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World Championship Snooker 2007 (360)

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    Originally posted by Jebus View Post
    Mixed feelings...the AI is still ROCK SOLID, even at the first match where I got spanked 5-0. I managed to get quite far ahead and then missed a shot I was certain I had lined up, but missed it by a mile. Then the opponent proceded to clear the table. This happened at twice.

    Really really good game, the graphical glitch is very visible even playing snooker. I suppose the AI is forgivable because thats realism for you, but it could miss a few shots OCCASIONALLY...
    but can you play Pool online as well ?


      but can you play Pool online as well ?
      Bankshot Billiards 2 not good enough?


        Originally posted by peeveen View Post
        Bankshot Billiards 2 not good enough?

        well, it would be if I'd stuffed up the 1200 points to buy it but I like snooker games, and if this had pool as well, then it would probably push me to get it this weekend.


          Originally posted by mattyduk View Post
          but can you play Pool online as well ?
          Online? Not sure, can check later on. Offline you can play Snooker, Pool, 9Ball, Billiards (or a form of it), 3 Ball pool...

          I'd presume you can play those all online. It'd be rather odd if you could do them offline but not online.

          Also meant to add, the presentation of the game is lovely apart from that graphical glitch which desperately needs fixing. In 9Ball it's terrrible.


            Originally posted by Jebus View Post
            Online? Not sure, can check later on. Offline you can play Snooker, Pool, 9Ball, Billiards (or a form of it), 3 Ball pool...

            I'd presume you can play those all online. It'd be rather odd if you could do them offline but not online.
            but that's what blade did with the two previous xbox versions. You could play snooker live but all the other wonderful pool options were'nt live. Some might suspect it had something to do with them releasing a separate LIVE pool game


              Well I can now confirm that you can play the following online :

              8 Ball
              9 Ball
              3 Ball

              Just won my first match!! After losing 3 straight matches 5-0 I finally won, 5-1 to me, including a break of 54 which I'm dead proud of.

              The simple fact is the AI even at the **** levels don't miss enough shots and get shots they shouldn't. You'd expect it if you were playing a top pro, but mr no-name shouldn' be that good.

              Once you get into your rythmn though, it's very enjoyable.

              I think this is a definite rent first title unless you really like snooker/pool. The unfortunate glitch in the game (graphical) doesn't actually take away from an enjoyable experience but this game will frustrate you...but when you finally get that first frame win and the achievement pops up, it really feels like one. Then, when you win your first full match and another one pops up...ooh yeah.

              The achievements are numerous and there is no chance I'll ever get 1000/1000 in this game.


                thanks for confirming that. looks like blade have opened up the live a bit more then. Might be tempted to get this one at the weekend


                  Spent an hour with this, top break of 24 so far, cracking game, AI is quite unforgiving at times.

                  Really enjoyable relaxing game


                    Am I missing something, when you play a Pool Championship you have to play a 8-ball Championship first, you don't get the option to choose which type of pool you wish to play.

                    Tried to get an online game bit earlier, no-one about, in fact, looking at the ranking's only 30 people have played online.

                    Just waiting for my first frame win now


                      Found my first REAL annoyance.

                      You can't be playing two championships at a time. After my first win in my snooker championship, I decided I'd start a Pool championship as an aside. Nope, if I do that I lose my saved game in the snooker championship. I believe the snooker championship is set to "realistic" length...meaning it'll be a while before I can play the Pool ones. VERY annoying.

                      After I won my first frame I began to relax and enjoy the game, break building etc, got my +50 break achievement and got a total frame score of 104. Satisfying though hard, sums this game up. I get the feeling it could be one of those games that is hard to get online, I can't imagine this having the audience of say Lost Planet or Gears...

                      Took me 4 entire matches before I won a frame though, hopefully I can get back into winning in the next match, but I think I may well get trounced 5-0 again in the next round.

                      For winning 5-1 in the first match though I got a whopping ONE POINT to add to my skills...not much of a reward.
                      Last edited by Jebus; 13-01-2007, 10:38.


                        The "one championship at a time" saving policy is a bit pants yes, could at least have one snooker and one pool one on the go - actually I've seen the option to create a new player in one of the menu's prehaps you could use this as a workaround ? (have multiple player and multiple championships on the go)

                        Set my Snooker Championship to short one frame per round, miss a ball though and your as good as out of the tournament.


                          Crikey, so many issues with such a simple game.

                          Think I'll give it a miss or wait until it's cheap (but 2008 may be out by then ).

                          May get this on the PSP though.


                            Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
                            The "one championship at a time" saving policy is a bit pants yes, could at least have one snooker and one pool one on the go - actually I've seen the option to create a new player in one of the menu's prehaps you could use this as a workaround ? (have multiple player and multiple championships on the go)

                            Set my Snooker Championship to short one frame per round, miss a ball though and your as good as out of the tournament.
                            I think if you create a new player it overwrites your old one, because I did that by mistake when starting my championship.

                            Saw you pop online last night, would have invited you to a game but I was just about to log off in truth!

                            Think I'll change mine to medium or short as well actually, it's taking forever to get rounds done.


                              This game seems quite buggy. Here's one I just encountered, which forced a reset: I tried to find an online game. Every time, it kept saying 'connecting to opponent', then followed by 'session has ended'.

                              After quitting the online mode, I started a vs. match against the CPU. At this point, it told me that my 'connection against my opponent has been lost', with no way of exiting the screen


                                Anyone else having trouble with the cue position thingamajig? Sometimes it's fine, but then other times the cue ball ends up nowhere near where the zone was (with no other balls hit). Particularly annoying when I tried to roll up behind (in front of) the black, and the position thing said I'd hit it, but the cue ball barely moved. -7 points!

