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Crysis 2 [PC/PS3/Xbox 360]

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    Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
    Anyone else getting HL2 vibes?

    @JP you far in? It looks amazing later on.

    No offense but it looks as good as the camera you shot it on!

    I imagine though it looks amazing in the flesh. * jealous*


      So envious of you guys playing this! Its probably more than worth the wait until i get my new graphics card next week.


        Oh My! How good i this?

        Playing on 360, had my first proper graphics jawdrop since Heavy Rain. Amazing scenes!

        Also, am really enjoying how it plays, it's actually far more sandboxy than I was expecting. Like the way you can approach each little combat event differently. I'm going mostly for stealth, You feel properly powerful


          Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
          I take it you havent played that very far into this yet then?
          I'm not sure how far very far is.

          As I mentioned, I've not really played the first game hence using the descriptive I believe as it's merely what seems to be the consensus from what I've read as a comparison of the two games.

          Although to be fair, the freedom in any all open world game is limited by static tasks rather than being truly freeform. In each location you do get to choose how you deal with each task but you're still on a very structured path in the game as a whole.
          Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
          ...I have hardly used stealth at all becuase the armour mode is so awesome and I am not finding my options limited in the slightest...
          I agree, I don't find it limiting at all.
          Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
          @JP you far in? It looks amazing later on.
          I'm not sure exactly which area/level I'm in but it's quite a way past that river bit. I think it generally all looks amazing, at least what I've seen so far but if it improves again later on I can't wait to get further in.


            Loving this, but I've had 2 full on lockup so far and a few glitchy bits


              I've mainly been playing mp which I've settled on as not quite being up to scratch. The engine doesn't run as solid as the sp which can hamper things and the maps are all over the place quality wise. The sp seems rock solid in comparison with some lush lighting. The setting can get a bit much due to how common it is used in games but there's usually something around the corner to snag you back. Visually it doesn't take the title for best looking console game but when the fact it's a multiplatform title crosses your mind it definately impresses


                I've had a few issues:
                SP - AI is good for most of the time but gets stuck in loops occasionally. My first proper encounter with the aliens was a let down as they were either stuck on the geography or ran right through me like I wasn't there. In this set piece I had a sound FX looping and general weirdness that cleared on the next load.

                Techically on 360 the game is outstanding. I've never seen a game so impressive that offers this kind of freedom before. But it has issues; it isn't perfect. The framerate does take a hit, especially during checkpoint saves. The AI is for the most part fine, but sometimes it is just stupid - if an enemy is in patrol after you and you silently snipe them in the back, missing the headshot, then they continue in their tracks without any reaction.

                MP - the whole of multiplayer seems less polished than single player. The grahics aren't as good, fine, but the controls aren't as responsive either. Might be a lower framerate, I'm not sure. Really struggled in MP, coming dead last in every game I tried. I'm getting maybe one kill for every 10 deaths; it feels different to single player. Could be too used to BFBC2 but something feels off.

                But **** me, this game is amazing. GOTY material.


                  Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                  I've mainly been playing mp which I've settled on as not quite being up to scratch. The engine doesn't run as solid as the sp which can hamper things and the maps are all over the place quality wise. The sp seems rock solid in comparison with some lush lighting. The setting can get a bit much due to how common it is used in games but there's usually something around the corner to snag you back. Visually it doesn't take the title for best looking console game but when the fact it's a multiplatform title crosses your mind it definately impresses
                  what version are you playing?

                  The ps3 version MP is pretty much identical in speed & framerate, but the textures take a bit of a hit


                    The enemy AI is deffinitley the one negative thing about this, somtimes they just stand still while you shoot them, though thats only if they are not jogging on the spot or seemingly trying to stratch their bum at the time, becuase if you fire upon them when they are doing those things they just carry on and ignore you untill they die, which I imagine must be quite a shock for them.

                    Somehow it never seems to effect the game though, probabaly becuase youre suppose to be so much better than the enemies anyway so you just dont care. Plus its still quite challenging on the harder difficulties anyway. Im playing on hard (veteran) and while its not super difficult or anything you do have to use your suit to its full potential to survive, which is good as thats what the game is about really.
                    Last edited by rmoxon; 26-03-2011, 23:43.


                      I'm on the PS3 version, it's kind of like PeteJ said, it's hard to pin down what's different in the mp but it doesn't feel as solid to play as the sp. Nothing that totally breaks the experience but it means there are still better multiplayer fps's. I'm getting the distinct vibe that as a sp fps this is going to prove to be the best in years. Not GOTY but that's largely due to stuff coming out later in the year that would have to mess up to not beat this out


                        Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                        I'm on the PS3 version, it's kind of like PeteJ said, it's hard to pin down what's different in the mp but it doesn't feel as solid to play as the sp. Nothing that totally breaks the experience but it means there are still better multiplayer fps's. I'm getting the distinct vibe that as a sp fps this is going to prove to be the best in years. Not GOTY but that's largely due to stuff coming out later in the year that would have to mess up to not beat this out
                        I must admit I dont really get multiplayer first person shooters, its just loads of people running stright at eacvh other and shooting and whoever is better at aiming for the head wins, but then will ultimatley end up getting shot in the back afterwards. I dont find it fun, I dont think theres a challenge and theres as much luck as skill involved. I dont see the point.

                        From what I have played of the mp on this its a perfect example of all the above, perhapse alot more so than alot of games so its certainly nothing special.

                        The single player is increadable though, I dont see how it cant be game of the year really, I just dont see anything topping it.


                          Originally posted by rmoxon View Post

                          The single player is increadable though, I dont see how it cant be game of the year really, I just dont see anything topping it.
                          There's a lot out this year in the genre.

                          BF3 and, of course, the Duke.


                            I think the maps in the mp don't help due to the quality variation. There's a car park map which is cool and next you'll get the lighthouse map which is awful and fails to utilise the abilities.

                            The Goty thing is certainly subjective so I can see how this will top many peoples lists. For me it's not as good as UC2 or ME2 for example so I expect their sequels to beat this. However, strictly FPS wise there seems to be little competition to it sp mode wise


                              I know there are still many exciting looking games to come out this year, but A.I. issues asside this one is nearly perfect, and it's hard to top perfection. Though yeah, I'm sure naughty dog will be giving it a shot.


                                Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                                Loving this, but I've had 2 full on lockup so far and a few glitchy bits
                                Not had issues on PC, but I wonder if the consoles needed just a but more polish, for these crash/ai/frame dips. Fingers crossed you will get an update. The PC crowd is up in arms that the game is playable on low end hardware. I say screw them, Crytek has shown that consoles can do amazing things and that PC optmization can get the most out of hardware. I have paid for 360 and PC and hope my small show of support is echoed by the masses and this game makes them a tone of money.

                                The PC still gets the better version and console gamers get something beyond my wildest imagination. I hope other games use Cryengine3 as for me this shows the 360 has a few years of life to give.

