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Crackdown (360)

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    You can get the long jump in the SUV by driving out tunnel #2, you need level 4 and do a little hop at the end of the jump.


      Originally posted by Eight Rooks View Post
      Okay, if anyone finds Alleys of the Den in the least bit entertaining, exciting or generally fun - you're out of your goddamned minds. That's probably going to be the reason I never get all the achievements, never mind the orbs; none of the cars are suited for the degree of precision it requires. You're being asked to make all of those twitchy little slalom sequences perfectly, and messing up one means you're pretty much screwed. Day or night, roads and pavements are jammed, and the bollards across the road are pretty much the final little bouquet garni of outright ****ing meanness.

      Oh, and you're all lying about having done it, by the way. It's easier on my sanity to believe that than accept you can all memorise those turns dead on and I can't.
      Compared to all of the other races, rooftop races included, this race was defo made more difficult. It`s like the bloke that was incharge sorting the races on the Crackdown team went for his dinner and he let the work experience kid do it and he set it at 1:40 instead of 2:40.

      However, it is very do-able and you shouldn`t be attempting this race in any other car than the Agency Supercar. If I can give one tip it is don`t rush. I know that sounds daft when there is so little time, but in the tight alley sections make sure you get through without hitting too many obsticles and really go for it on the straights.

      You can do it Agent!


        Totally agree Nembot, Alleys of the Den took me a while but it was close enough to know that it COULD be done it was just a question of patience! Gotta love this game though.
        Motorstorm arrived and it has kept me well away from that. Loving it. Got 6 orbs to go but I don't think I will ever find them


          Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
          You can get the long jump in the SUV by driving out tunnel #2, you need level 4 and do a little hop at the end of the jump.
          Cheers, taken care of that one now. Managed to max out shooting too, just got driving to go now before I reach Master Agent. Still got to do shot-put & I'm finding the observatory globe one a real pain, more often than not it just ends up in the bloody water!


            How do you get the globe?


              Most straightforward description I can give is:

              Shoot straight out of the Volk agency tunnel and over the rock, you'll end up on a path which goes around the back of a refinery. Follow the road all the way around (under a bridge with Volk on it - just keep going). The road will bend round to the left and run alongside an elevated flyover which will be on your right.

              On your left hand side somewhere along this path will be a set of gates. Go through there and you'll end up in the Observatory car park where it's sitting on top of a pedestal.

              Have fun - I became quite attached to that oversized football


                The globe is in the north area of Volk, behind the mines boss. When you blow the explosives holding the thing up you can carry it about. It's quite a tricky one because you have to carry it along way back to the main town, plus when you throw it the enemies usually dodge out of the way.
                I found that when I died the globe stayed in the same place, which was useful.

                Or: What he said.


                  Cheers chaps.

                  I saw a video on youtube of someone chucking it about. It looks a right laugh!


                    Again, I literally don't understand how anyone can use the supercar for Alleys; it doesn't fit through the bollards at 4 stars and I'm not saying you can't get it over them anyway, but if you mess it up you're instantly screwed and that's simply unacceptable to me. (Let's not even get into it being generally too big to comfortably do all those turns.) Any racing game, or racing section in a game that relies on pixel-perfect maneuvering and where one slip means you've lost needs to provide some way of instantly tapping a button to send you straight back to the starting line to try again. End of story, IMO. If I can't do that my blood pressure instantly skyrockets, because it never feels like it's my fault, regardless of whether it is or not. You have to do the race perfectly - I'm really not sure some of you understand how perfectly . That's not "perfectly doable". That's "yeah, I suppose I could manage it, if I was willing to spend several hours trying over and over and over again, and grumbling and swearing my way through walking back to the start every time I ****ed it up".

                    2:00 would have been a decent time to pass it, maybe 1:55 or even 1:50. I just tried it all the way to the end and got 1:59. But there's no way in hell I can shave 19 seconds off that without risking a heart attack.

                    Driving's fun, no argument there. I probably will try again. But I'm not going to kill myself over it, and I do firmly believe it's a poorly thought out part of the game which pales in comparison to the foot races. 8/10 sounds more and more accurate to me.


                      I have to disagree 100% with you there mate, For me it was nowhere near as hard as you are making it out to be.

                      I must have had a maximum of 5 tries, trying the SUV and Supercar and managed it eventually. You must just be rubbish.


                        Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
                        You can get the long jump in the SUV by driving out tunnel #2, you need level 4 and do a little hop at the end of the jump.
                        You can get the forward and backward flip ones too, as well as both barrell rolls by using this technique. It sure is a heck of a lot easier when you're level 4 driving!


                          Could be. Rubbish at driving, at least. Still, I know I tend far more towards the "You make it easy enough to pass it, and then they can replay it as much as they want to do better" school of thought than most of this forum. I passed all the foot races first time, could see straight away how I could have done them better, saw the top leaderboard times and even though I knew I'd never beat those couldn't help feeling I'd like to try. Nothing in my way, or if there was it was my own fault for not seeing it. Nothing I needed to do to one hundred and ten percent of my ability just to pass the basic qualifying time. Easy to understand how the controls worked. Nothing to make me play counter to the way I normally would.

                          Driving is sometimes murderously tight, there's random hazards all over the place, the handling's not that great (I mean, come on, the handbrake on the supercar practically turns it on the spot ), I'd normally try and avoid hitting things (because even in the supercar at 4* collisions still slow you down and can even throw you off the road) but the races force you to...

                          ...and I think ultimately it's the fact that outside the races it's nigh-on pointless. Running is nearly or even just as fast when you're leveled up, you're doing it all the time and the races are just a way of showing off how good you've become at something the game encourages you to do normally. Driving is coercing you back into doing something you'd rarely do out of choice and doing it in a way that makes it as difficult and frustrating as possible.

                          Eh, I should shut up. Like I said, driving is certainly fun, and doable, and if you can get the achievements, kudos to you. I'm not trying to insult anyone for sticking with it. But rubbish or not I do seriously believe you can make a very good argument driving simply isn't as well done as it could have been, and one of the more significant reasons why the game isn't perfect. I've never agreed with this idea that if you can learn how to do something, then it must automatically be good and all the people who can't/won't learn how are just whiners (see also: GunValkyrie).

                          Or you could just be a lying Scotsman.


                            Hmm well I cant argue with that, you do make avery good point about driving not being as good and kinda forced on you as I never really use it as a method for completing the game. But then again I've spent hours and hours just driving around, doing stunts, trying to make bigger and bigger jumps, trying to get the SUV up on top of obscure buildings.

                            So driving inthe traditional sense isn't as good as the rest of the game, but the inclusion of the Agency cars and just playing the game in the sandbox nature its meant to be played is hella fun!

                            But I still disagree with you saying its so hard and frustrating, I gelled with the driving very quickly in this game and find it so much better than in other games of this nature aka GTA.

                            Each to their own though I guess. Thinking about it, I dont really know what else they could do to make driving better in the game, its spot on IMHO now.


                              I think that the handling could of done with being tweaked a little, it can be a little twitchy and haphazard. I think they should of improved the way that you leveled up in vehicles in some way or another , as I found the fully leveled SUV to be one of the most fun things in the game to play with, and it came woefully late on; after I'd done alot of the Gang Killing.


                                Alley on the Den race I did like this!

                                Get your supercar and drop it over the other side of the bollards
                                Find a sportscar which resembles a porcsche
                                Race to supercar, complete race.

                                It's rock hard but thats how I did it

