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Forza 2

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    ?? Any idea why?


      Very good question. The only reason I can come up with is that the top two or three hundred times in Free Run mode were set in the big souped-up 1960s american cars like the Barracuda which were suspiciously fast. I tried one of those cars and it was impossible to control even with all the aids turned on. Think the Supra on the Maple Valley TT and multiply the badness by 100.

      Even so, the TTs are different, they were all in the same car, and so nobody could have had an unfair advantage.

      I am extremely annoyed, as some of my times on the TTs (along with a few of my friends) were within the top two or three hundred on the board.

      Plus, all the time invested now just seems wasted with no physical evidence to see. I know it sounds stupid, but it feels almost like I lost all my saves on a Final Fantasy game.


        Anybody know where the best place to get this cheap is now as I want to give it another chance? Preferably the collector's edition.


          Great game, still got ages to go, play it on and off, kinda in between games because I cant hack racing loads :/. My biggest gripe is when you hit the stacked tires on the side of the track (I know I shouldnt be there but..) and no matter what direction your car is facing it nearly always spins you round so your facing the other way :|


            Is there any arcade racing in this, or is it all simulation?

            I love arcade racers, but I found no fun at all in Gran Turismo. Not interested at all in tuning the car, and always play with the chase camera.

            There's a second hand copy of this in a shop near me quite cheaply. Would I be wasting my money?


              It's certainly more Gran Turismo than PGR. I ignored all the tuning options and still had fun with it. You can turn on driving assists which will make it more arcadey. I'm more of an arcade racer fan myself and would take Ridge Racer or PGR over Forza.


                There's an arcade mode and a career mode. The arcade mode is just racing, no tuning. There's also some online time trials on fixed cars too (although you can tweak suspension settings on some of them). If you found GT too sim, then u might not get anything from Forza - in comparison to forza, GT is arcadey. However, if you think you can handle feathering the accelerator and brake rather than just jamming them on full, you might find it fun in the arcade mode. There are various chase cams.


                  Thanks for those opinions. I don't think I can handle feathering the controls. The accelerator I have to have on all the time, and I hate using the brakes in racing games. Do the driving aids include and automatic breaking aid, like Le Mans did a few years back?


                    Taking into account you dislike feathering controls and breaking I'd go for PGR3 or 4, both of which are considerably more arcadey than Forza 2 and, in my opinion, consequently much more fun.


                      I've got and like PGR3.

                      Sounds like I should give this a miss then. Will think about 4



                        but you do still have to use the break in PGR, flatout is the racer if you want to muller round a track plowing thru everything and everyone.


                          Yes, but I can still enjoy games when I can hit walls or go off the track with only a loss of some speed. Forza seems like you start off learning the ropes and gradually work up to winning races, whereas I want instant success.

                          I can live with breaking, but not games where breaking wrongly at a corner completely scuppers your chances.


                            Still got an Xbox? How about Rallisport Challenge 2? There's almost no braking in that. Just full throttle everywhere.


                              If you want to avoid bad stuff such as slowing down then how about Burnout?

                              It's pure arcade and from memory, not only did it not have a brake button at all but it actually had twelve accelerator buttons*!!!

                              TRUE STORY!!!

                              *That's actually a complete lie but there wasn't really a lot of breaking involved.


                                Could try the new Sega Rally too. That requires scant use of the breaks (least if the demo is anything to go by) and it's possible to bounce off the walls with little loss of speed.

