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World Cup 2010

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    Take him off the pitch ! Wasting time, where's the stetcher...


      I would like Germany to beat Spain. Spain have got a few weaknesses and I don't think they'll cope with Germany's counterattacking efficiency.


        I wouldn't be surprised if Spain beats the Germans. Spain might have difficulties to score, they've also got only a few goals against. Spain is a team that likes to circulate the ball around. Their speed can capitalize on the somewhat slow German defense.


          Then all Germany have to do is not allow any space behind them. All Germany have to do is cross it all day to Klose...


            Germany will wallop Spain playing like that. Their defense and counter attacking will be to much for the Spaniards. Paraguay opened them up enough times and they were ****e.

            Any team that has notched almost 15 goals in 5 games upto the semi's is the favourite in my book
            Last edited by NemesiS; 03-07-2010, 20:27.


              I hope Germany annihilate the Spanish. Spain have been the worst divers/moaners in the tournament I really can't stand their attitudes.


                Extraordinary second half, great stuff.


                  Yeah, Germany have a nice hunger to play and score. Spain with all the, "great" player they have. They have some shocking weaknessessss. That defence, only Villa up front. So they play keep-ball. Theydo have a we should win, without playing attitude...


                    Spain won't play suicide 4-1-5 like the Argies, thats for sure, thats what I meant with Diego.. its...

                    And again Spain got into the game when Alonso was being subbed for Cesc.


                      It was Torres who went off when Fabregas came on.


                        And it was the introduction of Pedro for Alonso that made the real difference.


                          Ah yeah i see. But it comes down to Spain switching to Villa as lone striker, and with Cesc taking over on midfield. Most of the time they did this, they improved.

                          This would likely be their best bet:

                          ---------------- Iker ---------------
                          Ramos - Piqué - Puyol- Capdevilla
                          ----- Busquets ------ Xavi -----
                          ---------------- Cesc----------------
                          ----Pedro------ Villa ------ Iniesta

                          Villa as lone striker ofcourse.
                          Last edited by saturn-gamer; 03-07-2010, 21:24.


                            Originally posted by Ajay1986 View Post
                            I hope Germany annihilate the Spanish. Spain have been the worst divers/moaners in the tournament I really can't stand their attitudes.
                            Agreed, that Iniesta bloke really takes the piss, when he went through on the run which their goal came from he broke quite a hefty challenge simply because he 'wanted' to get into the box, every other time he's on the ball he goes down like a sack of spuds at a small gust of wind.


                              Other than that, I Iniesta is a very good player. He would get the nod over Fab in my team as his ball control and vision are outstanding.

                              Spain need to drop Torres as he just isn't performing. Del Bosque should shove Villa up front on his own, but i'm not sure he will. Could be sponsership pressure?

                              Even so, regardless of the team reading like a whose who of world stars, i don't think they will trouble Germany on current form. They have struggled throughout the tournament and haven't played a team that can really cause them problems yet. Their second round and QF games illustrated how easy they are to open up with moderate players but they have scraped through simply because their opponents were worse.

                              Germany should have a field day and i never thought i would say this, but i hope Germany win the tournament. Bringing a very young inexperienced team to the WC showed real balls by loew and they have been a breath of fresh air with their quick fluid attacking football in a what has been a very average and boring tournament imo.


                                Did anyone else notice Alan Hansen describe the first half as amazing? Just because it was bloody spain.

