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World Cup 2010

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    Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
    All of a sudden? Have you been following them throughout the recent years?

    As long as Maradona is their coach, its a clueless team without any strategy and with an utterly horrible defense. That Romero plays in our league, he's a complete joke.

    I was surprised that they advanced to the 2nd round, although some of their goals were kind of shady. They've robbed Mexico afterwards. Its seriously impressive that they've managed to reach the final 8 with this mess.

    I gave Germany credit, they are the most fun to watch on this tourney. On forehand I thought Brazil - Germany would become the final as both teams were clearly the best and most deadly.

    But Argentina? ****.
    Yeah, I have followed them but you're correct I guess.....Argentina (World Cup quarter finalists) are ****, utterly horrible and so on.
    Last edited by ezee ryder; 03-07-2010, 16:03.


      What about England?


        utterly horrible is just about their defense and worst of this cup are your own words. ****, thats all i said

        And yes, quite surprising that they even made the quarter finals. Especially after Diego's wicked decisions regarding Cambiasso, Zanetti, Milito and so on. Diego has no clue and a wonder player like Messi, its amazing that he couldn't let him function half decent in the blue white jersey. And thats not just about the last 3 weeks.

        Maybe he should've started with Martin Palermo, the man who brought the team to this stage after all
        Last edited by saturn-gamer; 03-07-2010, 16:14.


          The way the Germans come forward is exciting to watch. They smash forward through defensive lines like rampant Tiger tanks.


            Originally posted by Kongster View Post
            What about England?
            Well, considering we have now "established" Argentina are **** then England must be **** with piss all over it.


              Not as **** as you trying to be clever though.


                Ok then, Maradona's Argentina wasn't **** but is an amazing team with incredible results under Maradona.

                But purely based on results of these weeks (and thats not my basis for rating these Argies), then you could say yes about England. There is quite a difference though. Before this cup started, England weren't among the booky faves for nothing.

                They were impressive under Capello, had an amazing qualifying stage in where they destroyed Croatia and other rated teams. There was no sign of England going down the drain as they did in this cup. Not under a usually stable and winning coach such as Capello. Their crap form in the USA game came as a surprise to me.
                Last edited by saturn-gamer; 03-07-2010, 16:39.


                  Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
                  Not as **** as you trying to be clever though.
                  .....but totally as **** as you trying to have a dig at me when I have said nothing to you.

                  If you think I am "trying to be clever" then don't read what I post.....honestly, this place. *sighs*

                  Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
                  Ok then, Maradona's Argentina wasn't **** but is an amazing team with incredible results under Maradona.

                  But purely based on results of these weeks (and thats not my basis for rating these Argies), then you could say yes about England. There is quite a difference though. Before this cup started, England weren't among the booky faves for nothing.

                  They were impressive under Capello, had an amazing qualifying stage in where they destroyed Croatia and other rated teams. There was no sign of England going down the drain as they did in this cup. Not under a usually stable and winning coach such as Capello. Their crap form in the USA game came as a surprise to me.
                  Yeah, I would agree with that "amazing team with incredible results under Maradona" statement. We all know he isn't a tactical genius but he got the team to play for him.....well, at least during the majority of the World Cup anyway.

                  In regards to England, they are just not good enough when it comes to the big tournaments. They play with too much fear and expectation mounted on their shoulders.
                  Last edited by ezee ryder; 03-07-2010, 16:53.


                    Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
                    But purely based on results of these weeks (and thats not my basis for rating these Argies), then you could say yes about England. There is quite a difference though. Before this cup started, England weren't among the booky faves for nothing.
                    Bookies give England high (or low depending on your POV) odds because of people placing bets out of loyalty. The more people who place bets on something, the more they're forced to cover themselves to prevent them being bankrupted by a freak result.


                      Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                      Bookies give England high (or low depending on your POV) odds because of people placing bets out of loyalty. The more people who place bets on something, the more they're forced to cover themselves to prevent them being bankrupted by a freak result.
                      Fair enough. But England has made huge steps forward ever since McClaren got the sack. From EC 2008 missing losers to possible outsiders for the World Cup in 2010.

                      From defense to offense they have world class material, quite a few being at the top of their game since the last few seasons too. Capello is a coach that usually manages to mold a team, superstars and egos or not. Thats what made this campaign a shocker, at least to outsiders such as me.
                      Last edited by saturn-gamer; 03-07-2010, 17:13.


                        this warning didn't help apparently. so it's...


                          Well done Germany, they played great. I like how, energetic and honest they play ! A breath of fresh air, what with all the shenanigans at the world cup. Argentina, like Brazil yesterday seem to go in to shock if they go behind. Or don't have enough belief in themselves ? The one thing Germany always have...


                            This makes for quite interesting reading, especially if you take the time to read the analysis of how it's worked out.

                            What's so surprising is how highly Stevie Me, Lampard & Barry rank, even in the game v Germany. Instinctively this makes you think it's guff but when you read the explanation they make a defence of it, which of course doesn't change our gubbing.


                              This spain game is failing to keep my interest. Might have a soak in the bath instead...


                                Haha penalty to Paraguay. What the hell was Pique doing, wrestling ?

                                Bad penalty, after all those great ones against Japan !?

                                This is crazy, penalty to Spain ! I bet they won't miss.....

                                They did, great save !!!
                                Last edited by wonderboy; 03-07-2010, 19:45.

