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Killer 7

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    Questions about extra modes

    I have completed the default mode (easy? normal?) so I have started Killer 8 mode. I have reached the 3rd level and doing quite well. A few questions though.

    Is Killer 8 mode harder than hard mode or the same but with young Harman?
    Using young Harman seems the best choice, at least until other Smiths are leveled up.
    You seem to only be able to get 8 test tubes maximum? Is it like that in hard mode as well?
    When upgrading smiths is it better to spread it out of stick with one? I liked using Con the best so have been pumping it all into him. I think you need to get all stats on lv4 to get critical lock on? Is that the same for all Smiths?


      It's harder than hard mode; the weakspots are no longer visible, testtubes limited to 8 from 77, savepoints and soul shells no longer shown on the map. It's important to get critical lockon quickly on Killer 8, so I'd go for that first, probably with Kaede rather than Con. Those are the only two that get it at lvl 4s though, the others need lvl 5s which'll take much longer.


        I had a spot of bother with the 2 blokes with half their heads left last night - for some reason I just couldn't shoot accurately. Punished them first time this morning though.

        Favourite quote so far is Harman to bitch with gun - 'Young lady, where are your manners!!!?'


          who produced the cut scenes? i heard that it was a uk based company. just saw the video review on ign and cant wait for the pal release, not long now!


            I am sure that Capcom's staff done the cutscenes themselves but I could be wrong.


              i was just looking at the preview in edge 150 and saw that it is a uk based production company called unit 9, answered my own question!


                Originally posted by tom2004
                cant wait for the pal release, not long now!
                err without sounding rude whats the point on being a part of this site if you're only buying pal releases, hence the site name ntsc-uk as a member in the pal territory you should be against it as we get used and abused...


                  i look at these forums as a way to gauge opinion on games and to look up games that i otherwise would not know about. i frequently import, especially gamecube stuff thanks to the action replay but in the case of killer 7 i dont speak japanese so thought it best to wait, especially as the pal release is only a few days behind the us release. also the people on these forums are not morons like a lot of places i look at and usually answer my questions politely.


                    Ok, taking a wander around Ulmeyda City now - regarding the big ****ers that you take down with Mask; is there a more profitable way of icing them? They go down easy enough, but don't seem to give up any blood.
                    Last edited by Geoff D; 08-07-2005, 11:06.


                      I'm hoping I get this through from Videogamesplus today - I know we're not supposed to post this stuff but MAN IM EXCITED!!!11!!1!1!!

                      Oh nutz Monday then...
                      Last edited by spagmasterswift; 08-07-2005, 16:07.


                        Am there to Spag!! The little of snippet of one of the Smiths at the start of Saurs DMC video the other night got we wound right up for this.

                        My delivery better hurry the snudge up!!


                          Originally posted by Geoff D
                          Ok, taking a wander around Ulmeyda City now - regarding the big ****ers that you take down with Mask; is there a more profitable way of icing them? They go down easy enough, but don't seem to give up any blood.
                          I hate those bastards. The framerate turns to **** when there's like 3 or 4 of them onscreen (PS2 ver).

                          Use someone other than MASK and aim for their eye when it's open for a "blood kill". It blinks so it's actually quite hard to manage it.

                          I've just completed that area. The **** that happens at the end is just x 10! I'm not even going to try and imagine what'll happen next!


                            Sorry, I don't have time to read through the whole thread, but can someone tell me what the music's like in this game? I was wondering if the soundtrack's as good as the art direction.


                              The music is very good and very vaired in style, just as each level's design is. There is electronic music when you head towards a boss, jazz in a hotel, acoustic guitar in ulmeyda city. I liked it so much I've ordered the CD.


                                I played the US version (PS2) at a mate's and it seems they changed the weakspot lockon on the Normal setting. He said his game was on Normal but when I had a go, none of the characters auto locked-on to the weakspot. In the Japanese version, it's was way too easy on Normal because you could rack up huge chains and collect buckets of blood. You also heard the 'you're ****ed" taunts, etc probably too much. Can anyone on the US version confirm there's no auto-weakspot lock-on in Normal mode?

                                They also swapped the run/change direction/map buttons around too which confused me for a few minutes.

