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Premier League 2010/11 general thread

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    Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
    Keys and Gray won't be involved with the Bolton vs Chelsea match tonight. Seems to only be a one off thing though, shame.
    Just shows the double standards of SKY: They shack Rodney Marsh for a silly joke, and yet don't sack those two twat's of their silly comments
    I'm not saying they should be sacked off course of silly comments, but if you do it to one, then you should apply that same rule to all


      Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
      Unfortunatley, in most jobs, not just media related ones, if people who talked like that got fired then there would be very few people left in work as people say stupid things to each other all the time.

      On the subject of women officals, I'm not really sure, do they have female officals in other sports where only males are playing?

      For me its not so much an issue of wether a woman can be a lines person (becuase, as that one at the weekend proved, they obviously can) but in an all male game of football it just seems to make sense that the officals should be male too.
      In ice hockey they have woman officials too.


        Look at it the other way around too; I doubt many people would care if they saw a male referee in charge of a women's football match, so why should we care if a woman referee is officiating a male football match? Shouldn't make a difference really.

        If male footballers can't cope with being told what to do by a woman they need to grow up a bit.


          Originally posted by rmoxon View Post

          For me its not so much an issue of wether a woman can be a lines person (becuase, as that one at the weekend proved, they obviously can) but in an all male game of football it just seems to make sense that the officals should be male too.
          This is a fair point. And while I agree footballers need to grow up, they might think that if the women can't play our game, why should they be running it?
          Perhaps it is time to let women play for mens teams?


            Originally posted by nakamura View Post
            This is a fair point. And while I agree footballers need to grow up, they might think that if the women can't play our game, why should they be running it?
            Perhaps it is time to let women play for mens teams?
            Why do the Footballers need to grow up ? it's not them that had the problems; Has someone that been to Championship matches, you'll see Women Officials a few times, and most times they're no better or no worse then the Men Officials

            I would draw the Line at Mixed Football teams, its totally impracticable for grass roots football for starters (in terms of Changing and Shower rooms)


              On the Sky Sports News yellow ticker: Andy Gray leaves Sky Sports! Just gotta get rid of Keys now too

              Talking to my brother about it the other day, we both felt that the people they have presenting and commentating on the Spanish Football coverage are much better than who they usually have on for English matches. Less hyperbole (although a fair bit of Barca arse kissing ).


                Its all about the lowest common denominator though. The guys doing the Spanish stuff are playing to an audience who probably have more interest in football as a whole generally speaking so they dont have to do the tabloid thing you get from Premier League coverage.

                I have to say Andy Gray really did get on my nerves, the only problem is that Alan Smith or whoever else takes his spot will surely not offer anything different. Sky's EPL coverage is full of those types of pundits. It'd be a brave move to actually appoint someone who knows a lot about football and wants to discuss it in a proper manner.


                  Originally posted by Adrock View Post
                  Its all about the lowest common denominator though. The guys doing the Spanish stuff are playing to an audience who probably have more interest in football as a whole generally speaking so they dont have to do the tabloid thing you get from Premier League coverage.
                  I just wish television companies would adopt that approach as standard. You're right though, I doubt any TV company would have the balls to do it.


                    Superb news, but Sky's Premier League coverage won't change. It is exactly what their target audience is looking for.

                    Unfortunately it looks like Keys and Andy 'Transfer Gimp' Burton will be getting off with a slap on the wrist.
                    Last edited by SharkSkin-Man; 25-01-2011, 16:04.


                      The reports seem to suggest that evidence of Gray doing this before has come to light. So it's a multiple offences thing for him.


                        Says he has been sacked on the BBC.


                          Not only did he do this before, it was the exact same official


                            Apparently, Sky conducted a 'full' investigation, and this clip came to light...which, coupled with the comments about the lineswoman, resulted in Gray's sacking...

                            Andy Gray has been sacked by Sky Sports after a new off-air clip emerged of him engaging in what his employer has deemed to be “unacceptable behaviour” towards fellow presenter Charlotte Jackson.

                            Charlotte Jackson was clipping her mic to her blouse, and Gray asked her to tuck his mic down his trousers...
                            Last edited by Spooky Mulder; 25-01-2011, 16:43.


                              Originally posted by Spooky Mulder View Post

                              Charlotte Jackson was clipping her mic to her blouse, and Gray asked her to tuck his mic down his trousers...
                              That could have been a harmless joke . One that That happens almost everyday in the work place between men and women

                              but Sky's Premier League coverage won't change. It is exactly what their target audience is looking for
                              And what is this Target Audience... Football fans ?
                              Last edited by Team Andromeda; 25-01-2011, 17:24.


                                tabloid football knobs

