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Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 (Yakuza 3)

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    Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 (Yakuza 3)

    Had a few hours playing this so thought I'd leave some impressions.

    Basic Plot starts out with Kazuma after deciding to turn down being the successor of the Toujou Association, living the quiet life in Okinawa with Haruka and running an orphanage.

    He ends up getting pulled back into the Yakuza underworld as he receives a message telling him that

    Doujima Daigo

    has been shot after refusing to help a mystery man who resembles

    the dead Kazama Shintarou

    take land that Kazumas orphange is built on away from him.

    Basically theres two politicians who are in competition for the land, one wants to develop an holiday resort the other one a U.S military base for Nuclear weapons. Obviously theres big money involved so various Yakuza familys are all after a piece also with
    out of the picture theres a big power struggle involving various Yakuza, so thats the rough plot so far.

    Basic fighting system doesn't seem that different from previous games, I have noticed that they've decided to use the leveling up system again after dropping it in Kenzan didn't realise it was back until a few hours into it so had quite a lot of points to level up with.

    The game starts after you bid your fairwells in Tokyo, Kazuma's now in Okinawa running the orphanage, the area is vastly different from the first 2 games, it's basically a seaside sort of town and has a really relaxed vibe to it. I've just took a back seat from the plot at the minute and doing a bit of exploring, the place is just crammed full of shops and bars including a shopping arcade full of items to buy.

    Been to a bar, had a few games of darts Shenmue style, although this one takes a bit more skill, aim with left stick and throw with the right. Had a few games of pool, won those, Kazuma does some sort of thing wth his hand when he wins no idea what it's meant to be, looks like "wanker".

    Ended up visiting one shop, no idea what it was from the outside, the woman took some cash from me and I ended up in a room with a magazine, quick look through it and there was a song list for what seems like Karaoke but Kazuma uses a tambourine and marraccas as well as singing and clapping, selected a few songs, it plays a bit like parappa, you get rated at the end and theres also a leader board for the best scores. Was getting right into it when a phone rings and your told your times up unless you pay more cash.

    So decided to leave and have a walk round when a man outside an hostess bar beckons you over, seems like he wanted me to be on the lookout for girls to work in his bar, he gave me 10000 Yen and off I went, decided to visit a store and Kazuma approached a women and manged to convince her to work there. Now I'm playing a sort of seedier version of a tamagotchi, I've basically got to tart this women up with hairstyles, makeup, dresses and jewellery by raising cash and buying things for her in the hope of her becoming the number one hostess, shes ranked 28th in the bar at the minute but I'll get her there eventually.

    Upto Chapter 2 at the minute, fought 2 bosses which I unlocked trophies for, did a bit of fishing which sort of plays like get bass and did a bit of litter picking on the beach and thats about it so far, don't really feel like I've even scratched the surface in this as theres loads to do.

    Is it in any language known to man? Or all JP?


      No mate just moonspeak i.e all Japanese


        Is this game going to get a translation? Never played any of the prequels. Do you need to have played the earlier titles to fully appreciate this, like Shenmue?


          It would help, and there definitely worth playing although on the main menu for this there is an option to watch the story analysis of both the previous games to bring you upto speed, so assuming it gets translated they'll keep this in.

          I hope it does see a western release although a few people seem to think this has less chance than the previous games.


            Ah ok so like Shenmue 2 for Xbox than?

            Thats cool, the game does look very interesting. Does it play like Shenmue? Because thats what it looks like and its my fav game of all time.


              Where'd you order the game from Pharfetchd?


                Yakuza 1 and 2 play fairly like Shenmue, and by all accounts Kenzan and 3 aren't that different. The demo was basically 1 & 2 in HD, after all.

                I'm getting 3 and Kenzan in one go; coming via YesAsia's regular shipping so it'll be a few more days. They may be localised at some point but there's been no word of a Western release for Kenzan, let alone 3, so I'm not waiting. The demo was great fun, and I've trial-and-errored my way through quite a few text-heavy imports, so eh. Looking forward to joining in.


                  Originally posted by Paddy View Post
                  Where'd you order the game from Pharfetchd?
                  Got it from this seller, was slightly more expensive because of the magazine and faster shipping but it arrived quickly and was really well packed so can:t fault them.

                  Originally posted by Eight Rooks View Post
                  The demo was great fun, and I've trial-and-errored my way through quite a few text-heavy imports, so eh. Looking forward to joining in.
                  You shouldn't struggle too much, I haven't played any of the games in the series in english yet mainly because I'm too impatient, although I've got the PAL releases of 1+2 which I need to play through at some point.

                  When I was playing through Ryu Ga Gotoku 1+2 and Kenzan there was usually one bit in each game that I got stuck on but ThePatrick on gamefaqs has written some really good guides for these so you can always use them if needed, he's working on one for this as well including translating all the cut scenes.

                  Anyway you should hopefully get yours in time for the first bit of DLC on the 5th March.

                  Credit for the translation goes to ThePatrick over at Gamefaqs

                  MARCH 5TH
                  Normal Items
                  Items Pack 01 - Staminan Royale, Tauliner++, Toughness Emperor, Large Collapsible Hammer, and Manly Sarashi
                  Billiards 2P Versus Mode - You can play nine ball, eight ball, and rotation billiards with another person! The game accommodates two controllers, but you can use just one.
                  Darts 2P Versus Mode - You can play 301, Cricket, and Count-Up darts with another person! The game accommodates two controllers, but you can use just one.
                  Clear Game Items
                  S-Items Pack 01 - Black Jack Amulet, Burst Amulet, and Royal Joker

                  MARCH 12TH
                  Normal Items
                  Items Pack 02
                  Answer x Answer 2P Versus Mode
                  Bowling 2P Versus Mode
                  Clear Game Items
                  S-Items Pack 02

                  MARCH 19TH
                  Normal Items
                  Items Pack 03
                  Golf 2P Versus Mode
                  Clear Game Items
                  S-Items Pack 03
                  Outfit Change: Kiryuu
                  Outfit Change: Rikiya

                  MARCH 26TH
                  Normal Items
                  Items Pack 04
                  Clear Game Items
                  S-Items Pack 05 (sic)
                  Exclusive Game Mode "All-Star Tournament" (sic?)

                  APRIL 2ND
                  Normal Items
                  Items Pack 05
                  Clear Game Items
                  S-Items Pack 05
                  Exclusive Game Mode "All-Star Tournament"

                  APRIL 9TH
                  Normal Items
                  Items Pack 06
                  Clear Game Items
                  S-Items Pack 06
                  Exclusive Game Mode "All-Star Tag Tournament"

                  APRIL 16TH
                  Normal Items
                  Items Pack 07
                  Clear Game Items
                  S-Items Pack 07
                  Exclusive Game Mode "Survival Battle"

                  APRIL 23RD
                  Normal Items
                  Items Pack 08
                  Clear Game Items
                  S-Items Pack 08
                  Outfit Change: Haruka


                    Does not knowing what your saying to the girls in the club//general chats with people in streets not make it hard to progress in the game?
                    I enjoyed the demo, but not knowing what was said sort of took the shine off, as I couldn't feel as immersed as I would have liked.


                      Originally posted by doodledude View Post
                      Does not knowing what your saying to the girls in the club//general chats with people in streets not make it hard to progress in the game?
                      I enjoyed the demo, but not knowing what was said sort of took the shine off, as I couldn't feel as immersed as I would have liked.
                      Not really, you usually end up remembering stuff through trial and error which is the case with a lot of importing, I've completed the other 3 with no real issues and always enjoyed playing through them despite the language barrier.

                      I've also edited the map into english for the main area of Ryukyu which is where you spend the early part of the game, I think it's fairly accurate although I had trouble understanding the Kanji so ran those bits through an online translator. There are one or two places like the Pawn shop and Fish Market where I had trouble with the shop name so just put what they were also the blank spaces are for places that aren't revealed immediately, it helps me find my way around so thought I'd share it as others might find it useful.

                      EDIT: some far better translated maps here
                      Last edited by Phar; 12-03-2009, 09:49.


                        Unlocked the golf game earlier, so now I can go to the country club whenever I like for a round or two, the controls are a bit confusing after playing everybodys golf as you have to hold the button down then release when you have enough power, but it's a good laugh.

                        After that I decided to get into the main story instead of pissing about, just arrived back in Tokyo's Kamuro District and gave Hasebe and his boys a good kicking inside the Stardust Club.

                        Also nice to see they've added the revelation system in this which was introduced in Kenzan, in that you saw animals doing certain things, like a flying squirrel jump from a tree, you then drew it down in a QTE event and learn't a new move, this one works similar but instead of drawing you use your phone to take a picture of something happening.

                        First one I learnt involved

                        a woman on a scooter getting distracted by a poster of a male model, she slams into the back of a car and somersaults over it,

                        you have to use your phone to snap the pictures in a QTE event, if you do it you learn a move inspired by it, once you learn it Kazuma posts it on

                        his blog


                        So far it pretty much plays like the previous games, not a massive leap forward although there are more distractions to keep you occupied, graphically from what I've seen it's slightly better than Kenzan which was basically an upscaled PS2 game for the most part, some fairly poor textures in places and it looks a little blurry, although the detail on the characters is fantastic.

                        Also to say it has a 6GB mandatory installation there are still loading screens when leaving shops and areas, slightly disappointing they didn't sort that out.

                        Still despite the minor flaws the best part, i.e the fighting is still as brutal as ever, never gets old kicking people through shop windows and smashing them over the head with furniture.


                          Lol, just been playing a scene where you have to chase Kanda through an Hotel.

                          He's hiding in one of the rooms so you have to kick doors down to find him, but you keep on busting in on people at it, or women walking around wearing just a towel

                          , the fight against him is probably the best one so far, pure class.


                            Thursday and Friday off this week for me. Perhaps I'll be lucky! Still got to head into town to pay the customs charges, though, more than likely. Thanks for the impressions, all the same.

                            I'm enough of a fanboy I'm pleased Kenzan and this are basically more of the same, yet at the same time I can't help but think it hurts their chances of localisation, let alone success over here should they be released. Japanese developers still aren't really getting to grips with next-gen. Six gigs of install is fairly poor if it still frequently drops to a loading screen.


                              Originally posted by Eight Rooks View Post
                              Japanese developers still aren't really getting to grips with next-gen. Six gigs of install is fairly poor if it still frequently drops to a loading screen.
                              Some of the textures make you wonder if even anyone in Japan has an HDTV, I'm sure it looks fine on SDTV but Kazuma's Hawaiian Shirt looks really poor, especially as he is the main character it's hard not to notice, and yes for a 6GB install I'd expect everything to be seamless from the fighting to entering and leaving buildings, especially when other devs have acheived it in more complex gameworlds like GTA4.

                              Have you already got Kenzan or are you getting it at the same time as this, think I remember you saying you were buying them both at the same time. If you are start up Kenzan first and make a save file as Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 reads it and unlocks an extra item, Ukiyo's Bell.

