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World Championship Snooker 2007 (360)

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    I find also pressing Y (overhead view) helps alot with corner pocket shots, but middle pocket shots are bit of a lottery.

    Some of John Virgo's commentary is dire and really grates, it's not a game of speed and he starts coming out with sarcastic comments if you spend more than 15 seconds on a shot, twat


      Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
      I find also pressing Y (overhead view) helps alot with corner pocket shots, but middle pocket shots are bit of a lottery.

      Some of John Virgo's commentary is dire and really grates, it's not a game of speed and he starts coming out with sarcastic comments if you spend more than 15 seconds on a shot, twat

      Edit: double post, sorry.


        Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
        I find also pressing Y (overhead view) helps alot with corner pocket shots, but middle pocket shots are bit of a lottery.

        Some of John Virgo's commentary is dire and really grates, it's not a game of speed and he starts coming out with sarcastic comments if you spend more than 15 seconds on a shot, twat

        Its shocking commentary, although when virgo says "safe" it makes me laugh. I played Steve Davis in one match and I half expected him to be in the commentary box at the same time.


          Virgo's commentary is AWFUL, just terrible.

          I use the Y overhead view almost for every shot, not tried the right shoulder button, not the block button right, the shoulder button?


            Originally posted by Jebus View Post
            Virgo's commentary is AWFUL, just terrible.

            I use the Y overhead view almost for every shot, not tried the right shoulder button, not the block button right, the shoulder button?

            Yeah the right shoulder button, you can use it to focus on a ball and see if it will pot. Its usefull for finding any potential plants in a pack of reds. When you focus on a ball you can swing the camera around it to view from any direction.

            When you are lining up a pot you can view the angle from the pocket and tell if the ball is going to go in. The arrow is much much smaller but its enough to tell if its going in or not.

            One thing I noticed last night was that when you have a shot to win a match you can't use the right shoulder button to check the angles, there is no arrow there lke on any other shot. Its done to reflect the tension and pressure in a match, Really nice touch.

            I am currently 1-1 against Shaun murphy in the qf of the uk championship. I should be 2-0 up but I made a stupid choice of shot and went for a difficult plant, he cleared up after that. He is going down tonight when I get home.


              This worth buying then?

              I can forgive average graphics if the physics are ok so whats the final verdict guys as I have a urge for impulse buy? Is the pool side anygood as well (and if anyone has played the virtual pool series on PC how does this stack up)?



                It's a great game with some gamebreaking problems. The snooker is fine and dandy but the pool is where the problems come in.

                Because you have to nominate ball/pocket, there is a big red marker around the ball you nomiate throughout the shot, BUT guess what colour the cue-aid is? Guess? RED. Oh and guess what, that doesn't change when you are playing on a RED table.

                So, the RED ball nomination marker, the RED table and the RED cue-aid conspire to mean that some shots are literally hit and hope. Mainly shots where the ball is near the pocket, because you can't see the cue-aid over the ball nomination marker.

                Also, there are NO rule variations in the 8 ball, so if for example you and your mates in real life DON'T play the "you must play down the table" rule behind the line with a free ball, you'll foul every time.

                Not to mention that due to the terrible graphical glitches, the in pool it's pretty ****ing difficult to tell what's a spot and a stripe until you've got going.

                It IS fun, the pool I mean but it's riddled with graphical errors that make it ten times harder than it needs to be.

                Regarding snooker and the rest, if you don't mind a game that doesn't forgive one single error even on the very first match, you'll get on with it. I find this game to be one of the most frustrating games ever. Thinking I've left a ball safe only for Mr No-Name to clear up and get over 100. Yet when you think you're on for a nice break, you'll miss a shot you were 100% certain was in, again, they clear up.

                Good game, 6/10 for me maybe 7/10 if the online weren't full of cheaters and it didn't load so much, click championship -> LOAD just to get the to menu for what type you want to do.


                  Double post!



                    Id already gone owt and picked it up by time so its too late now hehe Im probably better off forking out for wan....I mean bank shot billiards if I want Pool I guess so I dont mind putting up with just the Snooker aspect. I know its full of glitches but graphics probs never really worry me. Will get to go on it tommorow so might be about after that for some non cheating meetups!


                      No no you misunderstand, it's not that it has poor graphics, it's that they clash terribly and make certain shots (and you'll find out don't worry) nearly impossible to get right or perfect.

                      Most of it would have been negated by adding a simple "cue-assist colour" option...

                      Forgot to add, I really don't like that "trick shot" mode isn't unlocked at the start, I STILL haven't unlocked it, don't even know how to...I'm assuming you have to win titles etc, which I can't see happening, this game is just too insanely hard. Even after the 10/20 (maybe more) hours I've put into it, my character is still only about 20/25 skill points in. The best I have is a 5 on potting.


                        What do you use the points and money you get for competing in matches? I've got a promo copy and they don't come with instructions.


                          They both equate to your rank. If you check your rank you will see how much money and points you've got, basically it defines your ranking.


                            thanks mate


                              Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                              Also, there are NO rule variations in the 8 ball, so if for example you and your mates in real life DON'T play the "you must play down the table" rule behind the line with a free ball, you'll foul every time.
                              I'm certain these rules don't apply to the AI. I've been penalised loads for forgetting that rule, but could only watch helplessly as the AI did the exact same thing that I'd kept trying and ending with no foul. Maybe there was some subtle difference. Shrug.

                              I just potted the 9-ball from the break in Pool Championship mode and didn't get the achievement for it. Ugh.


                                Ouch, did you complete the frame/match ? prehaps it unlocks then ?

                                Tough game, I have 110 gamerscore points from it, and it's been uphill all the way, never got past third round of any snooker/pool championship

