moments, then a VDS save. You pause for a second, scanning the net seeing if it did actually go in, waiting for the keeper to react so you know what you think you saw happened.


                          That match has taken 10 years off me, I'm telling you I ****ing aged during that.

                          Now to be brutally honest, if Chelsea had of won I'd have accepted it. They did outplay United in the second half, no question. And just like in '99, a few shots hit the woodwork that would have been game-over. Needless to say I'm ****ing delighted United won, but felt so sorry for Terry at the end.

                          And very happy for Ronaldo. He deserved that title for his season. He did not deserve to be the player who let it slip away through a missed penalty. It meant the world to him, his team mates came through for him and carried him when he was down. There's no way he's leaving


                            Originally posted by Chain View Post
                            And that is why I ****ing hate football. Ate a whole packet of Hob-Nobs - I comfort eat when stressed

                            Can't ****ing believe it. Great first half, Chelski get a typical lucky goal, but then run all over United in the second. Very lucky to survive. Extra time was about equal. Again Terry proves his worth as a defender, same as at The Bridge a few weeks ago with a last ditch save. Ronaldo misses a penalty! Un****ingbelievable. And then Terry steps up. I see VDS going left, the ball right, that's it, all over. But the ****ing ball **** misses. Then a few more, "Please don't miss!!" moments, then a VDS save. You pause for a second, scanning the net seeing if it did actually go in, waiting for the keeper to react so you know what you think you saw happened.


                            That match has taken 10 years off me, I'm telling you I ****ing aged during that.

                            Now to be brutally honest, if Chelsea had of won I'd have accepted it. They did outplay United in the second half, no question. And just like in '99, a few shots hit the woodwork that would have been game-over. Needless to say I'm ****ing delighted United won, but felt so sorry for Terry at the end.

                            And very happy for Ronaldo. He deserved that title for his season. He did not deserve to be the player who let it slip away through a missed penalty. It meant the world to him, his team mates came through for him and carried him when he was down. There's no way he's leaving
                            Yeah I agree, a typical lucky Lampard goal! But well Hoolak your ****ing hilarious! ahahahah!

                            Champions of Europe!!! Chelsea played a lot better in the second half!


                              Don't get me wrong, Lampard had to be in the right place to get it, he kept his run going and he took it well. It's just the two deflections, and it lands at his feet. Compare to Ronaldos - great wing play to make room for the cross, a great cross, and the perfect header leaving the keeper stationary

                              I think I've O'D on Pepsi Max tonight....


                                Originally posted by yesteryeargames View Post
                                VAN DEr SAR is a LEGEND too like all the players

                                Yep, that save alone from Van Der Sar makes him a legend!

