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Pilot Wings Resort (3DS)

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    Cheers. I'm pretty sure I've got that one.


      Just got all the stunt rings on Free flight mode, got about 7 locations left too. Today is the day i fell in love with Pilotwings on the 3DS.


        I got the last location this evening. It was a real nasty one because, well,

        it wasn't marking anything. Just out in the middle of nowhere.

        Missing a plane balloon and I can't find it anywhere. What chance do I stand of location it?


          Not much it would seem if it's the one I'm looking for! You find it, then tell me where it was!


            8 hours with this game and I am still having problems getting 18 stars on Gold to unlock platinum, never mind all this red star crap.

            I am spending too much time on Free Flight with the super duper jet plane, boosting and crashing into things at crazy angles on purpose. I love the speed of that thing , playing on Evening setting.....beautiful thrilling! I only just realised what those stunt rings are there for and how to "get" them......I guess the turbo jet isnt the best plane to use to try and collect them!


              The jet's good for covering more ground to collect more of them, but obviously the faster you're going, the harder it is to collect each one.


                have just unlocked gold missions and the stunt rings in free flight.
                i love this game yet am fairly rubbish at it. main problem is the time limits with the hang glider. I miss them by MILES!!

                have to have the slider in different places for different vehicles too...full for glider, 2 thirds for planes and about a quarter for the rocket belt as it really mangles my brain trying to loand on the targets with it set higher.


                  Finally got the last balloon! i ended up coming to the conclusion it must be something obvious, then near the end of my flight I saw it in the little village, down one of the streets!

                  Still got 5 golden hoops and 7 Mii box's to get though...


                    Loving this.

                    Found all the locations now, was on 74 for a while then just spotted the last one in the middle of the golf course bit, so obvious, quite funny how I'd missed it. Got all the rings and baloons for planes and hangglider. Just the Jet Pack to finish off with.

                    I got a message saying I had a castle built for me. Had a fly over but you can't do anything at it. How do you get the skydiving some people have mentioned? I didn't even know it was in the game!


                      Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                      Loving this.

                      Found all the locations now, was on 74 for a while then just spotted the last one in the middle of the golf course bit, so obvious, quite funny how I'd missed it. Got all the rings and baloons for planes and hangglider. Just the Jet Pack to finish off with.

                      I got a message saying I had a castle built for me. Had a fly over but you can't do anything at it. How do you get the skydiving some people have mentioned? I didn't even know it was in the game!
                      The sky diving is just for one mission. Are you not doing the missions? you cant miss it if you are doing them


                        I surely am. Almost finished three starring the gold ones, just two to do. Is it in Platinum then?

                        Also, just one mission!!!? Ragin.


                          Got my last the middle of nowhere...crafty just need a couple of balloons now.

                          Really enjoying the hang glider mode, going through the gold rings and trying to get the balloons in the cave!!


                            The more I play this, the more I enjoy it. Just found the last Mii trophy. Still have the gold rings and loads of balloons to find, as well as having not 3-starred a bunch of missions. I do really find myself wishing there were a couple more areas though, whole different regions with secrets to find.


                              Yeah it's a pity that they've made such a half hearted effort with this. I do really enjoy it but if they'd fleshed it out a bit more the game would have been something really special. Even just one other area would have made it much more interesting.

                              At first I thought the free flight mode was just a tacked on extra but I'm enjoying it even more than the missions now. The exploration and trying to find things is really enjoyable, hence the wish for more areas to explore.


                                As far as accuracy goes, where is the sweet spot to land the plane in the water? I keep getting a couple of points short of perfect no matter where I land

