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Ninja Gaiden 2

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    ok this is the single most frustrating game i have ever to the skeleton of its attacks wiped me out at over 3/4 health with no chance to reduce the damage taking....i swear if i come across the designers of this game i will ripp off there heads as pay back for the frustration they have caused me

    it has attacks that do loads of damage and take ages for it to do on you and your helpless as you know that attack will kill you and all you can do is watch
    Last edited by eastyy; 18-06-2008, 11:02.


      Just encountered the game breaking chapter 10 glitch. Crap : (


        My over a the week in one post:

        I finally got stuck into this on Monday and it's great to be back with Ninja Gaiden! I love how brutal this game is compared to Ninja Gaiden Black and the path of destruction you leave is insane! I don't want to feel like I'm button mashing, but the move list is a bit overwhelming. I conquered Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden Black so it shouldn't be a problem.

        I wasn't going to bother with the single weapon Achievements, but I feel compelled to only use my Dragon Sword on my Warrior play through. It will be difficult to resist the dual Katanas.

        The flaming archers are annoying with their constant arrow spamming, especially when you get caught and they time their shots so you keep getting knocked down and take loads of damage. Cheap.

        I'm loving it now I don't feel like I'm button mashing as much. I'll never remember all the moves and have set ones I use because of this, which is a shame because they all give different results in combat. I don't remember having so many problems remembering Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden Black's moves though.

        You can't beat wiping out a room of Ninjas who are armed with talons and dual Katanas and then looking back at the destruction: heads, bodies, limbs, and blood all over the place. I'm not into violence, but I love how over the top this game is.


          I tried playing it on warrior but i got fed up of the ninja dogs, so i bung it on acolyte. The ninja dogs are one of the worst enemies ive come across in a game. Overall Im starting to find it a bit on the meh side. I hope it improves though as i enjoyed the original.

          Did anyone watch that awful pimpamentary on the marketplace, its awful. Seeing Itagaki in not-so-quite HD almost made me throw up my lunch.
          Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 19-06-2008, 17:29.


            Originally posted by El Leone View Post
            Just encountered the game breaking chapter 10 glitch. Crap : (
            Can you elaborate on this? I'm just starting chapter 10 and I'd like to avoid this if possible.


              Sounds like a horrible glitch!
              It's in the room with the acid and worms after the big worm boss, if you die in there and retry after killing the enemies in that area, an invisible wall pops up and stops you from going any further.
              Basically you have to restart from beginning if you have used auto save. Not nice at all!


                Ok, finished this today, great game! I liked it more so than the first, so much action it gets relentless!

                The last boss almost killed it for me, what a cnunt.


                  I echo the above poster. Also finished today on warrior level. Tried mentor and got an absolute kicking. Think I shall have a recess to save my sanity first!


                    Some cool combo videos beginning to crop up on YouTube:



                      Originally posted by Mephistopheles View Post
                      Some cool combo videos beginning to crop up on YouTube:

                      That first one played like a 3d Killer Instinct


                        Shame that nearly all the hits are from UTs though. I got the 100 hit combo achievement from just doing UTs constantly but I can also get pretty close to 100 hits with the faster weapons like the claws or tonfas.

                        What you really need for some sick-ass combos is the proper nunchaku or Vigoorian Flail from the first game. Those were


                          Those Imps at the start of Chapter 3 are annoying!


                            Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
                            Sounds like a horrible glitch!
                            It's in the room with the acid and worms after the big worm boss, if you die in there and retry after killing the enemies in that area, an invisible wall pops up and stops you from going any further.
                            Basically you have to restart from beginning if you have used auto save. Not nice at all!
                            Going to leave it a few months. Dont get me wrong, I'd love to replay through NG2.....but not untill I have actually completed it! I'm kind of hoping that they'll make a patch, but considering that all of Temcos employees are sueing the company.....theres really no chance.


                              After finishing Metal Gear I have come back to this and I just wish it would end. Up to chapter 12 and its just getting boring. The camera is horrible on narrow areas, always seem be point the wrong direction, with all the projectile enemies I'm getting thrown all over the place


                                Finally got into this yesterday and just finished at end of Chapter 5. Theirs a few things what bugged the hell out of us at first one being the camera angle is bad compared to 1 I detest that it doesnt follow around the corner or at least switch angles now and their is some utterly horrific slowdown in places especially if you charge on abit more and get more mobs spawning (seems to be when theirs flame projectiles on top you can get it to go to a crawl on level 1 if you run quick and vault across the swing bits).

                                Other thing I detest is the stupid ninja dogs, cheapest enemy in existence. I got to em on level 2 and binned it last week. Im just glad Ive only come across em 3 times in 5 levels in tiny areas now and with the claws their a doddle to mince but again the camera angle makes them a real bad enemy to hit.

                                Some of the projectile enemies give you no option but to get smacked and lose health because you cant even counter it which seems odd compared to how well balanced one was.

                                Well thats the negatives out of the way the rest of it Im adoring it more than 1/Sigma. Gorgeous fighting and totally fell in love with the game when I got the talons, camera I just spam rtrigger constantly to get it to keep up and so far the mobs havent irritated me once yet (and Id got irritated on Sigma by now with some of them cant stand those stupid zombies in Sigma). The game seems to have started to get tougher with the mobs on level 5 so I cant make em into mush as easily as the impy things earlier on.

                                I think if it had got some polish it would be a classic. I understand with all the going on at the company why its in the state its in (Ive had a few complete freezes also) and by looks of how thats going it wont get patched either.

                                I could quite happily fight in a room with mobs all day long though as the combat is lovely, bosses Ive found pee easy so far compared to Sigma, but Im glad to get them out of the way anyway I always think they get in the way of the actual action.

