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Chelsea Thread

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    Originally posted by hoolak View Post
    I heard he done thadurtyonthemissus with Wayne Bridge's bird. She's not a bad looker, mind.
    Nor is Cheryl Cole. Now not only does she have the x factor, she is also worth it - that's according according to l'oreal.


      Last edited by Kongster; 29-01-2010, 21:30. Reason: double post


        Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
        It's hardly a Chelsea "hit piece" though, is it? It's not like The Sun would have buried the story had Gerrard or Rooney been the player involved.
        They wouldn't bury a story on them but at the same time, they don't send out legions of reporters trying to find (or create) dirt on them and their family like they do with Chelsea.

        It's like that whole 'OMG TERRY OFFERED A CHARITY TOUR AROUND THE TRAINING GROUND' thing. They're just not hostile enough to Gerrard or Rooney to do that kind of pathetic sting on them.


          This the South East, it's where all the news is. And more importantly, where all the papers are based. Less effort to go trolling around Cobham than trek up north.


            Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
            He cheated on his children? His family must be messed up...

            Regardless, why is it any of our business what he gets up to in the bedroom and who he does it with?
            Hilarious. He cheated on his wife, thus he cheated on his whole family.

            A man who has everything he could ever dream of and he can't keep it in his pants and do the right thing.

            Dad of the year indeed.


              Clearly he's a disgrace and England should have a new captain.

              Should we pick the one who used a prostitute whilst in a relationship or the one who got his mates to beat up a barman who wouldn't change the music and is involved with gangsters?


                See, English football scandals are all wrong.

                Gerrard - Twats some bloke
                Rooney - Screws some granny prosser
                Terry - Bones his team mates missus

                Then you look at the way the Brazilians do it

                Edmundo - Got a monkey drunk at a birthday party

                In all seriousness though, I think this England team is a disgrace and yes I know my past record isn't perfect, but these people are not only role models, they represent this country. Just because they earn £100k a week they think they are above everyone else.

                I think Terry needs to me made a real example of as should definitely be stripped of England captaincy.

                And just before anyone says anything, a former Bolton player was sent to prison and I was one that didn't want him back as it was when he was still at the club.


                  They're young, rich, physically active and generally not all that bright (except oddly for Lampard who apparently has a freaky high IQ). Why do we expect them to be these super human flawless people?

                  They think they're so much better than anyone else. Getting drunk, speeding, having affairs. You wouldn't see regular people do this! Who do they think they are!

                  What other country would print ream and ream of garbage about their players before a major tournament?
                  Last edited by abigsmurf; 30-01-2010, 12:09.


                    Originally posted by FamiDude View Post
                    Edmundo - Got a monkey drunk at a birthday party


                      Meh, I'm tired of all this crap really. No other country sabotages their own side before a major tournament.

                      Don't like Terry? Think he's an embarassment. Fine. Withdraw him from the squad, see how well our defence and midfield organise themselves without him.

                      It's stuff like this which makes me fed up with England and why I'm Club > country. We've only sacked one out of our last 5 managers for footballing reasons. It's utterly pathetic how the FA hasn't the balls to confront the tabloids


                        It'll blow over. It'll be all water under the Bridge. Just the Eriksson affairs.


                          The last 'scandal' with Sven actually cost him his job (caused him to set a date for him to step down).


                            1-0, not a great performance but it'll do so far.


                              Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                              What other country would print ream and ream of garbage about their players before a major tournament?
                              So? The papers can print what they want. It's up to the people to buy it or not.

                              Everyone blames the media when it's the 'celebrity'-obsessed people that fund the media and put it where it is. If it's so bad then why doesn't everyone just boycott all the newspapers? Nah, people like to damn others, and it's a people's nation at the end of the day. Anything else would be communist.


                                2-1 with Terry scoring the winner. Most excellent.

                                Playing Zhirkov out of position seemed the main reason for us being so sloppy. Much improved when he was moved back into his regular role.

