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Chelsea Thread

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    6 appeals, 4 of them beyond argument. I feel for him.


      Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
      They weren't the best team. That was barcelona's first shot on goal.
      First shot on target. Over the two legs they deserved to win, even though the refereeing - for both sides, but perhaps moreso for Chelsea - was really poor tonight.


        For what it's worth I do agree the ref was shocking but he also got a major decision wrong for Barce too. Once again another player is going to miss out on Champion's League because the ref got the decision wrong. There was no way that was a red card.

        Originally posted by Adrock View Post
        Jamie Redknapp is talking absolute ****


          Originally posted by Ajay1986 View Post
          No it wasn't justified. The referee might have had a poor game but that doesn't mean its justified to hurl abuse at him and put your hands on him.
          100% correct. Foul, thug-like, abusive, aggressive behaviour.


            You cant seriously say Barca weren't the best team?

            Chelsea parked the bus and didn't do much else. Barca were clearly the best team, they played the best football and had the most posession.


              Barcelona never looked like scoring, Chelsea could've scored several. Chelsea were prevented from scoring from fouls in the penalty area.

              When Jamie Redknapp is arguing for chelsea, you know something is majorly wrong.


                Barca's shooting may have been wayward, but they were camped in the Chelsea half for most of the match even when they had ten men. They still had more shots (I think) even if most of them were crap. Chelsea paid for being too negative over the two legs, when you play that way, it can bite you on the bum.

                I liked the fact that all through the match (when it was 1-0 to Chelsea naturally) the commentators kept banging on about the fact that stats don't count, style of play doesn't count, getting the scoreline to take you through is all that matters. They weren't peddling that line in the studio afterwards though

                BTW, do I need to clean out my ears, did Drogba lean into the camera and say it was a "****ing disgrace"?

                As a Spurs fan, it hasn't been a bad couple of days in terms of a bit of good old schadenfreude


                  Doesn't Jamie Redknapp have links with Frank Lampard?

                  Sky Sports conspiracy!

                  Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
                  BTW, do I need to clean out my ears, did Drogba lean into the camera and say it was a "****ing disgrace"?
                  No your hearing is fine. Drogba is gonna be (and should be) in a lot of trouble.


                    nope. he said "****ing disgrace! ****ing fix!"


                      His theatrics are just that.


                        Oh good, didn't catch the second ****ing!


                          Imo, i don't think either team really deserved it but on balance i would say barca shaded it purely because they went for it more.

                          They attacked incessantly in the first leg and tried tonight but chelsea's dogmatic approach gave them a bit of food for thought.

                          Credit where credit is due to Barca, they kept going to the last second with 10 men and got their reward from a fabulous goal. But as i said before if chelsea hadn't gone negative after the goal and especially when they went down to 10 men, we probably wouldn't be here discussing chelsea's elimination.

                          Blaming the ref doesn't do any good at all regardless of the crappy decisions he made. Chelsea should have had the bit between the teeth when barca were there for the taking, but instead they tried containment and really only have themselves or the boss to blame.


                            Well Drogba had the chance to put the game to bed, maybe he should blame himself for not slotting home that glorious chance.


                              Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                              Well Drogba had the chance to put the game to bed, maybe he should blame himself for not slotting home that glorious chance.
                              We talking both legs here......


                                Yeah definitely, he had critical chances in both legs.

