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Makai Kingdom: Chronicles of the Sacred Tome

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    Only early in the game but the level i play a lot is the one where you can only beat the level by having your characters entering the fortress to knock the enemys out.Guaranteed 1000 bonus points and beating the level very quickly to


      I have been bringing all my characters in buildings to 3-4 a lot since I discovered they all got any Bonus EXP.

      Finished my first Free Dungeon last night (Lvl 8 ) and managed to obtain a Beam Saber... nice!

      Got a further vehicle from 3-4.

      I can confirm that on uncleared levels, with all enemies killed, an extension will automatically appear after a number of turns (not sure if it a fixed number of turns).

      My Strategy Guide turned up yesterday (took 5 days).
      Last edited by Bassman; 09-08-2005, 10:29.


        Originally posted by Bassman

        I can confirm that on uncleared levels, with all enemies killed, an extension will automatically appear after a number of turns (not sure if it a fixed number of turns).
        That depends on the level. Sometimes in the free dungeons they don't appear until you throw someone into it. I've used this free time to position and grab items before, sometimes taking more than 10 turns.


          The game is becoming a bit a slog tbh - I spent a good few hours going through some lvl 80 random dungeons, and I'm still no where near being able to defeat even the first of the hidden bosses. There's really not any great place to power level in the game, and the story isn't that great to want to repeat it over and over to see the different endings.

          After 40 hours, I've started to tire with it, unlike Disgaea, it's not something I find I want to keep going at because it's too much of a chore. Although it's technically a better game than Phantom Brave, overall, I don't think it's as good. There's certainly a lot less in terms of strategy compared to PB.

          I think the whole randomness is just too chaotic, there really needs to be a better way of creating dungeons, especially given that the divers are quite limited in number, and that everything needs far far too much mana.

          I'll give it another couple of evenings levelling and reincarnating to higher stats, as I would like to open up at least one of the hidden characters.


            I am having the same problem. I am finding it difficult to get enough Mana to get some decent facilities (ie Academies) and the novelty is rapidly wearing off. For a higher level character the cost is exhorbitant and for a lower level character I don't have enough Mana.

            I have managed to pick up some decent items in a Lvl 8 Free Dungeon in the shape of a Staff and a Drum (who uses the drums then?)

            I have a Lvl 17 Free Dungeon so I will go through that tonight which ought to get me some more levels and decent items if nothing else.

            Map 1 of Chapter 4 was a disaster... I bought in my hospital and got it killed off with characters still inside so I seriously need a higher level Hospital if I am going to pull that trick again and of course that leads us to Mana costs... argh.

            I only have one character I can gain Mana for the conventional way in the shape of a Lvl 8 Burglar. All the other characters have been to 3-4 and so have higher levels and comparitively lower Mana, the lowest being a Lvl 10 Magician. The rest being above Lvl 16.

            I have an Excel spreadsheet that uses the calculations from Gamefaqs to calculate the Mana required for a Facility or a Free Dungeon if anyone is interested. Is there a good place to upload it for download? It is in Excel 97 so there should be no compatibity problems. You enter character level and select the Facility to see how much Mana to build it. For a Free Dungeon you just enter the character level.
            Last edited by Bassman; 10-08-2005, 11:23.


              I think the idea with the buildings is that you buy the more powerful ones when you're at a lower level. You can use that level with loads of guys with hammers too to drop down levels and make your buildings more affordable.

              Apparently, farming for mana is easier with boxes, but I don't understand it. I've never really had an issue with mana, though. After a free dungeon I always seem to come out with 10k more on all my characters. I do tend to play for at least 3-4 hours each go, though. Maybe that's the difference.


                I have yet to get any boxes though I am hopeful that my Lvl 17 dungeon will provide me with one or two.

                It was you at the Doublejump Forum wasn't it?


                  It certainly was


                    I went through my Lvl 17 Free Dungeon. Best item was a Drum (my second). My lead characters are now up to about Lvl 27. The Magician I created on Monday is now beyond Lvl 20 and is in serious need of extra SP I think (he is using the Drum).

                    I suppose the best way to get enough Mana to build another Free Dungeon is to kill some of my characters isn't it?

                    If I level down a character with a Mystic Hammer as an alternative method to be able to afford another Free Dungeon, what happens to their stats?


                      My best character at the moment is a pumpkinhead lv 23 i think i had planned to build up his mana and sacrifice him to buy a building (the one that gives +50% exp).Seems to me the higher the level i get him the more mana is required to get the building a catch 22.Is there a easier way to get the building?


                        I think you have the same problem as me as far as Mana is concerned. If you have a Mystic Hammer you can use it to level down a character which means less mana is required. Best done on Map 3-4 I suppose with healing to ensure that the character does not die. The problem then is low level buildings that can easily be "killed" (speaking from experience there). If you kill one of your characters I think the killer inherits the Mana but too much of that will affect the ending I think. Not sure if it can prevent a New Game+ (from memory).

                        I think you will need Boxes for characters that can use them to do combos with more than one character such that the one that causes the death blow will gain high amounts of Mana.

                        If you have a PC near your PS2 I have a Mana Calculator Excel Spreadsheet for Facilities and Free Dungeons.


                          What about the reincarnation.I only noticed that when i sacrificed a mage and created a new character (i forgot to note what mana/stats were transferred though)


                            Good point, the main aggravation then is getting the character back up to their previous level. Bear in mind it will take a fair amount of work to get the character up to the Lvl of the facility/dungeon you want.

                            I have a Lvl 22 Enlistee which I can maybe spare. A level 15 Free Dungeon would cost 172 Mana and an Academy 1035 (that calculator spreadsheet is useful) though I don't think any of my characters have that much Mana. i could maybe stretch to a Lvl 13 Academy at 880. Of course that does not allow for using some Mana to re-incarnate at a higher class.


                              Hmmm. I don't understand. I've always had plenty of mana for buildings and dungeons. Well, buildings I have to compromise on and build rubbish ones (well, I did at first) just to get the bonuses.

                              Do you have loads of characters (more than 20) who are sharing the mana? Is that why one guy in particular doesn't have enough to build anything? Perhaps you should assign a building character who uses his mana only for buildings, and then do a **** load of killings with him? I did that with an axe guy and I was always fine.


                                I do have a character with around 1000 Mana. at about Lvl 22. If I get him down to Lvl 13 then I ought to be able to get a reasonable building and re-incarnate him with better stats.

                                I don't want to do too much killing in case is spoils my chances of a New Game+

