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Manchester United Thread

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    Anyone watch the Ryan Giggs tribute programme on Sky Sports tonight? Was superb, brought back some great memories and just cements what a true legend he is. Was great to hear Kaka talk about Giggsy and say he used to watch him play as he grew up, quality. Giggsy - LEGEND


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      Scolari urging Ronaldo to join Madrid!

      Interesting read, his stepfather talks as if it's definite that he'll go.

      He also says he has nothing more to prove in England, of course he does. You can't just have 1 amazing season and then believe your a United legend, gotta stay there and perform consistently for a few years then we'll see!

      I hope to god he doesn't leave!


        Yikes. If he goes he's an idiot. United are a bigger club imo.


          He's an idiot anyway for causing such a stir over whether he's going or not. If really wants to stay then he should have come out already with a definite answer to his fans, instead he's mincing about in the background.


            I'd agree with that. He needs to set everyone straight, either way. You just know, if he left, he'll never become a true great player. I just don't see him evolving at Madrid. Did Zidane get any better while he was there? Figo? They were great already, and in their prime. Ronaldo is so young he needs an experienced coach like Fergie - someone he can learn from,
            who can steer him clear of the problems other great young players have succumbed to.

            Fingers crossed we'll get another few years of him in the Premiership.


              I was pretty confident a few weeks back that he would stay but I really don't know now, like hoolak said he is an idiot for just feeding the speculation. Their was speculation around Torres but has just come out and said he wants to stay at Liverpool, end of. If Ronaldo does leave for Madrid, he will not be welcomed back at Old Trafford as far as I am concerned. I would love for him to stay but the way he is dealing with this situation is ridiculous.


                Didn't he say last week he'd sign a new contract within 2 weeks, or something like that? I dare say Fergie has a good idea what's happening, and I can't recall the last time he lost a player.

                I fail to see the alure of Madrid. Right now, United are the better team. Bigger weekly attendance, better chance of winning Europe again, and a team built around the style of play Ronaldo brings with him. From what I've seen of Madrid, changes would have to be made. And would they get rid of RVN as the two of them evidently don't along?


                  He probably thinks he can be responsible for any team's success. Doing it for mommy and that.


                    He's my favourite player, I'll be watching all his games this Euro tourney. Yet even my patience is running thin now, with this fresh round of stories. He needs to man up and pledge himself to United. When he joined, he was talented, but not really a "player". Look at him now. He wouldn't have developed so quickly, so profoundly, at any other club. There is no better manager for a potential "superstar" - Fergie shields his players, he does everything. He's dealt with superstars before, and he's dealt with people who've eclipsed that (I'm thinking Beckham here). He's kept Ronaldo grounded, away from the hysteria he'd be subjected to at Madrid. He shielded him after the World Cup and turned him in to the man he is today.

                    I think Ronaldo both owes United his loyalty, and I think it's best for him. I can see him becoming just another potentially brilliant player who joins Madrid, only to be sold 2 years later having had two average (at best) seasons. He'll find himself in a middle of the league club in Europe somewhere, and spend the rest of his career trying to recapture the greatness we now see in him.

                    I hope he stays, but right now I think if he does, he needs to give a statement to the fans. And tell his family to shut the **** up.


                      It's looking more likely he'll go than stay at the moment. Ferguson putting up a hardline stance with him seems to be a front, possibly so he can go "I did all I could".

                      At a club like Man U, benching a young, talented player for wanting to leave will destroy team morale. You'll get lots of other young players, especially ones who aren't getting as many games as they'd like and have been wondering if they'd do better elsewhere, feeling worried and depressed. They'd also struggle to get young talent, people will see Ronaldo on the bench and wonder 'could that be me'

                      The tougher Ferguson acts, the more he'll push Ronaldo out. He's a young player on the brink of becoming an international legend, to me it's easy to imagine his ego being on sky high levels and looking for the next challenge. There's nothing else for him to really achieve at Man U, he's got the top prizes as a team and as a player.


                        I agree with you, it's looking more and more likely he'll be off. It will be a loss for United, the league, and I suspect ultimately for him as well.

                        A good question is, could he ever repeat this last season, at United, or anywhere else?


                          I love all this , ronaldo says well ill make an anouncement about my future in a few days, its not up to him to do that, he is under contract for another 4 years, so he cant go anywhere, as we have seen in the past there is no point in keeping a player who wants to go, but on this one, i would let him rot in the stands until he is 27 and can leave for free.
                          all will be revealed and if he wants to go , 1 he is mad, and 2 , life will go on and Utd will still win all


                            Originally posted by Chain View Post
                            A good question is, could he ever repeat this last season, at United, or anywhere else?
                            I don't think he could in his first season at another club anyway, it's entirely possible he could do the same next season at Utd though as the setup and team is there for him and he's familair with it all now.

                            I think the problem is that so many of the people around him will be trying to convince him to go to Spain but I bet he knows deep down it would be wrong to leave Utd so early, just hope he makes the right decision.


                              Real President says its time to give up chasing Ronaldo!

                              God, theres a new story every day about this taking it from a different angle and now this is saying there's no chance of him signing and they won't pursue him anymore!

                              To be honest, I'm really pissed at Ronaldo whatever he does for letting this hype go on so long. Real let down.


                                its all a pile of bs, ronaldo is just holding out for a fat raise, he will not leave till sir alex does im 100% sure of that,

