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Manchester United Thread

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    Originally posted by hoolak View Post
    Rumour has it Andy Gray is in for the position.
    Is that a joke?


      Apparently, Sir Alex and Ronaldo met up for the first time since May for a chat. According to Sir Alex, the meeting went well and that Ronaldo will not be sold.

      You would have thought that this will bring an end to this long running saga, but somehow I don't think so...


        Yeah I don't think this is the last we will hear of this. In other news Sir Alex confirmed that we have made a bid for Berbatov


          If he signs, then we can get rid of Saha XD


            I see Tottenham have reported both ourselves and Liverpool to the FA for tapping up.

            Good luck to them I say after all the Ronaldo business this summer Im surprised at United.

            We have acted in the exact same way as Madrid. I know we do it all the time but after having the shoe on the other foot this time I feel we should change our ways.


              Very much agree. Fergie should have stayed quite about it til an actual deal was struck with Spurs.


                Wow, this guy sure likes to play games. Bit of a tit if you ask me.

                Originally posted by C.Ronaldo
                "I've had hundreds of questions about Manchester United and Real Madrid," he told ESPN. "What do you want me to say? That I'm going or I'm staying?
                "I don't know about the future, only God knows it. I can't say any more.

                "I'm not anxious about the future, I'm feeling normal," he continued.
                "Normal is resting my head, my body, having a good recovery and the future belongs to God, not to me".
                Hurry up God and make Ron's decision for him! You're making a lot of fans angry. Tut-tut.



                  He can **** off. Seriously, get a grip mate. You are losing all your fans.


                    If Ronaldo does actually end up staying, the Real Madrid president is gonna be in for a backlash from his own fans LOL.


                      Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                      Very much agree. Fergie should have stayed quite about it til an actual deal was struck with Spurs.
                      Fergusson's reaction saying they should be embarrassed about reporting them was an out of order comment, especially with the amount of moaning he did about the Ronaldo saga.


                        His point was that Spurs had reported him on the basis of a newspaper report. Fergie denies ever saying the comments attributed to him.


                          Apparently he's saying he never mentioned the player's name, only that he hoped to have completed a signing soon. Nothing wrong with that. If this is true, and I don't see why he'd lie as the complaint has already been made, then he is correct.

                          This really is nothing like the Ronaldo saga though. Has he encouraged any player to strike? Been talking daily to, effectively, the clubs own newspaper and saying all kinds of ****? Nothing like that at all.


                            Same as Ronaldo has not been told that by Real then....

                            Liverpool and Man U have (rightfully imho) been reported and Man U especially have a lot (as in massive amounts) of history of destabilising players - maybe each major signing of the last few years. Both clubs appear to have used the media to destabilise (I think Benitez was asked directly about Keane, not sure Fergie was but maybe) and this type of crap should stop.


                              We look set to complete the permanent signing of Tevez for a whopping £32M. He is worth every penny and it's great news! XD


                                I think that is a good signing but a lot of cash. I really like Tevez, good eye for goal and never lets the team down. Breaking the British transfer record again though, I guess only Chelsea can compete with that kind of money (and Sunderland although they do spread it around!)

