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Crysis 2 [PC/PS3/Xbox 360]

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    How does the gfx of the MP beta 360 compare to the SP 360 game?


      Originally posted by charlesr View Post
      How does the gfx of the MP beta 360 compare to the SP 360 game?
      To my eyes the graphics are sharper in SP mode over MP, but the framerate and pop in are about the same. There are lots of little touches in SP mode, such as paper and debris floating about the streets in SP that I haven't seen in MP before.

      Worth pointing out that explosions and reflections are superb!


        Originally posted by charlesr View Post
        How does the gfx of the MP beta 360 compare to the SP 360 game?
        I have played both, and in my opinion the SP game is certainly better looking, especially in terms of lighting and vegetation effects. The downside is the frame rate seems to dip a bit.

        For my money the 360 SP game looks better than Killzone 3, but take that with a pinch of salt as I am not finished with either.

        The main difference is that the game PLAYS differently to standard FPS's. I can imagine the open world Crysis 1/ FC2 fans are dissapointed that it's not open "Enough" but for your standard console shooter you won't have had as many tactical choices since Operation Flashpoint.

        I like the fact the game aims between the two exteremes. It makes the player feel empowered in his choice of route (Even the first hour you will make choices about going around, over or under through sewers) whilst not overwelming the player with a 100 hour open world sandbox with no idea where to do.

        I guess this is what you might call semi-casual gameplay and I hope it sells by the lorry load.


          Originally posted by englishbob View Post
          Weapons managemnet is FPS standard, and a bit clumsy. I picked up a rocket launcher, only to press Y to cycle my weapons and then completely lose the launcher. It wasn't on the ground, or back where I picked it up, so a complete level checkpoint reload was required.
          Heavy weapons are assigned to Right on the D-Pad.

          Did you try that before you restarted?


            Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
            Heavy weapons are assigned to Right on the D-Pad.

            Did you try that before you restarted?

            I found out that the hard way too!


              Crysis 2 has the best console graphics around. But its at the cost of resolution and performance. A Killzone 3 SP runs at 720p native, and at a very solid framerate too.

              Crysis 2 basically always dips below 25fps in shootouts. On 360 it dips even lower during those events. The framerate is borderline unacceptable, but the game is getting away with it because it looks so good.

              Why these graphics have Killzone and Uncharted beat isn't hard to explain; its because of the scale. UC2 and Killzone are both very linear and the areas are really restricted while Crysis 2 is more sandbox like in its approach. Killzone also has some sort of semi comic style art direction, making the blurred textures and saturation kind of believable. Crysis 2 looks more like real life.

              Crysis 2 is probably my FPS of the year. And its because I am actually exploring areas again, searching for the safest way out and approaching set pieces from a different angle each time. And its quite a big game. The same old and tiring CoD approach really needs to die.


                Originally posted by saturn-gamer View Post
                Crysis 2 has the best console graphics around. But its at the cost of resolution and performance. A Killzone 3 SP runs at 720p native, and at a very solid framerate too.

                Crysis 2 basically always dips below 25fps in shootouts. On 360 it dips even lower during those events. The framerate is borderline unacceptable, but the game is getting away with it because it looks so good.

                Why these graphics have Killzone and Uncharted beat isn't hard to explain; its because of the scale. UC2 and Killzone are both very linear and the areas are really restricted while Crysis 2 is more sandbox like in its approach. Killzone also has some sort of semi comic style art direction, making the blurred textures and saturation kind of believable. Crysis 2 looks more like real life.

                Crysis 2 is probably my FPS of the year. And its because I am actually exploring areas again, searching for the safest way out and approaching set pieces from a different angle each time. And its quite a big game. The same old and tiring CoD approach really needs to die.
                Really well put, and I agree 100%. What it boils down too isn't really graphics, but gameplay. It's like someone has shown that a traditional FPS doesn't HAVE to been restrictive. We aren't talking Just Cause 2 here, we are still on the traditional "Movie experience" FPS but being allowed to use my brain again is almost a revoloution.

                Even in the first 2 hours there is a huge variety of tactics available and multiple paths.

                I'm on PC so I'm not dipping below 30fps, but my short period on 360 told me that it is exactly the same game, and despite the dips in FPS, console gamers have got one hell of a good deal for 6 year old hardware.

                I do love new hardware, but the fact of the matter is that this optimization for console means that in DX9 mode the game runs very well indeed on mid range hardware. The 1% of PC gamers with SLI configurations are upset, but with CryEngine 3 and Unreal 3 (Bulletstrom) looking so damn good on mid range PC's it's never been a better time to be a gamer.* (Graphics whore)

                Last edited by capcom_suicide; 25-03-2011, 13:52.


                  For me it's one of the first I have played on console in a long time where I feel like a ninja, going under sewer, jumping up sneaking up on guys, stabbed then flee.
                  Liking the tactical options


                    When you get the silenced pistol + laser sight, it's SO much fun! Because silenced weapons don't knock you out of stealth (but drain 10% of your energy gauge instead), you can literally play a pure stealth / headshot game, and go through entire levels being completely undetected.


                      Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
                      When you get the silenced pistol + laser sight, it's SO much fun! Because silenced weapons don't knock you out of stealth (but drain 10% of your energy gauge instead), you can literally play a pure stealth / headshot game, and go through entire levels being completely undetected.
                      Dont forget that silencer works for some other guns too.


                        But they aren't as fun as the pistol


                          Originally posted by Silvergun X View Post
                          But they aren't as fun as the pistol
                          That will teach me for trying to advise the best skilled gamer on the forum.

                          I wonder if we can get a sniper shotgun, I know a guy who loves them.


                            Can't you fit some ridiculous scope on a shotgun on this or does it limit it to reflex sight?

                            I want a sniper scope on my shotgun goddamnit.

                            Also, hardly best skilled gamer


                              Crysis 2 just keeps getting better.

                              With the sun coming out and my PS3 doing overtime the air jet fan is on all the time on my old fat PS3 bless her.


                                Played about an hour so far, its decent stuff, though I find the framerate annoying, its annoying as everyone I know was getting it on 360 so I went for that too for the MP, but i'd really rather be playing the single player on pc.

