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Gears of War 2

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    Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
    Now that i'm back online, i entered my code which i recieved in my limited edition.I got all the maps but i can't see my gold lancer on multiplayer anywhere, does it only apply to human characters, i have the maps though... I've got the gold hammerburst that ezee kindly gave me. :/

    Am i missing something?
    You need to put in a different code for the lancer, should be underneath the code for the maps.


      Oh, lol. I only scraped away one code.


        Also you will need to flick through your guns on the multi menu screen to select it each time.


          ...Or go to multiplayer options and make it your default gun.


            Those gold guns are bloody horrible, look out of place in the Gears universe and those wielding them in many of the lobbies I've played in have been the target for many an amusing dig. They just look silly to me.


              Completed this the other night and I have to say for the most part I thoroughly enjoyed it. Whilst some of the script was pure trash I thought the story overall was ok, and after hearing

              Adam Fenix (from the locust computer and the voiceover at the end of the credits)

              I'm intrigued to find out what that is all about. Think I will probably start a fresh tonight on hardcore and see if I can get any more of those achievements. Played a bit of horde (albeit on my own) and it's absolutely superb, I can see why this is the top multiplayer mode, reminds me of terrorist hunt in the Rainbow Six Vegas games.


                does anyone else get this popping - static like noise while playing multiplayer? this is the only game i've played on the 360 that does this,and it's really starting to bug me.


                  Finally found time to finish it last night. Enjoyed it on the whole, but I thought

                  the last level was utter pish, especially the last boss.

                  Nice eye candy though but very little substance.


                    close to finish Act 4 and still can't join the hype. it's solid and always fun but levels like the castle in Act 4 for example lack some inspiration in artistry and level design. story is also pretty much forgettable. i'd rank the campaign close behind Gears 1 so far.


                      finished. and i am very disappointed with the co-op campaign. mainly because of the inconsistent difficulty -- the boss fights (if one dares to call them like this) especially spring to my mind -- poor storytelling and unnecessarily distracting vehicle and flights sections. an 8/10 for me due to the still intact and very enjoyable core cover & shoot gameplay.


                        Originally posted by Uli View Post
                        finished. and i am very disappointed with the co-op campaign. mainly because of the inconsistent difficulty -- the boss fights (if one dares to call them like this) especially spring to my mind -- poor storytelling and unnecessarily distracting vehicle and flights sections. an 8/10 for me due to the still intact and very enjoyable core cover & shoot gameplay.
                        That's a fair summary. Not played co-op yet, but the bosses are out of place, the storytelling poor, and the vehicle bits on the whole poor; though I liked the end PD bit.

                        I'd give it 8/10. The multiplayer is good once you get used to the cheap chainsaw. If it's like Gears1 and I play it online for 18 months, I still think 8/10 is a fair score.
                        Last edited by Matt; 01-12-2008, 15:52.


                          The campaign is a 9/10 for me (co-op and single) but the multiplayer is a 7/10 (would be a 6 but have to add an extra point for Horde mode) so yeah overall an 8/10 is actually fair. If Epic fix the gameplay issues in multiplayer then it is easily a 9 or even 10 but who knows when that fix will come.


                            I quite like that vehicle bit

                            in the snow. I also enjoyed the jaunt through the caves - when the flashlights lit up the big muthas, I almost shat my pants.

                            Last edited by prinnysquad; 01-12-2008, 17:17.


                              Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                              I quite like that vehicle bit

                              in the snow. I also enjoyed the jaunt through the caves - when the flashlights lit up the big muthas, I almost shat my pants.
                              I felt that vehicle handled "incorrectly". It looked like a nippy vehicle, but was too slow. The aiming didn't seem right either, and Epic know how to do
                              having done a fine job in UT2004 (though the version in UT3 isn't as good imo).

                              I also didn't like that bit when the

                              jumped out in the dark. Graphically nice, but you had to shoot them in a specific sequence, right to left. It's dark so you can't see them all and it's never clear WTF is going on. That took me over 5 attempts just to figure it out, after which of course it's very easy. Not helped by the poor design choice that every time you die (after one hit) and restart it, you have to listen to the "banter" again as the tank falls off the side and the lights go off. OK the first time, funnily enough it didn't hold up on repeat listens. Was a long, non-interactive sequence to listen to, then I got a few seconds of "gameplay" before dying. Maybe I was being daft not realising what I had to do, but from where I was sitting, it was poor design.

                              Looked nice though

                              Ezee, I'd give the campaign a 6/10 and the multiplayer 9/10 - it's not as nerfed as some people thing, it just plays differently and a patch to iron out the issues I've discussed before would make it even better (though still not a 10 imo).


                                TBH I think I just enjoyed the destructive power of the vehicle on the

                                snow section. It was nice annihilating the heavy duty locust footsoldiers with one blast of the turret

