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Ryu Ga Gotoku 3 (Yakuza 3)

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    Got mine on Saturday and started playing last night. Glad to see you can restart the game levelled up. So far i've spent 3 hours or so on it and I'm just starting chapter 3, really enjoying so far. It's ridiculously good lookin too. The UFO catcher music is amazing!

    Phatfetched did you find the game was harder or easier than previous games as regards to fighting and such? I remember a few battles stressing me out in Yakuza 2.


      A bit easier tbh, I probably died about 3 times, didn't lose to any bosses, although I did play it on normal and always carried plenty of items to boost health, fights certainly weren't as frustrating as some in the previous games anyway.


        my order is getting placed this week, i cant wait I had to go out and buy a ps2 this week cos i bought 1+2 (never played em before) got totally hooked on 1 then it crashed on my ps3


          Boxcelius is amazing. Sega should release is separately on PSN for a couple of quid.


            I didn't really get it. Sometimes I would shoot for not even half of a second anf it woudl move onto the next round and others it would take like 5 seconds. Is there a specific point your supposed to hit? Was thinking maybe you had to just separate the structures in half or something?


              Originally posted by Kaladron View Post
              Boxcelius is amazing. Sega should release is separately on PSN for a couple of quid.
              It's not bad, only played it briefly but they could definately get away with charging for it and having an online leader board, shame they didn't include the ability to upload scores in this.

              Jamesy I think your just given a set amount of time before each ship dissapears and you just get bonus points and some extra time depending on how much of it you destroy, at least I think thats how it works, only played it about twice, was too busy playing baseball and golf.

              Has anyone played the Virtua Fighter type game in this where the other character looks like Dural, I've seen it on the preview videos but never actually got to play it in game, just wondering how you unlock it or is that going to be DLC.


                Originally posted by Kaladron View Post
                Boxcelius is amazing. Sega should release is separately on PSN for a couple of quid.
                That the shooter in the Club Sega Arcade? Also, you enjoying the game lad? More of the same from playing the demo but not too bad as first 2 were highly enjoyable.

                Light a cigarette and then do a heat action. You'll like the results!


                  Originally posted by jamesy View Post
                  I didn't really get it. Sometimes I would shoot for not even half of a second anf it woudl move onto the next round and others it would take like 5 seconds. Is there a specific point your supposed to hit? Was thinking maybe you had to just separate the structures in half or something?
                  There's a weak spot in the middle of the ships. Ordinarily you have to remove bits of its shell to get at the weak point but if your timing's really good you can hit the spot from above just as the ship is swooping into place. Hence the time-attack element.


                    What am I supposed to do and where am I supposed to go on chapter3? Did a load of sub missions then decided to carry on with the story but no idea where to go.


                      What was the last bit in regards to the story part of the game you did before getting stuck, didn't really pay too much attention to what chapters I was on while playing


                        I just got the chance to be a hostess scout for the first time but I think that may have been side story. I guess the last thing that happened was a news broadcast then when the game came back there was some children tryin to wrestle on the beach. Awful description I know.


                          Right, i'm fairly certain you have to find one of the kids, theres a couple of bits like this, i'm sure it's the part where one of thems been getting bullied, so try searching every room of the house or go to the M Store near the coin lockers in Okinawa.

                          I did notice in this game that whenever theres a part with no idication of where to go it was usually just a case of wandering around till you spot someone you recognise, then just go over and speak to them.


                            OK cheers for the help. I'll give that a go later.


                              Can anyone tell me what you're meant to do after beating the second boss? I'm just wondering around aimlessly at the moment.


                                Rikiya's the second boss? this fella

                                If I remember correctly, I either went back to the orphanage and spoke to everybody there, or I wandered around for a bit, did a few activities then got a phone call telling me to visit the local Yakuza boss Nakahara, who is at location No. 2 in blue on this map.

