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    Has anyone noticed that this is also an advert for Colin's R4, the new rally car he designed.

    Couple of photos from last weekend:

    Last edited by charlesr; 29-06-2007, 09:15.


      That car looks


        spoiler tells you how it's unlocked in the game

        complete career mode

        It's a neat little car


          I have been using it quite a lot recently, am doing the Global Rally championship in it. It was a little off putting at first seeing as its right hand drive (use the 2nd cockpit view)

          2 achievements left to get, and then I can play online properly


            Finally brought the game and wow.

            First let me explain if you will. Since a child I always associated the Arcade as the technical benchmark of graphics. I would walk into an aracde and see a game like Scud Race with mountains in the background, in car views and astonishing sound. The Arcade always shocked me stepping into there as a kid and very few games have given me that sense of wonder since in pure shock of the new.

            Colin Mcrae has done it.

            It looks astonishing, sounds so angry and is brillant to play. This is the polar opposite of Richard Burns Rally and cool with it. This is what the series needed, a fresh look and lick of paint to get it feeling as inovative as the first game felt to play. Also it's really good for SD 4:3 users as it's full screen, so many Developers forget how many 4:3 TV's are out there and it's great to see a 360 game in full screen!

            Everyone, buy this game!


              Originally posted by Wools View Post
              This is what the series needed, a fresh look and lick of paint
              And for that reason it's the first in the series I've liked. I hated the demo but love this full game

              It's well addictive online! Keep having one more racer... then another... and another lol. The constant position change and racer status bar on the left hand side makes it well tense.

              Everyone, buy this game!
              Converted one of my mates to buy it and he loves it. But my other mates are stubborn and won't even look at the case.


                I'm now a fair old way into this game. I'm really enjoying the experience.

                First of all, I know it's been said 100 times, but BLOODY HELL it looks AMAZING!

                I'm not normally one to bother with replays, but on this game I love to do the "In the car" view for the replay. Awesome.

                Next, I'm an arcade racer. I didn't like anything other the rally races on Gran Turismo 3, and Forza is not my cup of tea.

                I need to be able to have a blast for a few hours and feel like I have made some good progress. (I have really enjoyed PGR3 and Ridge previously)

                This game is perfect for Arcade fans. The handling model is very rewarding and just what I like with fun games:

                1.) You can stop on a dime
                2.) You can kick the back end out
                3.) You need to slow down "A bit" for the turns

                If you are after that type of high speed, high adrenaline arcade racer, then DIRT is for you.

                I love the rally races, I love the hill climbs, I love the cross and I love the buggies! It feels such a complete experience, and that's just career!

                Online is a wasted oppertunity, for the SP experience, and the price, I think this is a great game.

                So far (60% of Teir 2 done, about 8 hours play) I am really enjoying it.

                Choose one of the rally stages, blast it on your wall with a good projector, and have a large amount of fun!

                Top stuff, and if you go in knowing that this is a screen candy arcade racer, then you will be a happy customer.

                Hoping for Forza 2 of the Rally world? Look elsewhere.


                  I brought the game Friday after work, and completed all of career on Amateur on Sunday Evening.

                  The most enjoyable and addictive racing game I've played since the original Gran Turismo. The six or so disclipines did not dilute the game, it made it more varied and the stages are spactacular to drive on.

                  More inovative and fresh than I expected and more fun than any Colin Mcrae or Sega Rally.

                  Brilliant, just brilliant.

                  Oh and the only bad points are some difficulty spikes with the overcross sections and I have not found any possible way to save replays. Considering their quality, it's supprising that no such feature was implemented.


                    Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
                    ...for the SP experience, and the price, I think this is a great game.

                    So far (60% of Teir 2 done, about 8 hours play) I am really enjoying it.
                    Agree about the Single player, you can really zone out and get your teeth into it.

                    Do you mean you're 60% through teir 2 with 8 hours on the clock?

                    It took me a shade over 7 hours to complete the entire championship on Ametaur. What difficulty are you on?


                      Originally posted by Wools View Post
                      Agree about the Single player, you can really zone out and get your teeth into it.

                      Do you mean you're 60% through teir 2 with 8 hours on the clock?

                      It took me a shade over 7 hours to complete the entire championship on Ametaur. What difficulty are you on?
                      :-) I may be off with that. But I have played each level on 3 difficulty levels, using the lower levels as "Warmups" rather than just going straight in for the highest level.

                      I have also played quite a few of the tracks even more times, because some of them (Like the UK dirt cross track) are just so damn fun!

                      I guess I have had 3 proper sessions, and I think at least 2 hours each.

                      Is there a way to check?


                        I think you can see how long you've been playing under the Stats screen somewhere, though believe it's for all modes combined not just Career


                          Originally posted by FatGit_UK View Post
                          I think you can see how long you've been playing under the Stats screen somewhere, though believe it's for all modes combined not just Career
                          Even this is not accurate as any restarts in Career mode are not counted in terms of time and distance travelled. Having spent an hour re-trying (and loving) the UK Rally in Tier 2 on the hardest difficulty, I came away with a win but only 7 minutes played and 10 miles travelled. Makes getting the 1000 mile achievement even more ridiculous!

                          Incidentally, I'm about 8 hours in and have just finished Tier 2 (all at the highest difficulty) so time to complete the game may well vary. Bit annoying that there are no higher difficulty achievements.

                          - Oscar


                            This finally arrived from yesterday, I'd been putting off getting it as I don't really have enough time for it, but at ?25 it would have been rude not to!

                            Anyway, only spent around an hour messing about so far, as it's been said many times, it's a very nice looking game. Quite enjoying the handling too, very arcadey... I have to say my favourite race so far was the very first one with the big Chevvy truck, in fact my other half (who just can't grasp the controls in driving games!) wants to play it as it looks so much fun (if she makes it around one lap with all four wheels still intact I'll be very suprised!)

                            I've been playing on the middle difficulty level which is fine for me at the moment, except for the 4WD races when I'm sat in a Fiat Punto. It's probably a psychological thing, but I keep crashing it... Maybe switching to the 307 will help matters


                              Originally posted by Hungrystu View Post
                              I've been playing on the middle difficulty level which is fine for me at the moment, except for the 4WD races when I'm sat in a Fiat Punto. It's probably a psychological thing, but I keep crashing it...
                              Isn't the Fiat Punto the FWD races? Anyway there is something wrong with the handing. The front end is so light, it feels like they told the engine out of the front and stuck in the boot.


                                Got it yesterday and have been playing the career mode on Amateur. Is it just me or are the controls somewhat ropey compared to the earlier versions on the PS2.

                                The controls on the previous games felt natural and progressive with each particular stage you raced on be it snow, gravel, tarmac reacting in a way that you felt it ought to

                                But the controls in Dirt are either way overly sensitive having me careering into trees and off the track or not turning at all. You push the analogue for a micro second too long and the car spins out or becomes a mini game in itself to try and straighten the car out pushing left and right or tap it and you don't turn enough. Theres no in-between.
                                Where you used to be able to power slide round corners while feathering the throttle, now its just turn and hope for the best.

                                It's just not how i remember colin mcrae games. I'm only on the 2nd tier so it may change but at this moment i'm thinking of getting rid in the hope that the PS3 version may be a little more ironed out

                                What does anyone else think?

