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Manchester United Thread

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    Told you all time ago,this boy Ronaldo seems to have hidden agendas and all this fiasco with him saying he will make an anouncement on his future in the next few days just proves my point realy that he is not 100% happy at UTD wether hes under a contract or not for what ever reason, and i wont be suprised if he does sort a move out to Spain for himself which will be a huge mistake..but we will see.


      Originally posted by arcnas View Post
      I love all this , ronaldo says well ill make an anouncement about my future in a few days, its not up to him to do that, he is under contract for another 4 years, so he cant go anywhere, as we have seen in the past there is no point in keeping a player who wants to go, but on this one, i would let him rot in the stands until he is 27 and can leave for free.
      all will be revealed and if he wants to go , 1 he is mad, and 2 , life will go on and Utd will still win all
      I think you're deluding yourself here - Ronaldo leaving would be a huge blow to UTD and I'd be very surprised if they "won all" next season. I doubt theres any player in the world whos available that would be classed as a "good replacement" should Ronaldo leave.


        The anarchist in me is hoping he wants to go, and Fergie DOES stick him in the reserves team for a year instead of selling him. Players have too much power over contracts due to all these "Human Rights" laws - these laws were bought in to protect the oppressed, not someone earning £100k a year! Once clubs start demanding players fullfull their contracts, this kind of nonsense will stop. You don't sign a 4 year contract than a year later want out.


          The only player I wouldn't mind swapping him for is Messi. And that would really piss off Real.


            Yes if this was barca then we could have messi, but Real havent got anyone anywhere near decent enough to even think about a swap plus cash deal.


              Originally posted by arcnas View Post
              Real havent got anyone anywhere near decent enough to even think about a swap plus cash deal.
              Real wouldn't need a 'cash plus' anyway: Real Madrid only owe 10% of their club's estimated $1+Bn value (compared to United who owe 84% of their club's $1.5Bn value). Realistically Madrid could borrow the money from any number of sources to buy Ronaldo outright. Although whether they feel he justifies the price is another matter altogether.

              If Ronaldo did really want to go there's nothing the Glazers or United can do but sell. These days he's able to just buy himself out of his contract. It'd be expensive and it'd be messy but I'm sure Real would bankroll it. I doubt United would ever let it get to that stage but we shall see. Personally I suspect it's all speculation.
              Last edited by 12-51-00; 03-06-2008, 01:18.


                Well two stories today. One reckons he's off now, the other next year at the latest. If he wants out, I say either kick the ****er out and get as much money as possible, or let him sulk on the bench. The club have shown a lot of loyalty in him, he should do the same.


                  A couple of weeks ago I was confident that he can be persuaded to stay but not now.

                  It'll be sad to see him go and and he'll obviously be a big loss. Glazza is right about Ronaldo having a hidden agenda. He was never gonna stay at United in the long term and he has been longing to play in Spain for a long time in seems. In 2006, during the World Cup, he declared that he wanted to play for Real Madrid and all this talk of a possible move hasn't gone away since. His mum has been getting in on the act too.


                    I dont know what he thinks he'll get out of it, imo la liga & Real Madrid isnt a step up.


                      He wants to go for the sunshine if nothing else. Ask his mum.


                        Only thing they can offer is the weather and making his mum happy. Ultimately he'll regret it. I don't see Madrid dominating European football, they've done well in Spain this year but Barcelona had their worst season in 5 years. They'll come back stronger, and their squad is better imo. I'd put money on Real ending up empy handed next season.

                        And if so, if Ronaldo doesn't perform brilliantly all season, things may not as rosey for him there. That crowd can get funny

                        You know, I'm not sure the pace will even suit his style of football.

                        He may well become yet another Real in-and-out player, like so many talented players before him. 2 seasons time he'd get offloaded to some other team and spend 5 years working his way back up the ladder.

                        This season was amazing, but can he really do that again? United played to accomodate him, and all United players fed him - you could never accuse Tevez or Rooney of being greedy with the ball. Without them, he will lose a lot.

                        I wanted him to stay, I really did, but all this bull****, just get rid of the little ingrate.


                          Can someone tell me how many of ronaldos goals were from open play, i know 8 or 9 were penaltys, a fair few must have been free kicks, so when he goes hargreaves or giggs can score just as many fron the spot of free kicks. Im resigned he will go now, but if i was the glazers i really would let him rot for three years in the stands and the end of the day he only cost 12 million, His behaviour is not acceptable, so i say get rid or let him rot, but he wont wear the red shirt again and dosent deserve to.


                            Will be sorry to see him go, despite him always scoring against us.
                            But regardless, he's won pretty much everything at Man Utd already, he's the best player in the world by a fair margin, maybe he feels its time to move on? Surely no one expected him to stay at Old Trafford his whole career?


                              Originally posted by arcnas View Post
                              Can someone tell me how many of ronaldos goals were from open play, i know 8 or 9 were penaltys, a fair few must have been free kicks, so when he goes hargreaves or giggs can score just as many fron the spot of free kicks. Im resigned he will go now, but if i was the glazers i really would let him rot for three years in the stands and the end of the day he only cost 12 million, His behaviour is not acceptable, so i say get rid or let him rot, but he wont wear the red shirt again and dosent deserve to.
                              He has scored quite a few from open play this season. Hes scored some good goals from open play, he has scored a lot of headers too. he has been scoring every way you can basicaly, somthing not many players can do, so thats a big reason why he is important.

                              Still with the money we will get for him, I'm sure if he has to leave to please his mommy we will have enough money to somehow fill his shoes.


                                he came in on a four year contract, why sign a new five year deal, if you dont want to honour it, apprantly he wont be leaving thats for sure , the glazers are not going to sell, whatever money madrid offer, and there nothing ronaldo can do about it, so hes in limbo of his own making.

