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Sonic The Hedgehog (360)

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    Originally posted by Selix
    I agree with a lot of things you put on this forum mate and I have respect for you, but I wish you would just admit that this game is an absolute pile of ****.
    Same goes for you, But I really like the game and I'm not just saying that .
    I think its one of those games like DOA XVB that you'll either love or hate (no inbetween) . Genuinely really am enjoying the game , brings back some happy memories of Sonic Adv, which for me remains one of the best platform games around . Its not as good as Sonic Adv, but for me way better than Sonic Adv II or Heroes (yes I know that's not hard)


      At its best, it's actually a really good game. The Crisis City level with Sonic is absolutely fantastic, for example (it's the one in the video above). Right up there with the best levels from previous SA games. But then it dumps you straight from that into something tedious and/or broken and goes and spoils it all. How the hell they though the Silver jungle level, which runs at half speed for much of the time, was acceptable I don't know.

      For people who don't like 3D Sonic games, this isn't going to do anything to change your mind. But for those that do, if you're willing to put up with the same old problems, there is definitely fun to be had from the game.

      Be interesting to see what Rivals is like when that turns up next week.


        Originally posted by Selix
        I agree with a lot of things you put on this forum mate and I have respect for you, but I wish you would just admit that this game is an absolute pile of ****.
        c'mon if he likes it, up to him. I'll make my own mind up when I get it.

        I liked Shadow the Hedgehog. Pretty crap as a Sonic game, but a decent game in it's own right. Can totally see why people see it as **** though, and that's fine too.
        Likewise, TA ain't too keen on SA2 and rates the original SA over it - not me, but his opinion.

        I say that as a huge fan of the old 2D Sonic's though, too.

        Certainly all 3D Sonic games lack that something that made 3D Mario updates work so well.


          Originally posted by Tig
          BWAHAHAHA!! This is as far as I got before I started laughing

          That totally sounds like a parody of what Sonic games would be like, if one day Sega sold the IP to somebody clueless.
          I really don't know what they're thinking with some of the adventure sections. For my money, SA1 had them about right. Nice little hub with a few things to do between the proper levels. They've gone a bit over the top in the new game, though. Sonic is about running and jumping and killing robots and collecting rings and emeralds. It really shouldn't be about shoe shopping, helping somebody collect apples or questioning guards to work out which one is their leader.


            Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33
            c'mon if he likes it, up to him. I'll make my own mind up when I get it.

            I liked Shadow the Hedgehog. Pretty crap as a Sonic game, but a decent game in it's own right. Can totally see why people see it as **** though, and that's fine too.
            Likewise, TA ain't too keen on SA2 and rates the original SA over it - not me, but his opinion.

            I say that as a huge fan of the old 2D Sonic's though, too.

            Certainly all 3D Sonic games lack that something that made 3D Mario updates work so well.
            Thank you, I know I'll be one of the few that will like this game , in just the same way I was on my own in not liking Sonic II that much (when many says it's the best in the series). We all have our own tastes tastes
            In many ways I enjoyed Sonic Adv more than Mario 64 , only the rushed state of the game really let it down , for me thought Windy City and Speed Highway were what Sonic is all about and still remain the best Sonic levels I?ve played .

            My major trouble with this game is the pointless extra characters and stop start nature of it. I just want a Sonic game with him and all the levels built around him and his speed with stuning graphics insane speed and a ass kicking soundtrack inthe backround
            The other big problems is SEGA needs to sort out its bug test dept , its clear huge effort been put into this (well to me) , and the enjoyable levels are up there with Sonic Adv But given the big production valves and a few years in development it should ship with out any bugs or cheap deaths
            More so this really is SEGA number one brand, and the likes of NCL or Insomniac , Naughty Dog wouldn't release their top platform games , with so many bugs , and SONIC should really be up with the best of them in all area?s .

            But I'm enjoying the true SONIC levels in this , they to me are great and what a Sonic game is all about I really don't think this is a bad looking game at all (far from it) And I must also say the music is great too, which some Panzer-ish music tracks ,that are in a similar vein to Zwei and Saga
            Last edited by Team Andromeda; 19-11-2006, 12:04.


              I think the biggest problem any 3D Sonic will face is that they're all taking steps in a different direction to the traditional games. In this sense, it won't really matter how good they are, it will depends on the person whether they find this tolerable.

              I do try to consider the 3D games as separate entities to the old games, so in that sense I can enjoy them.
              Old Sonic is still on another level though in my mind, as much as I can enjoy 3D Sonic.

              I don't know whether the 360 game is good or bad though, waiting for the PAL LE one... but I'm going into it expecting more of the same 3D Sonic, as opposed to it being the great resurrection of classic Sonic. So I think I may like it, not having such lofty hopes as all that.

              It's a shame though, back in the Saturn days, Sonic Team were pretty much considered untouchable.


                it is true that this one is receiving some hard criticisms when its actually as good if not better than Sonic Adventure which also had similar issues. I suppose back then everyone never minded as much.

                Anyway its alright just not special like everyone hoped it would be.


                  I never got more than half an hour into Sonic Adventure. Once I witnessed the abysmal cutscenes and realised that they were unskippable I turned it off in disgust. That was back in the day, recently I fired it up again, thinking it couldn't have been that bad, but those cutsences grated even more, especially when you die and have to watch them all over again. It's maybe a small issue to some, but I never like the feeling that a game is playing you. What were Sega thinking, they should have been skippable, or better still, not there in the first place.

                  Sorry for being way off topic.


                    I've already removed numerous posts from here that have nothing to do with the game - please can everyone keep it on topic.


                      Originally posted by Spatial101
                      I've already removed numerous posts from here that have nothing to do with the game - please can everyone keep it on topic.
                      Sorry mate, we're all so bitter because of how bad the game is. No excuse though.


                        Well the game does a good job luring you in with a beautifully rendered CG cutscene up there with Square-Enix's best efforts (as long as you ignore the cringe inducing voiceover -- a staple of all Sonic games, good and bad). However, this moment of false hope is shortlived as the game switches to its in-game engine, displaying first-generation Dreamcast visuals. Nevermind, it's the gameplay that counts. But before you can judge that you have to deal with this lamentable attempt at RPG gameplay by running around a city gathering information. I won't bother getting into the details it's so boring. Although I will add that the NPC characters are so low-poly it's laughable. Anyway, you endure this and the sickeningly long load times (there's this bit where it loads for ages to show you an old man giving you one line of text dialog before it loads again!). So far, the 1999 Sonic Adventure is putting this to shame.

                        At last we get to play the first proper stage. A homage of sorts to the first stage in Sonic Adventure. Things are looking better, with a noticeable improvement in visuals. Perhaps things aren't so bad afterall. Wait, hold on. Why is the framerate chugging when the whole point of a Sonic game is its speed? Oh look, I can control Tails now. Should be cool. Except it isn't, because the controls are too sensitive and it's a pain in the arse to control this orange fella in the air. Couple this with a more erratic camera than the one in the demo and before you know it Tails has fallen into the water and drowned. I'm on the brink of losing all my lives. It's okay though, because surely it will mean I will get a continue screen and have to start at the beginning of the stage rather than at the last checkpoint. Right? Afraid not. The game boots me to the title screen, which means I have to go through that UTTERLY RUBBISH RPG section again. PISS OFF Sonic Team.

                        Coming to this after Gears is like being on a wild rollercoaster, having the time of your life only for it to suddenly derail and have you wind up in hospital in a vegetative state making you wish you had ended up dead.


                          I cant even play it despite having it!

                          it'll only work PAL and US consoles - not Jap


                            Originally posted by Mephistopheles
                            Well the game does a good job luring you in with a beautifully rendered CG cutscene up there with Square-Enix's best efforts (as long as you ignore the cringe inducing voiceover -- a staple of all Sonic games, good and bad). However, this moment of false hope is shortlived as the game switches to its in-game engine, displaying first-generation Dreamcast visuals. Nevermind, it's the gameplay that counts. But before you can judge that you have to deal with this lamentable attempt at RPG gameplay by running around a city gathering information. I won't bother getting into the details it's so boring. Although I will add that the NPC characters are so low-poly it's laughable. Anyway, you endure this and the sickeningly long load times (there's this bit where it loads for ages to show you an old man giving you one line of text dialog before it loads again!). So far, the 1999 Sonic Adventure is putting this to shame.

                            At last we get to play the first proper stage. A homage of sorts to the first stage in Sonic Adventure. Things are looking better, with a noticeable improvement in visuals. Perhaps things aren't so bad afterall. Wait, hold on. Why is the framerate chugging when the whole point of a Sonic game is its speed? Oh look, I can control Tails now. Should be cool. Except it isn't, because the controls are too sensitive and it's a pain in the arse to control this orange fella in the air. Couple this with a more erratic camera than the one in the demo and before you know it Tails has fallen into the water and drowned. I'm on the brink of losing all my lives. It's okay though, because surely it will mean I will get a continue screen and have to start at the beginning of the stage rather than at the last checkpoint. Right? Afraid not. The game boots me to the title screen, which means I have to go through that UTTERLY RUBBISH RPG section again. PISS OFF Sonic Team.

                            Coming to this after Gears is like being on a wild rollercoaster, having the time of your life only for it to suddenly derail and have you wind up in hospital in a vegetative state making you wish you had ended up dead.
                            I agree with every single word you put there! It's as if you read my mind!


                              Originally posted by Selix
                              I agree with every single word you put there! It's as if you read my mind!
                              As do I. This game is a shambles and MS should have refused to release such rubbish. The camera alone is a total train wreck even before you get started on the abysmal game design, controls, and graphics.


                                Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
                                MS should have refused to release such rubbish
                                Erm.....Why are MS the ones to blame?

