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Crysis 2 [PC/PS3/Xbox 360]

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    I had it crash on a particular section straight after a checkpoint, so i had to restart. Takes me back to my PC gaming days, when games weren't tested properly because they could just patch it. I know people think that is the way things are going again, but its not something id expect from EA considering their usual amount of polish.
    The PC community is a bunch of hypocrites, well I suppose the majority of the Internet is.
    When the first game came everyone bitched that it was unoptimised (despite no game out there coming close graphically due to the sheer amount of crazy tech it was using and the scale of the game) and whilst they were bitching they simultaneously getting all smug about how the inferior consoles couldn't ever run it.

    They bring out a new version and now they are complaining that it isn't pushing their PCs. It makes you wonder if it was pushing them more if we'd have them complaining it was unoptimised instead.
    They should just play it and enjoy!
    Last edited by EvilBoris; 27-03-2011, 14:36.


      I love the idea of a hardcore PC nut ranting that PC gaming and then arguing against low end systems being able to run stuff like this. Coz limiting your audience does wonders for the market, lol

      The thing is as well, the top end version isn't exactly 'next gen' so it's not worth them getting worked up over

      Had one glitch were my characters gun vanished, a quick reload fixed it. I've been trying to stealth it with mixed results as the mechanics a bit broken. Good fun though.


        Am I missing something? I've got this on Xbox and, although it is rather nice to look at, I don't feel like I'm enjoying it particularly. It just seems to be another "go here, shoot this" FPS when I was hoping for, and had been led to believe it was, something a bit more open and organic in terms of it's firefights.

        I've played for about 3 hours

        just blowing up fuel dumps for Gould

        and am finding it so-so.

        There are some nice effects dotted around but the frame rate dips and LOD pop-in go some way to spoil this engine evangelising Crytek have been doing.


          I would agree Teddy, I'm playing it and going through it but it doesn't seem anything great, maybe its because i've played the first two games already and this doesn't seem anything new, just the same as before in a new setting, actually I preferred the originals setting.

          Still its a decent enough game.


            Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
            Am I missing something? I've got this on Xbox and, although it is rather nice to look at, I don't feel like I'm enjoying it particularly. It just seems to be another "go here, shoot this" FPS when I was hoping for, and had been led to believe it was, something a bit more open and organic in terms of it's firefights.

            I've played for about 3 hours

            just blowing up fuel dumps for Gould

            and am finding it so-so.

            There are some nice effects dotted around but the frame rate dips and LOD pop-in go some way to spoil this engine evangelising Crytek have been doing.
            Originally posted by mikewl View Post
            I would agree Teddy, I'm playing it and going through it but it doesn't seem anything great, maybe its because i've played the first two games already and this doesn't seem anything new, just the same as before in a new setting, actually I preferred the originals setting.

            Still its a decent enough game.
            I think its a massive improvment over the first game, there are more options as far as combat goes, the levels are more varied and its much more spectacular, its constantly throwing some kind of amazing set peice at you (which the first game didnt do too often).

            Everything about the game is leaps and bounds ahead of most of its competion, even things at the most basic level, such as the way the guns feel to use, its all just done so much better than in any other FPS Ive played probabaly since Half-Life 2, which was about 7 years ago, and thats a long time really.


              Originally posted by 'Press Start To Begin' View Post
              No offense but it looks as good as the camera you shot it on!

              I imagine though it looks amazing in the flesh. * jealous*

              None taken.

              Perhaps these are clearer?


              I had to compress them heavily from 6mb to 800k so the visuals look a bit rough, but gives an idea of the PC version, hopefully better than the projector shot!

              (Images might take a little while to load)


                Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
                None taken.

                Perhaps these are clearer?


                I had to compress them heavily from 6mb to 800k so the visuals look a bit rough, but gives an idea of the PC version, hopefully better than the projector shot!

                (Images might take a little while to load)
                By the beard of Zeus!!!! On a projector as well!! True FPS bliss.

                Not that I want to take away from those Crysis 2 shots but I can only imagine what Battle Field 3 will look like on your set up.
                Last edited by 'Press Start'; 27-03-2011, 18:25.


                  This game is getting better and better. In the first few chapters I had a hard time actually seeing my enemies and the performance struggled on the console. But its been rather solid after the 5th chapter or so. Mainly because those areas aren't that filled with lighting effects.

                  Its sometimes not clear what to do, but I see that as a plus. There is no big sign with 'RPG launcher here!' so you can take out the heli. The pacing, the exploration... even though its less apparent than Crysis 1 it beats the CoD's, Killzones and Homefronts to hell. I prefer this setting over the Korean grasslands too.


                    I think I get what it is with the mp mode now, it's the framerate. I don't think it's wildly different from the sp mode however in the campaign you're free to take things at your own pace so it's not apparent. In the mp however it's constantly frantic and it feels like it's playing to the engines weaknesses. More open maps that mirror the areas of the campaign might have been better, would have worked better for the stealth mode too instead of it being spammed up close all the time.


                      I've enjoyed the game so far but am getting a bit tired with how slow I seem to be progressing through the game. Plus, the aliens are very annoying considering how fast they are.


                        The aliens are a definate weak point, they're pretty dumb but then again aliens are always weak in these kind of games. All finished now and it's one of the best sp fps's in years. There's some mechanics issues but nothing too bad.


                          Despite being glitched to buggery and with comedy AI (PS3 version) this offers a terrific, atmospheric and challenging sp campaign. Luvin it.

                          MP is utter ****e, though. COD with modest superpowers thrown in. Re-spawned yesterday inside some level furniture - a desk and computer terminal. Couldn't move. Decided to try to get out by dropping a grenade on the desk and activating shield to protect myself to blow myself free. Which worked. Ridiculous.


                            The Aliens can jump and have a higher stamina, but they aren't as smart and don't really work together. Human's posed a bigger threat imo, they have the nasty habit to crossfire you. But the AI needs to be fixed, they do run into eachother, get stuck.. etc.

                            At the final part, I managed

                            To power kick a Car in the face of the final Predator enemy who didn't see me.


                              Making good progress in my limited gaming time. Single player is slightly generic but still fun. Haven't actually bothered with multiplayer yet. I never did with Warhead.

                              Some high res PC screenies I took with FRAPS:

                              I still don't think it is anything special lookwise.


                                Double posted.
                                Last edited by Mr Ono; 30-03-2011, 20:18.

