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Chelsea Thread

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    Hold on, just realised this is the Chelski thread. Posting here makes me feel dirty. Guess I'm too used to you posting in the United thread Smurf


      Pfft! I'm quite capable of holding a conversation here by myself like I usually do!


        In regards to liars and cheats, there isn't a player in the Premiership who doesn't cheat by attempting to deceive the officials by feigning contact or injury, outright lying and what have you, who doesn't moan and swear and act like a spoilt little child when decisions go against them. They get paid 50, 60, 70k a week, act disgracefully, and society regards them as idols and heros? F**king hell... what a crazy world we live in.

        If I was born with a gift (and it is a gift) that allowed me to make 50k a week playing a bloody game, a gift that society, in it's insanity, puts great value on, a gift that gained me praise, popularity, success with beautiful women and so and and so forth, I'd feel blessed and a sense of obligation to be as decent a human being as possible. But there we go...

        As for last night's game, I don't think our play was deserving of a victory, United's was. It was a fair result.


          Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
          Pfft! I'm quite capable of holding a conversation here by myself like I usually do!

          LOL. Join us....



            Swearing at a camera after scoring a goal, or constantly abusing officials which A Cole was doing yesterday. Tell me what is worse?

            Kids are going to swear one day. What you don't want them doing is swearing at referees. You don't see that in any other sport apart from football? Why? Because so many players like A Cole get away with it. How about the FA do something right for a change and stamp out that.

            Also can't blame the referee for the penalty. When I first saw it, I thought Evra got a little touch. But you can blame the pointless guy behind the goal, he had a clear view.


              You swear at an official, you swear at one person. You swear at a camera, you swear at a few million people.


                What the hell? I trust you never played football in your life. When you score a goal, you let your emotion out and that what Rooney was doing. I don't see any evidence that Rooney was swearing at me, or you.

                You seem to think it's ok to swear at refs. Not surprised with players like A Cole in your team.


                  Sorry you are spouting a bunch of crap. There are what, 450 players in the Premier league? Somehow they manage to make it through most years without running up to a camera and swearing. You swear at a camera, you're swearing at the audience, this is why you don't see if happen. Drogba did it a few years back, he got 4 games + 2 suspended.

                  Don't give me that "You've never played football" rubbish. I don't exactly see kids running up to the gathered parents swearing at them when they score for their local team.

                  It's not ok to swear at refs (although that's something Rooney does more often than any other player I've seen) but it's literally several orders of magnitude worse running up to a camera and swearing into it.


                    Watch the replay. Rooney runs *back* to the camera to make his point. It's not like the cameraman is there shoving it in his face. He makes a conscious effort, having seen the camera, to backtrack and mouth at it.

                    Don't agree with banning people for it though. There were some classic F1 moments in seasons past along similar lines that noone gave a flying about.


                      Drogba didn't swear at the audience. So swearing at the camera is swearing at an audience? So Drogba was saying the audience was a ****ing disgrace? Or do you think he meant the ref? You tell me? Did Drogba just score a goal? No he came from nowhere in his flip flops, started swearing at the referee and then making his point on camera.

                      I swear some of you have never been to a game or never played football. Just because you got caught on camera makes it worse. No it doesnt. Footballers always swear. Kids will swear. What you don't want them to do is harassing and abusing referees.

                      And any parent who wants footballers as role models needs to get a grip. He was showing his emotion. I bet the same people who support the ban are the idiots who spout that footballers have no passion and are just robots. The guy just scored an equaliser from a game we looked out of.


                        Drogba directed his comments at the camera, it was a camera that was following him rather than him running up to it and he was being pulled away but he still clearly meant to get his thoughts across to viewers. He didn't call anyone an effing disgrace in itself, he just said referred to the situation in general as being an intercourse related disgrace. Regardless he got a 4 match + 2 ban under a bad sportsmanship ban and didn't really make much more of in public (although Malouda was then stupid in an interview).

                        Rooney and Ferguson just need to accept it rather than drawing it out. It's not going to change anything now and Ferguson having something to say almost every week isn't making him look good. It may not be a rule invoked often but it's a rule not broken often. Regardless, rules are rules.


                          New footy site


                            And what was the situation in general? He felt the ref cost them the game and started swearing to make his point. Drogba didn't score a hat-trick did he? He came on the pitch in his flip flops and started behaving like a mad man.

                            Oh dear and Carlton Cole has been charged for comments on twitter. Deary me.

                            It's a rule not broken often? He was banned for swearing. Do you watch a different game to me? Because swearing is pretty common in football. Go to a ground, you will see fans chanting swears, managers swearing, and players swearing. The ref said he would have sent him off for that. Rubbish. The ref would have booked him at minimum. Refs don't even do nothing when players swear at them. Because if they did, the likes of Terry, Cole, Gerrard and Rooney himself would be off every week.


                              Our inability to score continues so far.

                              Just to rub it in, Sturridge is scoring goals for fun at Bolton.


                                Sturridge >>> B'Elanna Torres

