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World Championship Snooker 2007 (360)

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    I think that cue thing is if the shot is played perfectly. I think if you end up cannoning another ball, that initial cue area is null and void, thats the only thing I could think of anyway.

    But regarding your particular prob, yeah that happened to me as well, tried rolling up to the green and it said it'd make it, but it didn't, they forced continue and I could get out of the snooker I'd fouled and left myself in...gave away loads of points and lost the frame.


      I assume that if you upgrade your player statistics fully then the guides will become more accurate, otherwise I can't see any use for these stat points. Fully upgrading your player would take hundreds of wins!

      Really enjoying this game now, starting to realise that the 147 achievement isn't impossible, break building just takes patience.

      Still, haven't gotten close to winning any tournaments yet. Setting the game length to short is risky because one mistake can cost you a whole match.


        I had a good 60 minutes on this last night, I'm still very poor at it though, but really enjoying it, seeing the AI get a break of 113 was a kick in the balls though, I'm still to get the "break of 25" achievement, again, no joy trying to get a online game last night.

        Going to start a thread in online gaming for this, will edit link in here once donw.


          Up for a game or three tonight - just to test the waters before starting a championship in the online folder


            Thread created, was going to leave a NTSC-uk championship for say a week, need some more people to buy this (and I need plenty of time to practice).


              Loving this game so far. I have mentally blocked out the graphical glitch on the balls.

              So far my highest break is 48, but I still can't win more than one qualifying match. The AI in the second round qualifiers seems to be a lot tougher on you and punishes mistakes. I made one bad break off and didnt get another shot

              I will be up for some online matches and will add my details to the thread. I am not online with any regularity, its basically whenever my wife is at work.


                Originally posted by Hulk Davidson View Post
                I assume that if you upgrade your player statistics fully then the guides will become more accurate, otherwise I can't see any use for these stat points. Fully upgrading your player would take hundreds of wins!
                Yeah, sounds right.

                I absolutely love this game when everything goes right. Just spent 15 minutes racking up a break of 89, which I'm well impressed with. Never scored anything like that on any of these games before, and I've got the cue position guide to thank greatly. Awesome addition to the game, and really makes it worth buying if you've got an earlier edition. Really disappointed I ended up poorly on the black on 89, so close to the century achievement!


                  Really enjoying this now actually...can get to the third match in competitions quite easily and end up playing a name I know, a seed...SO close to snatching a frame against Mark Williams but I cocked ONE shot up.

                  The first frame against him was wierd though, I hit a reasonable break shot and he fouled (5) so I forced retake and he cleared up!! 137 from one shot AFTER he fouled!

                  I can beat the first two rounds pretty easily now, I hit the SWEETEST ever red, black and opened the pack up and I was sure I'd hit a 100, maybe even a 147 but I ****ed a shot up and it was off!!


                    anyone else had this lock up on them? had it happen twice now - can hear the drive spin down and then the game locks ... happened when I was heading towards my first century break as well ft:


                      It locked up on me a couple of times too actually. I hope a patch is on the way to sort out the niggles because this has potential to be such a great game.


                        ok now convinced picking this up might not have it for a few days but add me to ur lists henrik larsson


                          Had a brief go on this tonight when I got home from work, I was playing a blinder. Broke my high break twice, firstly with an 85. I was on for a 147 but lost position and had to take a green which left me a long red and I missed it. Then I scored a 95, the easy clearance was there for the taking but the green rattled the jaws.

                          I feel a century is close.


                            Made my first century just now, a total clearance of 123. It was really satisfying.


                              Well done, I got breaks of 43 & 48 in the same frame last night, won my first frame and first match also, not played this nearly enough since launch, last night was first time it felt things were really fitting into place. Bloody middle pockets though, a real sod to cut into most of the time. Another game which improves the more (time) you put into it.


                                Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
                                Well done, I got breaks of 43 & 48 in the same frame last night, won my first frame and first match also, not played this nearly enough since launch, last night was first time it felt things were really fitting into place. Bloody middle pockets though, a real sod to cut into most of the time. Another game which improves the more (time) you put into it.

                                It took me a while to realise that using the right shoulder button is the key to potting, it lets you check the angle out much better. Middle pockets are still hard though.

