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Manchester United Thread

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    Personally I'd love / want him to stay. As far as I'm concerned I can accept that he may want to go to Real one day if not tomorrow but the fact remains that so much of the whole saga has been nothing pure speculation and hype by the media. Afterall the guy has gone beyond being "just" a M.U player and has become a household name, it's no longer just footie fans that have an interest in what's going on but many others in general too and that sells papers. For my money, come the 10th, he'll be there .


      To go back to the Gerrard thing - and this was mentioned in PM to hoolak [seemed out of place on a Man U thread]. It is relevant in a way. I really feel that Ronaldo is showing his objectionable side to MU fans that most other fans felt. I recognise he is a talented guy but I have always felt he was a cock. But he is not a "Man Utd" player really, he came for his career - not for the club. Gerrard's eyes were turned by Chelsea because he saw a chance to win stuff (well, the PL is the only thing he hasn't and I guess he wants that) and in many ways I did not blame him. He never disparaged the club, or came out talking about his dream to play for Chelsea, briefed against the club, spoke about cash etc etc. The manner in which it *appears* Ronaldo has handled this is seriously difficult to get back from if he stays. But, when you get a player like Ronaldo in the manner in which he arrived (and he said it was his dream to play for a host of clubs) it cannot be a surprise.


        Fergie says it will only be one signing this summer, but i suppose after spending 50 million last summer it was inevitable as the size of our sqaud is still bigger than most,but im still hopefull we will bring in 2 or 3 signings but a new striker has to be our priority surely.


          The big question is, will it be one big name in and one big name out , and i dont mean louis saha, the latest is Ronaldo is staying and wants to apparently after finding out Real wont match his utd wages.


            Not sure realy if anyone else is wanting out arcnas other than Ronldo and Saha looks like hes off to Roma,but yeah if it is going to be one signing then lets hope its a top bannana one Berbetov would be nice


              Apparently now we are treating Ronaldo like a slave! If a slave earns in excess of £100,000 a week and plays for Manchester United, I would love to be one. The club should just get rid of him now as soon as possible, what an ungreatful and arrogant piece of ****.


                Thing is, this is all stemmed from Sepp Blatter's comments the other day. However, the guy is purely anti-english football as only a few months ago he made comments totally at odds with his most recent outburst:

                Of course, I'm sure the following has nothing to do with it:


                  Fergies very quiet on this one, im sure hes ready to expolde over his attitude, but ronaldo wont be welcome at old trafford thats for sure, lets ged rid and spend the money on a striker, and pray we get real in next years CL , im sure vidic will go soft on him, as we all know hell run scared of playing against utd.


                    Things have gotten ridiculous. "Slavery". Yes that's exactly what's going on, Ronaldo and forced servitude.

                    I was all for letting the little prick rot on the bench, teach him a lesson. Things may have gone too far now. He is trying to talk himself out of the team, with no regard to the manager, players, or fans. I'd say let him go, but then Real will keep doing this **** on players in the future.

                    You know the best way to hurt Ronaldo now? Sell him to Madrid for say 3 players and £10m. The record books will show he went for £10m. That will hurt his fragile little ego, he wants to be known as the most expensive footballer ever.


                      I doubt he cares about the transfer fee so long as he gets a good pay packet


                        A few weeks ago I said that things are gonna get ugly, so I'm not surprised by this. This circus has dragged on for quite some time and yet, it's far from finished cos there'll be more twists and turns to come.

                        Ronaldo is obviously a class act on the pitch but off the pitch he is showing his true colours.


                          Originally posted by Chain View Post
                          Things have gotten ridiculous. "Slavery". Yes that's exactly what's going on, Ronaldo and forced servitude.

                          I was all for letting the little prick rot on the bench, teach him a lesson. Things may have gone too far now. He is trying to talk himself out of the team, with no regard to the manager, players, or fans. I'd say let him go, but then Real will keep doing this **** on players in the future.

                          You know the best way to hurt Ronaldo now? Sell him to Madrid for say 3 players and ?10m. The record books will show he went for ?10m. That will hurt his fragile little ego, he wants to be known as the most expensive footballer ever.
                          I don't think its Real's fault - I blame the players and when they're as ungrateful as Ronaldo there isn't much you can do except what goes around comes around. I'm sure United can get some killer signings for Ronaldo's price tag and at this stage I can't see him at united next season. His contract can keep him at United but an unhappy player will always be an under performing one.


                            Queiroz has left for Portugal, leaves us without an assistant manager with the season about to start next month.


                              Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post

                              Queiroz has left for Portugal, leaves us without an assistant manager with the season about to start next month.
                              At least that means we'll get someone who talks sense when interviewed on Match of the Day. I say give it to Brian McClair! Or get Cantona in ready to take over when Fergie goes


                                Rumour has it Andy Gray is in for the position.

